Title: Can't Hurt Me
Fandoms: Heroes and X-Men
Pairings: hint of Peter/Rogue
Rating: G
Warnings/Spoilers: none
Summary: "You can't hurt me."
Notes: Written for
yoruichiyoshi12 at
comment_fic prompt Claire/Rogue - you can't hurt me. Also written for
fivebyfiction prompt Friends.
...Table... ]
“Don’t worry… you can’t hurt me.”
Rogue wanted to ignore the young girl, knowing that she was being stupid and had no clue what she was going to be put through or what it would put Rogue through. She couldn’t however, the young girl’s eyes reminded her of Peter’s which brought down her resolve.
“Don’t blame me when you get hurt,” Rogue whispered before squeezing her eyes shut.
Nearly a minute passed before Rogue felt Claire’s finger tips brush against her face and Rogue’s face contorted in pain as she waited for the pull of her power to start. It did start and as she opened her eyes to look at Claire in shock at the thoughts. She found no hint of pain in the face of Claire Bennet.
“You really can’t feel it?”
Claire grinned at her as laid her whole hand against Rogue’s cheek. “Can’t feel any of the pain you so called told me about. What about you?”
“I got your thoughts and I think your power,” Rogue said thoughtfully, taking off her glove protecting her hand and arms from other people’s skin. The long gash that she had received a week prior in a danger room session was gone. She looked up into Claire’s eyes and smiled. “Thank you.”
Claire pulled her hand away and grinned, “Anytime, Rogue, anytime.”