Criminal Minds/Harry Potter: Reid/Hermione: "Snow Angel"

Dec 16, 2007 23:38

Title: Snow Angel
Fandom: Criminal Minds and Harry Potter
Pairings: Reid/Hermione
Rating: G
Warnings/Spoilers: Future Fic.
Summary: A relaxing day in the snow for Reid and Hermione.
Notes: Written for 25crossovers prompt Angel. Also written for the tv_100 prompt Snow. 
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Hermione laughed as she threw a snow ball at Spencer. He turned around in surprise; he didn’t know his girlfriend would do that. He smirked, causing Hermione to squeal in excitement as he dropped the box he was holding and ran after her. With his training, Spencer easily caught Hermione but ended up falling in the snow instead.

They laughed at each other, as they both brushed off the snow on themselves.

Still smiling, Reid asked, “What now?”

Hermione quieted and thought for a moment before a large grin crossed her face. “Snow angels!”

“Snow angels?” Reid asked, letting out a laugh at the thought.

“Sure… why not?” Hermione shrugged her shoulders before falling backwards and started to work on her snow angel.

Spencer watched Hermione; quite content in watching her make a snow angel. After grueling months of case after case, this was perfect way to relax and rewind. No matter how bad the case might be or how much little sleep he had, Hermione always had a way to bringing him back to life and taking care of him that he admired. Not a lot of people actually took care of him or helped him, and it was nice being taken care of for once.

Morgan’s voice popped in his head: When the heck are you goin’ to ask to marry that girl Reid?

He smirked; come Christmas Eve… Don’t worry Morgan, I’m going to ask, he thought as Hermione pulled him into a kiss quickly losing all thought.


harry potter: hermione, criminal minds, -rated g, harry potter: crossover, criminal minds: reid, criminal minds: crossover, criminal minds: morgan, -2007, harry potter

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