Title: Thanksgiving
Fandoms: Smallville and Supernatural
Pairings: Chloe Sullivan/Sam Winchester
Rating: G
Warnings/Spoilers: Post Supernatural. Post Smallville.
Summary: "I know Thanksgiving is supposed to be about family togetherness, but do we really have to invite your brother?"
Notes: Written for
crossovers50 prompt Thanksgiving. Requested by
pen37. I love this pairing...
...Table... ]
"I know Thanksgiving is supposed to be about family togetherness, but do we really have to invite your brother?"
Sam Winchester laughed as he gathered the research books and put them back on their shelves. “We could uninvite him… however I don’t think that would work.”
“True, knowing him, he’ll come barreling through the door with presents for Maggie and Derek.” Chloe sighed in defeat, “He does know that on Thanksgiving, you don’t hand out gifts right?”
“Yeah, but he would get those two anything, anytime.” Sam stated, giving her a smile which she returned.
“I just hope its not something supernatural… they’re only three, I don’t want them playing with it until they’re older. I still don’t know where they put their food the last time… I just hope it’s not in the ceiling.” Chloe glared up to the ceiling, “I do not want rats…”