Title: Not Wearing It
Fandom: Smallville
Pairings: Chloe/AC
Rating: G
Warnings/Spoilers: Future Fic.
Summary: Chloe buys AC a shirt...
Notes: Written for
ships50 prompt Pink.
...Table... ]
“No way, no how, nope, nada, I am not going to wear that… that thing.” AC stated firmly, grimacing at the object in Chloe’s hands.
Chloe rolled her eyes at his antics. “It’s just a shirt… you wear shirts other times.”
“I’m not wearing that one.”
“It’s pink.”
Chloe stared at him. “So what?”
“It’s pink and that’s a girl color. Dudes do not wear pink.”
“It’s just a color… and there is no girl or guy colors you know. Your being a sexiest,” Chloe stated.
“I don’t care… I’m not wearing that color.”
Chloe rolled her eyes again and sighed deeply. “Fine, then next time YOU do your own clothes shopping.”
AC frowned at the thought, “Why do I have to do it?”
“Why did I have to do it to begin with? And you have to do it because you apparently don’t like what I picked out.”
“I do so like what you picked out… just not the color. Pink is the only color I do not do.” AC stated, “And you did my clothes shopping because I hate shopping and you were going to the store anyway. And you’re my wife.”
“So you want me to keep buying you clothes… even though I’ll probably waste money trying to find something I like to see on you but you don’t?”
“Yes I do want you to keep buying my clothes… just none in pink. Seriously, I will wear anything else you buy.”
Chloe grinned at him. “Oh you are so going to regret saying that.”
AC frowned and gulped.