Title: Colors of the Justice League
Fandom: Smallville
Pairings: Chloe/AC
Rating: G
Warnings/Spoilers: Future Fic.
Summary: Sleep-deprived Chloe.
Notes: Written for
ships50 prompt Green.
...Table... ]
“You know… you guys should just be called the Rainbow Justice League or something.” Chloe stated randomly, as she sipped her coffee.
AC glanced at her as if she lost her mind. “And why do you think that?”
“Ollie wears like all green, Vic wears white/gray, Clark wears blue and red, Bart wears red, John wears blue, and you wear orange and green. Dinah wears black as does Bruce… all you need is someone who wears yellow, purple, pink, and the other colors and you got yourself all the colors.”
AC rolled his eyes. “Remind me never to wake you up early again.”
“Dully noted,” Chloe stated grinning.