Title: While He Sleeps
Fandom: Batman: The Animated Series
Pairings: Bruce/Barbara
Rating: G
Warnings/Spoilers: none?
Summary: Babs watches him sleep.
Notes: Written for
batfic100 prompt morning and written for
100_tales prompt weeks.
...Table... ]
Barbara smiled as Bruce sleep; she loved watching him sleep. There were no fake smiles or frowns. It was also nice to see him relaxed, content, and resting. Ever since she kept staying over night every night (although she hadn’t officially moved in yet), his nightmares were far and in-between weeks sometimes. Barbara liked to believe that it was because she was there with him, that his nightmares went away. She wasn’t sure… maybe he just didn’t get them as much anymore. According to Alfred he usually had them whenever she wasn’t there.
“Good morning Beautiful...” Bruce whispered, waking up.