Title: Alone Time
Fandom: Batman
Pairings: Nightwing/Poison Ivy
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/Spoilers: Suggestiveness.
Summary: Ivy asks Dick about his plans for the day.
Notes: Written for
batfic100 prompt morning and written for
100_tales prompt sun.
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“It’s a beautiful morning,” Ivy whispered, snuggled close against Dick. He glanced out the window and found the sun high up in the sky and he nodded. It was a rather beautiful morning… She grinned as she stared at him. “So what are your plans today, my love?”
Dick let out a laugh. “Same thing everyday, Ivy. Make sure no evil villain takes control of Blüdhaven.”
Poison Ivy seductively moved on top of him. “I know those plans… I was hoping we could have some alone time.”
Dick groaned at the thought. “That would be good.”
Grinning, Ivy kissed him.