Title: Bewitched Me
Fandom: High School Musical
Pairings: Troy/Sharpay, Gabriella/Troy
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: none.
Summary: A good dream turned bad.
Notes: Written for
hsm_100 prompt kiss and written for
100_tales prompt death.
...Table... ]
“I love you,” he whispered, wrapping his arms around her. Sharpay smiled contently as she brought her lips up to meet his.
“SHARPAY!?! What did you do to him?!” Gabriella’s voice shouted angrily. Sharpay stared at her in surprise, and then suddenly Troy pushed her to the ground and ran to Gabriella.
“My love! She bewitched me!” Troy explained, “Thank heavens, you broke the spell!”
Suddenly everyone she knew appeared. They shouted and pointed at her; “DIE WITCH!!”
Sharpay screamed out loud as she awoke. “Oh thank god…” she whispered as she glanced around the room. “… just a nightmare.”