Title: Hot Shower
Fandom: Twilight
Pairings: Leah/Edward
Rating: R
Warnings/Spoilers: AU. Mild Adult Content.
Summary: It was literally a hot shower.
Notes: Written for
twilight100 prompt freedom and written for
twilight20 prompt kiss. First Edward/Leah fanfic! ♥
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The water was scolding hot, but with his cold hard body behind hers, arms wrapped around her waist, she barely even noticed. She moaned loudly as he messaged her breasts as he washed them.
Leah turned around and kissed him quickly, knowing that he knew to grant her silent command. He let out a moan as her thoughts told him exactly what she wanted him to do. And he did everything… even more perfect then last time. He was inside her, in an instant, filling her completely.
The feeling of freedom shot through her whole body as they came together.