Title: Under the Starlight
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel
Pairings: Dawn/Spike, [small] hint of Buffy/Spike
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/Spoilers: Post-Angel S5. Post-BTVS S7. FutureFic. Suggested Adult Content.
Summary: Spike comforts Dawn.
Notes: Written for my 25 Days of Christmas Drabble-a-thon thingy for
brokengem prompt Spike/Dawn - comfort and written for
100_tales prompt stars. First Dawn/Spike fic! :)
...Table... ]
Spike brushed her tears away and tightened his hold on the young woman. He didn’t say anything… what was he going to say? ‘I told you so’? ‘It’s going to be okay’? He hated those sentences - they never made anyone feel better and were so cliché he didn’t want to make her cry more.
Her arms were wrapped around his neck as she hid her face and tears.
When the tears fell less, Dawn shifted her face enough so she could look up at him because despite the years past, she was still shorter then he was. She quickly lifted herself taller by standing on her tippy toes and kissed him with all her strength.
The kiss took him by surprise and he didn’t respond for a second, but his senses came back to him and he was kissing her back. It didn’t matter that they were really good friends, or that he had been in love with her sister, or that what was going to happen was only for comfort.
The only thing that mattered that it was just them - alone, but together - under the starlit sky.