
Jan 28, 2009 10:08

x About Sync the Tempest x

Age: 2 (Appearance 14)
Height: 166 cm
Weight: 58 kg
Gender: Male
Fandom: Tales of the Abyss

Basic Info
One who held title of the God-Generals with mask on his face. Sync also proud of his speed which use advantage for rapid battle style of martial arts and help him evading every attacks from enemies. He also holds the power of leader of Lorelai such as many powerful fonic artes. However, using only bare hands make he become poor in defense especially heavy weapons, he'd rather dodge instread of taken damages.

Taken from post-game where he's still a jerk. More info coming soon..

Credit: Abyssal Chronicle, Wikipedia

x About the mun x

I would like to inform you that I'm not native English. Grammar mistaken, lack of vocabulary happened on me all time. My apologies. And I need to use more f words don't I?

And I really love this Fanfiction, she matched his name with the fabulous meaning.


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