Why Hermione Rocks

Aug 03, 2007 12:42

This was somewhat inspired by a few comments in another thread late last week/earlier this week. Let's face it, Hermione flat-out rocks. She's one of the best fictional heroines to come along in a long time, and here are some of the reasons. Feel free to add your own.

1. She's smart. Scary smart. Like, really, really smart. Did I mention smart?
2. She never downplays her intelligence or plays dumb to get people to like her. If they can't handle her being smart, that's their problem. She only plays dumb when she's trying to trick the bad guys, and how stupid do you have to be if you don't realize that something's fishy if Hermione Granger is acting dumb?
3. Boys like her for being smart. Viktor Krum hung out in the library to be around her, and Ron compliments her brains far more often than he compliments her looks, even though we learned that he sees her as more beautiful than she probably really is. (Okay, so this is a fantasy novel. Still, it's nice to see.)
4. She's actually read Hogwarts: A History, and that's come in handy quite often.
5. She actually pays attention in class, which also comes in handy on more than one occasion.
6. She had the power to travel in time and only used it to get to all her classes and for a crucial life-saving mission instead of abusing the power.
7. She shows compassion for underdogs -- whether or not they want her help and whether or not they see themselves as underdogs.
8. She doesn't let other people's scoffing stop her from trying to right what she sees as wrongs.
9. The other girls thought she was unattractive and wouldn't get a date, but she was the one who went to the Yule Ball with the world-class athlete.
10. She's capable of looking astonishingly pretty when she works at it, but she has better things to do with her time than make her hair look sleek every day.
11. She knows what a guy needs to do to deserve a big kiss. Winning the Quidditch Cup isn't it. Showing compassion for house elves is.
12. She can camp in the wilderness with two other people for months using the contents of her little beaded evening bag.
13. She never loses her little beaded evening bag, not even when she's being captured and tortured.
14. If you try to rat out Hermione or her friends, you could become scarred for life. Also, don't go back on any agreement you sign with her, or else you might need the giant economy size Clearasil.
15. She doesn't cut people slack for bad behavior, not even the guy she likes. Especially not the guy she likes.
16. It takes her seven years to get together with the guy she likes because she's willing to wait for him to grow and mature to the point where he's worthy of her.
17. While waiting for the guy she likes to realize she's a girl and do something about it, instead of sitting around and pining, she dates an internationally famous athlete.
18. She knows when to obey the rules and when to break them -- and when she breaks them, she really breaks them. With style.
19. A double course load won't stop her from taking time to help a friend.
20. She found a way to keep her parents safe and happy even though it meant she was left alone and her parents wouldn't remember her at all if something happened to her.
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