Title: Seventh Year
slantedknittingRating: NC-17 for some graphic wanking
Pairings: Harry/Ron, Hermione/Ron, previous Harry/Ginny, side George/Lee
Prompt: DH missing scene: At Shell Cottage, Ron spends time with Harry at night. During the day, they ignore it.
Summary: Things start getting strange and intimate between Harry and Ron while they’re searching
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Comments 4
And of course best mates wank together! Loved the Seamus and Dean references...never enough Seamus in fic!
Your sequences at the Burrow are wonderfully drawn, and your George nearly steals the show. Harry and George moving to Grimmauld makes perfect sense. Leave it to Hermione, as always, to divine the proper course, and that enables Ron to finally come clean with Harry.
Beautifully done!
Oh, he's such an equal opportunities wanker!
I mean, I used this whole thing as an excuse. Which is also terrible.
Using Voldemort as an excuse to break up with someone really is terrible!
"You're still my best mate. I don't care if you're bent."
"It's fine," Ron sighed, closing his eyes against the blush creeping up his neck. "You're just, um."
"My what?" Harry asked, rubbing his bleary eyes.
"No. You. Are. Um."
Can't Harry hear apostrophes when he's sleepy? Some Chosen One!
"It's okay, really. I could… fancy a wank myself."
"Um… he asked… what… um. He asked what you looked like."
Excellent Seamusing. Always blame Seamus.
"She's dating Fred! Can't you fancy anyone not involved with my family?"
Oh, he's so put upon!
"Why on earth would I tell Hermione? Believe it or not, I don't actually have a death wish!"
"Relax. I was just wondering. I'm not ( ... )
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