yeah, so every time i get it through my head to write somn here, i dont have time to do it. sorry folks
so here's a quick one, early monday morning. comment to read it, i forget how to work the ljcut
-COM 200 i got an 82 on my test that i didnt study for, and i have a paper to write this week about parking cars
-COM 225 i got a 90 on my test that i also didnt study for, and i've missed the last 3 wednesdays in a row
-REL 355 i got a 29/30 on my paper and aced the test, possibly getting over 100%. all by reading the book in one day
-PHL 492. we don't do anythign except talk, which is fun. i have a paper due sometime or other though.
-i have 1777.56 to pay for my very last MSU bill forever (or at least a while)
-sticking to my 25 hour A weeks/ 29 hour B weeks, except i also pick up shifts A weekends usually, to make 29 hours (thats the limit, you know)
-Campus Crusade for Christ bible study, etc. is going well, we have about 10 guys in study this year, 8 of them from last year. we're a strong community, which rules, and the guys are way more mature this year (no thanks to me, i think)
-i got to be emcee at CCC fall retreat last week, it was great. ask me about it, if you care. and an honest answer is like a kiss on the lips
-no martial arts this semester for me, no money and time for that
-no glee club as i had hoped, also no time for that. i likes my video games and books, thank you.
-i pick up about 4 dollars in cans every tues and thurs from the COM building's first floor alone. it's amazing
-making time for off campus guys makes time w/ them better. i see Kyle at work now, and Nick too. Dave visits on saturdays, and i see Gordon about once a week, which makes me happy.
-on campus guys are great too, i'm making good friends with Gordon, Jonah, and Thatcher in our times together, plus other times we find each other. my friend Mike across the hall hung out w/ me this weekend, as did Greg from study abroad. my friend Jason and i find each other in the cafe quite often, while eating, and get to share time w/ that.
-my fellow study leaders are also more mature this year, which really shows me how immature i am. Luke, Luke, Matt, Nick, Alex, Jason, Justin- thanks guys.
-Hozer came to visit a few times, i like that. hey, i coudl visit you once i have a car!
-Cam, my roomate, is pretty cool, and Allister, across the hall with the aformentioned Mike, also is cool.
-yeah its true ive made friends w/ about a billion girls this year, but it's really more like aquaintances.
-but i have some girls that i do really like and so i seek them out to be better friends with. so Ann St. girls- Nikki, Heather, and Kate (to an extent, since Kate and i weren't actually friends before) are great, i had dinner w/ them tonight
-the Cassettes (Case-ettes, get it?) Alyssa, Lia, Catie, and Rachel (though i dont really see much of Rachel) are also really great, i'm glad i get to see them every week
-Lynne and i dont hang out as much now, she doesnt like me any more, which is to be expected, as i'm a lot different than i seem upon first impression (and from COM, we learn that Gestalt said first impressions undermine all future thoughts of a person. i have my qualms about this, but i do understand it)
-Marie and i don't see each other as much as we did this summer, because we're both busy w/ our schedules. it was nice to see her this weekend, and it cleared up some things in our friendship
-spending the whole weekend with Sarah Freudenberg as co-emcee reminded me how cool she is. i gotta remember to get her and jess some oatmeal.
other odds and ends
-kari, i finished the brothers karamasov this summer in london, did i tell you?
-we're studying galatians this year, and its very cool
-ive put on some weight, but im not worried, ill lose it all come the winter/future
-oh right, i graduate in 2 months
-ill then live with joe in berrytree, so hey berrytree people
-ill work in the cafe til i find someplace else on campus to transfer to
-summertime ill go be a camp counselor for 10 weeks up north, i hope
Post Graduation Plans
-write a book
-learn to draw
-learn French at a good reading level, maybe not speaking though
-learn a martial art, maybe aikido- that seems nonviolent
-pursue some girl in a stronger way, as in "a deeper friendship than 'average friends'" ill have the time to do it, but i wont have to take up too much of her time, as she'll still be in school. who is she? i never plan that far ahead.
-pursue some guys in a stronger way, but i'm already started on that.
How many people can i name that i met last weekend?
-Chris the guitar player
-Chris the sound board guy
-Nate Daniels, video guy
-William Kyler Pentecost, interested in Middle East relations, takes Arabic
-Brent, who knows Kyler, and does a good Robot
-Emily Petz, who went to Aquinas college and is a packaging hippie, ran a 21:25 5K.
-Jessica Chelsea, who goes by Chelsea, and likes little children, elem. ed major
-Jay/Jason, Jeena's little brother
-Carl w/ the funny hair and dave crowder look
-Shelton, with cold hands and cool exterior (ok well i met him before that actually)
-Tammy who lost her nametag twice
-Heather who lives w/ Tammy on 6W
-Soup, who lives with Heather and Tammy, named so because her last name is Campbell
-Mark, boyfriend of Mackenzie the irish dancer
How many people can i name that i met before that?
Laura 5W, tap dances and has 5 siblings
Kelly 1E, very extroverted, single, likes lion king
Shannon 6W, who i dont know (that's the joke)
Shannon from somewhere else, who i do know
the Cassettes though met Alyssa last year
Jeffery James, who juggles, lives in akers
Ehren 2W, who looks like Hozer, and you two should meet
Jenn from West Circle, who likes dairy cows and climbed a mountain, and who is cool
Mellisa who i work with and is from West Branch and knows Pigeon because of the Co-op Elevator
Liz like Cheese-Whiz, probably the closest person to being legitimately crazy that i know
Hilary from West Circle, who likes bungee jumping and wants to sky dive, and is a good singer
Alicia who likes jet skiing
Jack and Jill, both mentors, though Jack is actually Jenny,
Sarah, Cameron's girlfriend from back home in Brooklyn, she's cool
Britt, who i work with yet never recognize
Mackenzie who does a mean irish jig
and there's probably more. that's 33 people, not counting classes or hallmates. (and only one girl from work, i could add Dan, Ray, John, Danny, Jen the hippy, and hallmates i didnt list JD, Guiseppi, Chip, Chip, Alex, Ted, Aaaron, Kyle 6W, David and Matt 3W.
so yeah, i know a lot of people. me and my easy to remember nickname- works better than i ever intended.