you know Old Colony? the clearing in the woods in the NW, that kids hang out and drink at? you know how it's called Ora Labora? - today i found out that "Ora et Labora" was the code that Benedictine monks lived by - prayer and work. i thought that was cool.
i saw like 8 bunnies tonight, and an opossum. (or a opossum, cuz the o is silent? cuz the rule is usually a vowel sound, like 'an hour' ... stupid language)
unofficial yooper day was great. the best reaction was when a guy spit out his pop, when he saw the buttflap.
didnt get to see city of god, it was sold out. :(
i didn't meet anybody new at the party we went to, and the ppl there seemed only interested in alcohol. but it was nice to spend time w/ friends ive not hung out w/ in a while.
tomorrow is unoffical yooper day, thanks to my mom and jim. for my birthday they gave me full body red thermal underwear. then grandma gave me a small piece of fake fur to use as chest hair. Amanda (my bro's gf) goes here and suggested i wear it all day, and we'd eat breakfast so she coudl see (as she lives off campus and i don't see her much). i
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in light of the spring break updates, here's mine: it's not necessarily that long, but eh, i'm not sure i really care to write a ton in my lj any more. but writing, yeah, i want to do that still
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When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left
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