Title: The demon and his flower
haru_haru_21 Disclaimer: Big Bang belongs to YG Entertainment; “Hana to Akuma” belongs to OTO Hisamu
Paring: G-TOP
Genre: Angst, Romance, fluff, Immortality, Reincarnation
Summary: A candle can be blown out easily, but to keep it burning, one must stay careful and show care...or in one blow, it can destroyed. Seung Hyun, the demon, encounters upon a small child and decides to raise him; naming him Ji Yong. Their relationship is taken to another level day by day as Seung Hyun’s cruel past awakens. Romance blooms between the two but what happens when Ji Yong and Seung Hyun are much different for acceptance in the society?
A/N: Thank you for all the comments on the last chapter, even though I have tons of work to do, I couldn't help but write this ^^ It's going to be bit confusing from this chapter, I think. There will still be fluff, though :) On that note, this will be in two parts, I will finish the next part soon ^^ Its Valentines Day themed so I have to wait till tomorrow for the "things" to start happening, Enjoy!!
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atenais_pala Chapter three: Feelings
Seung Hyun widened his eyes, had he just exposed his secret to a stranger. Funny thing was that Ji Yong didn’t feel like someone completely new.
“Eh...” Ji Yong said after the long minute of silence.
“Um...go to bed! Yong Bae....where are you?” Seung Hyun said as he panicked. His heart was in fear - he feared the other demons.
“Sir? What’s wrong?” Yong Bae worriedly said.
“Just...just take Ji Yong to bed...in another room this time...” Seung Hyun said as he turned around, hiding the fact that he was scared.
“But...I want to sleep with you...” Ji Yong said as he reached for Seung Hyun’s arm. Seung Hyun flinched, “Just leave!” he shouted back at the smaller boy.
Ji Yong looked taken back; his expression saddened as he followed Yong Bae.
Seung Hyun said and rubbed his face; he can never handle these situations very well.
As morning approached, Seung Hyun tossed and turned in his bed. He couldn’t sleep at all and now the sun had come out. He squinted at the bright light peaking from the curtain.
Seung Hyun managed to get and head to the bathroom for a much needed shower.
The cold water hit Seung Hyun’s back as he wondered about Ji Yong. Was he too harsh? He felt sorry towards the boy, but he is a stranger after all, right?
“Happy Valentine’s day, sir!” Yong Bae said as he poured some coffee in Seung Hyun’s mug. He grumbled.
“Sir, you have invited to the “Heart Ball” held in Serria tonight. It is mandatory that you attend, the king has to make an important announcement” he continued as he set the breakfast in the table.
Seung Hyun thought about this event, he hadn’t attended it in two years.
“Ok...I’ll go...where is Ji Yong?” Seung Hyun couldn’t help but ask about the small boy.
“He is still sleeping, sir...he cried quite a bit yesterday” Yong Bae replied.
Seung Hyun immediately rose from the dining table chair and made his way upstairs. It was as if his legs had a mind of its own - he was certainly not thinking about apologizing; that’s just not his personality.
“Which room is Ji Yong in?” he asked a maid who was nearby.
“The room to your left, sir” she replied. Seung Hyun bowed lightly as walked to mahogany door. He lightly knocked the wood, but there came no answer.
Seung Hyun slowly turned the door handle and flinched. All the windows were open; the room was very bright with all the sunshine.
Ji Yong was lying against a white bed sheet. He was covered with a blanket mid way from his body that exposed his chest.
His skin looked soft and creamy. Seung Hyun chuckled as he saw the boy drooling a bit.
He carefully sat in the bed and looked at the frail figure.
Who are you? he thought as he brushed away the hair that was covering the boy’s face.
Seung Hyun breathed stopped again at the mesmerising beauty. His heartbeats had fastened again.
He quickly left the room and closed the door. What are you doing, Seung Hyun? He thought as he walked downstairs.
“Yong Bae, prepare my clothes for this evening and inform the olders...” Seung Hyun said as he resumed reading the paper.
Even though the Seung Hyun’s tone seemed confident; he had fears and Yong Bae knew.
“Your majesty, it seems that your brother has confirmed his appearance this evening” the maid as she poured some juice into the gold plated cup.
“Excellent...” a man with silver hair continued. “I have missed him so much...he has to have some kind of punishment, don’t you think” he said.
“And, what is this I hear? There is another being living is the castle?” he asked.
“Yes majesty, although it hasn’t been conformed for as to what he actually is. Some presume he is human” the maid said.
“Well, I wouldn’t want my smaller brother to play with things he shouldn’t be playing with...” the man continued sipping his juice.
“Prepare what we have discussed yesterday and let the fun begin” he simply said.
A/N: Well, I didn't think this was going to be this short *face palm* but I hope you liked it ^^