Title: The demon and his flower
haru_haru_21 Disclaimer: Big Bang belongs to YG Entertainment; “Hana to Akuma” belongs to OTO Hisamu
Paring: G-TOP
Genre: Angst, Romance, fluff, Immortality, Reincarnation
Summary: A candle can be blown out easily, but to keep it burning, one must stay careful and show care...or in one blow, it can destroyed. Seung Hyun, the demon, encounters upon a small child and decides to raise him; naming him Ji Yong. Their relationship is taken to another level day by day as Seung Hyun’s cruel past awakens. Romance blooms between the two but what happens when Ji Yong and Seung Hyun are much different for acceptance in the society?
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atenais_pala Chapter seven: Risks
“What do you want Tae Bin?” Seung Hyun asked as his hands flew over Ji Yong’s body in a protective manor. The older had feared that this day would come, but it felt too soon. Tae Bin laughed and clicked his tongue,
“Seung Hyun, Seung Hyun, where are your manners?” he asked as he grinned.
“Cut the crap and get to the point!” Seung Hyun snapped back.
Tae Bin cackled with a deep laughter as Ji Yong buried his body close to Seung Hyun. The younger felt scarred of those red daggering eyes.
“I just came here to have some tea and chat for a bit, it’s been too long” Tae Bin grinned, coming closer to the boys that were holding each other. As his hands reached for Ji Yong, Seung Hyun swatted it away.
“We’ll talk, but not here. Yong Bae, where are you?” Seung Hyun said glaring at his older brother and calling for the servant.
“Sir - Oh, your highness!” Yong Bae said after a while, shocked that the king had come to the mansion. He deeply bowed at his presence, biting back the nervousness he experienced.
“Take Ji Yong to the other room and prepare some tea” Seung Hyun said, lightly pushing Ji Yong to the other’s hand.
“But - ”
“Just go!” Seung Hyun snapped back, shutting door. “Why are you here, Tae Bin?” Seung Hyun asked. His heart was beating faster by the minute as fear crept its way to his face. The man that was standing just inches away from him so dangerous, it brought Goosebumps to Seung Hyun’s legs.
“Oh, just thought about catching up to my smaller brother. Life is boring down in Serria, I’m looking for some new enjoyment, care to share some of yours - ”
“Don’t you dare touch Ji Yong!” Seung Hyun yelled back grabbing Tae Bin’s collar.
“Ah, Ji Yong is it? Interesting....” the older said as he grinned, “Seung Hyun, have you been playing with things you shouldn’t be playing with? If that’s the case.....you know the consequences right?” Tae Bin said, touching Seung Hyun’s face with his index finger. The younger flinched away,
“GET OUT!” Seung Hyun shouted.
“Aww...don’t be mad little brother....” Tae Bin cooed, again going closer to Seung Hyun.
“I go for now......but I’ll be back and it won’t be so nice....” he said, almost a whisper before vanishing into a raging fire.
“Yong Bae, pack some clothes and prepare a car. Get Ji Yong ready with some food and I’ll meet everyone downstairs...” Seung Hyun said, his head all jumbled with thoughts. After the terrifying visit from his older brother, Seung Hyun didn’t know what to do. Now that Tae Bin has seen Ji Yong and how much Seung Hyun cares for him, there was nothing to do but hide. Ji Yong is not a demon as far as he knows and there are strict laws about mixing with creatures other than themselves and the outcome was never pretty. Tae Bin had always had a grudge against Seung Hyun because his mother had married Tae Bin’s father after the first queen had died. Up until now, Tae Bin never accepted Seung Hyun or his mother, killing her was the only choice. But what could Seung Hyun do.
After all the arrangements had been finished, Seung Hyun bid Yong Bae a sad farewell as he drove away with a confused Ji Yong in hand. The older didn’t where they were going but any place further from Tae Bin was enough for him.
“Hyung.....where are we going?” Ji Yong asked once a long moment of silence had passed. The younger didn’t what was going on, but he stayed quiet.
“I don’t know Ji Yong........I don’t know....” Seung Hyun replied back as a whisper. Honestly, he didn’t know where they were going, but it just felt that may be they should be in the run.
Seung Hyun had been driving for hours as Ji Yong leaned his head against his firm shoulders. Fields of green grass and crops could be seen as the sun had just set in the horizon. The window had been opened, the wind sipping through giving Seung Hyun a relaxing breeze for the sweat that had developed against his skin. Driving a bit more, he saw an old barn house, long abandoned by people that might have inhabited. Seung Hyun decided to stop there to freshen up before they have to start running again. Being in the run, Seung Hyun felt risk every second, his heart not resting at all.
“Ji Yong.....wake up.......” the older said placing a gentle kiss on the other’s forehead.
“mmm....” Ji Yong mumbled, rubbing his eyes. Seung Hyun couldn’t help but smile at the cuteness and stepped out the door. opening the other door, he crouched down,
“Get on sleepy head” the older said as he felt the warm body against his back. He grabbed into Ji Yong’s legs and went inside the shabby barn, hoping to find some sort of a place to stay for the night.
A/N: I am so so soryy for posting this so late, I just got stuck and couldn't manage to write this, but I will be updating this frequently now ^^ May I remind you the fic is coming to an end soon (I think about three more chapters), thank you for all the comments, really helped me while I was "stuck" ^^; As you can see, the fic is going to get a bit darker from now on and there will be a surprise for the readers next chapter, something a bit.......intimate *hint* so I hope you enjoyed this : )