Title: Lost and found
haru_haru_21 Genre: Shouta con, Smutt, Romace, Angst (a bit), fluff,
Disclaimer: Big Bang belongs to YG Entertainment
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17 (will be notified if NC-17)
Summary: When someone looses something, they find something. When someone finds something, they lose something. That’s just how life works, right?
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Comments 17
I want to update tonight, but let's see how much writting I can get down by dinner, ne?
Thank you again of reading <3
You're welcome!
father made him do, which is sad and disturbing all at the
same time. Seunghyun is fighting the man on man thing, but
at least he's willing to be there for Jiyong.
LJ really was a huge butt for awhile, but I'm glad you were
about to update. Master-pet G-TOP? Part of this story or a
whole new story? Hehe.
able to update
LJ is really annoying these days and once the problems start, I lose the patience to update but thank you reading and commenting!
Yesh, master-pet GTOP but for a different story ;)
And hmm, I'd read a master-pet G-TOP fic. Hehe.
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SeungHyun should just let JiYong show him the way to have fun..his[SeungHyun's] life is sooo dull =P
why are you keep pushing JiYong away SeungHyun?!! gwaddd, no wonder that you didnt find anyone yet..
I wonder what is JiYong thinking of doing when he wanted SeungHyun to show what he capable of to his co-workers..
will be waiting for ur updateee..!! =))
*laughs* They are going to loosen up soon, problems in life can't be controlled, ne?
Oh, the next chapter is going to be blast manily because Ji Yong's character amuses me too much XD
Kiss ^3^ I hope you'll like the next update ♥
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