I'm bored. So I'm going to start my list of "Things to Do Before I Die." WE ARE DYING EVERY SECOND, FOLKS. I'M GOING TO MAKE THOSE DYING SECONDS COUNT.
- Bungee Jumping
- Skydiving
- Drive on the Autobahn
- Base jumping into a cave
- Go swimming in the ocean in January
- Go on a rollercoaster tour
- Paragliding
- Swim with sharks
- Italy
- Argentina
- Spain
- England
- Sweden
- Brazil
- India
- Ireland
- Live in another country for a year. (Not England or Canada.)
- Go backpacking somewhere
- Go on a roadtrip
- Tour the major museums of the world and spend a day in each one, taking in the capacity of human creativity.
- See the Northern Lights
- Visit my online friends
- Go to Time Square on New Year's
- Write a full novel (Published or not. I just want the satisfaction of completing one.)
- Write a song
- Become a fairly good artist
- Learn how to sew
- Become proficient in Spanish
- Learn Chinese
- Learn German
- Learn how to sail
- Decorate my own house/apartment and make it look FABULOUS
- Make a 5-10 minute animation
- Forgive my family someday
- Design and produce a one issue magazine about something I love (Ok, so I did this in middle school, but I mean for real this time)
- Create a successful flash game/movie
- Let go of the past
- Volunteer at a Children's Hospital
- Learn how to fiddle
- Learn how to vector and design a
Threadless shirt that people like and vote to have printed.
- Learn to drive a stickshift
- invent something totally new and awesome
- Make an online comic someday
- Break the world record for the longest starburst wrapper chain.
- Become really good at poker
- Beat my record in Meteos
- Go skinny-dipping
- Learn to bellydance/waltz/tango/ALL OF THEM
- Go on one of those overnight haunted house shows
- eat shark/alligator/deer
- Create and mod my own RP
- Go to an Interactive showing of The Rocky Horror Picture Show (yes, I'm pretty sure they still have them)
- Memorize an entire play or musical
- sing karaoke in an irish pub
- "Lose" a photo and find it on
foundphotos- Meet someone I really admire and find out they're a complete douchebag
- Get banned from LJ/4chan/gaia
- Spend one day acting like I'm starring in a musical, including bursts of singing at random intervals
- Speak only in pig latin for a day
- Learn the Haruhi dance damnit
- Sing an anime song from start to finish, even if it fails horribly
- Create a religion based on the awesomeness of its members
- Start a 4chan meme
- Make and wear a cosplay outfit
- write something that causes even my mind to break
- play in a blow up bouncy castle/ball pit despite the fact that I am almost eighteen
- move into the Awesomercorner house and steal the Wii make random game consoles appear out of nowhere and fall on Brenda's people's heads with my mysterious power~
Will be updated as I add more or actually do one of these. And ok, my 'silly' section is getting out of control but it is so fun.