It sounds like not all of his ~flirting was wanted by those women, so that makes him a sexually harassing douchetroll to me, end of story. I don't think people who cheat on their spouses or do ridiculous shit like this should categorically be fired from their positions in public office, but if any of the shenanigans involve one or more nonconsensual parties, I definitely can't take them seriously as a public figure and they should totes be thrown out. I appreciate this post of yours, though, because it makes me feel less like I have something to be disappointed about. Previously I'd admired the fact that here was a Democrat who could actually manage to yell the equivalent of "STFU, STFD, or GTFO"- but I knew very little about his foreign policy ideals. Now I've Wikipedia'd that shit and just... wow. o_o; In a more amplified manner than before I will now continue to laugh vociferously at how more than ever, the Dems succeed at shooting themselves in the foot; and this is one Dem I won't be sorry to see go in the slightest (and go he
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I don't think people who cheat on their spouses or do ridiculous shit like this should categorically be fired from their positions in public office, but if any of the shenanigans involve one or more nonconsensual parties, I definitely can't take them seriously as a public figure and they should totes be thrown out.
Fucking THIS, thank you. I'm sick of reading stuff (like that HuffPo "article" I linked to) defending this man by saying he didn't really ~do any harm~ 'cause I'm thinking, "What about the women who didn't want to be harassed, you assholes!?" Just because it wasn't a national security breach~ doesn't mean it wasn't still reprehensible in so many ways.
this is one Dem I won't be sorry to see go in the slightest (and go he will, I suspect). BYEI really hope so. From many standpoints but ESPECIALLY a foreign policy standpoint there are few potential Democratic presidencies that frightens me more than a hypothetical Weiner presidency. I think we're seeing less wagon-circling that he would have normally gotten because
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TY for this post. I didn't know much about him overall, just liked what I saw from some videos people posted around ontd_p. Really sad to see that he doesn't practice what he preaches. Pretty sad to see the same BS that the Republicans went through defending that governor (senator? i forget) who cheated on his wife with that South American woman, is now being used by Dems to defend AW.
I think as far as Democratic Congressfolk go he is one of the better ones, but unfortunately that's not a very encouraging thing to say about the Dems in light of his actions/policy positions. XD;;;;;; I just never understood the stanning he got from mai fellow libruls when he's done very little to actually back up the things he yells about all the time.
I'm actually a little surprised that the House Dems have called for an ethics probe on him so quickly; looks like they've decided, at least for now, that he's more of a liability than an asset to the party for better or for worse. But yeah, a lot of liberal media outlets/bloggers are trying to defend him in lots of gross ways, which is ridic because as rauduskoivu said above there's an element of sexual harassment and a lack of consent here.
I think it's sad that the media is so intent on defending him. Are the Dems really that full of people with solid track records who aren't passive/hypocrites/scumbags (don't answer this question, it's rhetorical :p)
Surely we must have some Congressmen/women who are progressive and don't wimp out against Republicans on important issues that doesn't have some kind of scandal that they can praise?
You know this is something I used to talk about a lot on _P and with friends in general but I'm honestly at the point where I don't think real change will come from within the political system anymore. The moneyed interests are too entrenched and the few people in Congress who do stand up against war and corporate greed and the increasing wealth divide are thoroughly marginalized by both parties. The fact that our war policies and abuses of exceutive power haven't gotten better under Obama but WORSE I think shows that change really has to come from the bottom up. I dunno if we'll ever have anything like an "Arab Spring" but more people need to be on the ground protesting, being a nuisance, and making their voices heard to those in power regardless of the party those people belong to. I've been participating in more and more direct actions/activism in the past year than ever before and while it's hard to really gauge if I or the people I work with are accomplishing anything, it feels like more gets done that way than by voting people
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I really didn't pay attention to it past 'lol, penises on the internet' until the press conference when it came out that he might have sent that photo without the woman's consent. Hearing about this amendment is the just adds some fail-flavoured icing to an already fucked up cake.
Buuuuut, you pointing out shit like this makes me miss you on _p.
Gürrrrrrrl sometimes I do miss _P but it's better for my blood pressure not to be on there anymore, haha. I don't skim it anymore but I was still doing that right after I'd left and that was around the start of Fukushima and the Libyan invasion and just... the massive ignorance on display on the issues of nuclear power/radiation safety and US interventionism had me RAEEEEEEEEGING. XD;;; Lol it's a good thing I wasn't part of the comm anymore because I would have just replied in keyboard smashes to everyone. XD XD XD In any case I don't think my being there and pointing this kind of stuff out would be productive for me or for the comm anymore; there's a definite "shelf life" for posters who speak out regularly in that comm where you go from being respected and ~trendy~ to eventually falling out of favor and having everything you post or say being turned into wank just because of the fact that it's you saying it, and after seeing that cycle play out with other posters in that comm I definitely felt like I'd also gotten to that point.
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You have no idea how many times I read things on _p and end up thinking..."Man...I wish haruhiko was here." You were the last of the three (with yunghustlaz and another person I can't recall) who always had the most insightful factually based answers.
I understand it's better for you to not be there anymore, and that every time you posted it was turning into a nonsensical wank fest. ...But I miss you. :(
Awwww bb thank you! <3 I'm really flattered that you thought so highly of what I had to say (which was 95% just Amy Goodman/Jeremy Scahill quotes tbh, lol). Last I skimmed through the comm some months ago it seemed like more people were posting stuff from The Nation/DemNow!/New Statesman/AlterNet/etc. so hopefully viewpoints are staying somewhat diverse in that comm.
The wank was just getting ridic. I didn't even mind being piled on or getting wank directed at me or whatever, but I did mind that fact that every time I had a point to make it was drowned out by bullshit. Oh well. XD I don't miss the comm itself but I definitely miss a bunch of you guys too! ;_________; I met a lot of awesome people through that comm.
Thank you for that. I didn't know much about his positions. I'm certain that he's going to follow Eliot Spitzer into the media realm as a regular contributor to a "news" network. He'll probably find that role much more amenable to his particular dispositions.
Lol seriously though you're right, the man is an excellent grandstander and would be excellent as a media personality.
I should add that I do think it's quite ridiculous that Dems can't be bothered to more harshly censure corrupt Democrats like Rangel or warmongering interventionist Democrats like Obama, but all quickly moved in rank and file and came out against Weiner, whose actions, while disgusting (when one considers the lack of consent involved), have fuckall to do with how this country's laws and policies are shaped and implemented. But still, I felt motivated to post this because I was tired of reading a lot of liberal/progressive moaning and seeing the sackcloth-and-ashes routine being trotted out over the fact that "such a good~, promising Democratic politician" has had his career cut down so swiftly. He's simply more of the same and would be dangerous man if he ever gets to influence foreign policy, and I'm glad he's on the outs for now.
Comments 16
Fucking THIS, thank you. I'm sick of reading stuff (like that HuffPo "article" I linked to) defending this man by saying he didn't really ~do any harm~ 'cause I'm thinking, "What about the women who didn't want to be harassed, you assholes!?" Just because it wasn't a national security breach~ doesn't mean it wasn't still reprehensible in so many ways.
this is one Dem I won't be sorry to see go in the slightest (and go he will, I suspect). BYEI really hope so. From many standpoints but ESPECIALLY a foreign policy standpoint there are few potential Democratic presidencies that frightens me more than a hypothetical Weiner presidency. I think we're seeing less wagon-circling that he would have normally gotten because ( ... )
I think as far as Democratic Congressfolk go he is one of the better ones, but unfortunately that's not a very encouraging thing to say about the Dems in light of his actions/policy positions. XD;;;;;; I just never understood the stanning he got from mai fellow libruls when he's done very little to actually back up the things he yells about all the time.
I'm actually a little surprised that the House Dems have called for an ethics probe on him so quickly; looks like they've decided, at least for now, that he's more of a liability than an asset to the party for better or for worse. But yeah, a lot of liberal media outlets/bloggers are trying to defend him in lots of gross ways, which is ridic because as rauduskoivu said above there's an element of sexual harassment and a lack of consent here.
I think it's sad that the media is so intent on defending him. Are the Dems really that full of people with solid track records who aren't passive/hypocrites/scumbags (don't answer this question, it's rhetorical :p)
Surely we must have some Congressmen/women who are progressive and don't wimp out against Republicans on important issues that doesn't have some kind of scandal that they can praise?
Oh lord, this country is a M E S S
Buuuuut, you pointing out shit like this makes me miss you on _p.
I understand it's better for you to not be there anymore, and that every time you posted it was turning into a nonsensical wank fest. ...But I miss you. :(
The wank was just getting ridic. I didn't even mind being piled on or getting wank directed at me or whatever, but I did mind that fact that every time I had a point to make it was drowned out by bullshit. Oh well. XD I don't miss the comm itself but I definitely miss a bunch of you guys too! ;_________; I met a lot of awesome people through that comm.
Lol seriously though you're right, the man is an excellent grandstander and would be excellent as a media personality.
I should add that I do think it's quite ridiculous that Dems can't be bothered to more harshly censure corrupt Democrats like Rangel or warmongering interventionist Democrats like Obama, but all quickly moved in rank and file and came out against Weiner, whose actions, while disgusting (when one considers the lack of consent involved), have fuckall to do with how this country's laws and policies are shaped and implemented. But still, I felt motivated to post this because I was tired of reading a lot of liberal/progressive moaning and seeing the sackcloth-and-ashes routine being trotted out over the fact that "such a good~, promising Democratic politician" has had his career cut down so swiftly. He's simply more of the same and would be dangerous man if he ever gets to influence foreign policy, and I'm glad he's on the outs for now.
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