I read a lot. I suggest people read this article about Prop. 8 in California. It's actually not a rant, not a tanget just a well written piece on this individuals feelings and the legalities of Prop. 8.
It may make some of us feel better by saying "yes virginia, you did remember that your 8th grade class taught you how the government works"
Nov 22, 2008 14:45
SO yes, school is going well enough, I need to finish a greeting card design and such but other than that it's good. Now I just have my super lesbian only homophobic mom to contend with. And how everyone in my family seems to hate close contact with others outside of our immediate family
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Nov 02, 2008 20:29
why can't life ever be simple? I'm not having some sort of relationship crisis in the romantic sense right now. Everything is great in that aspect right now. My relationship woes for once lay with my mother and myself. We were arguing about prop. 8 and for those of you who do not live in california
"Proposition 8 is an initiative state
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Sep 07, 2008 11:43
So Halloween fast approches, and oddly enough for ONCE this year i am stumped on a costume. I have maybe two tentative ideas but i don't know if i honestly want to go through with them. I think I need some idea's, I was velma last year and oddly enough that costume worked too well, people thought I either dyed my hair or that was was some chick
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