Title: Hikaru's Phoenix
Chapter Title: Chapter Eighteen: The Moment of Return
Fandom: Hikaru no Go
Genre: AU, Fantasy
Pairing: Touya Akira and Shindou Hikaru... maybe. Someday.
Summary: In this Alternate Universe the Hikago characters are preoccupied with shamanic magic instead of go. Think Tokyo Babylon, not Shaman King.
Warning: Will contain
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Comments 29
I never expect anyone to finish a WIP, but I do enjoy the effort made, and I have enjoyed your story quite a bit as you have posted it and your AU is very interesting as well as the world building you have created using existing mythology etc.
I'll be looking forward to reading more if and when you continue :)
Odd that the quiet boy had far less secrets than the brat who normally didn’t know when to keep his mouth shut. I agree with Kuwabara, this incongruity is one of the reasons HnG is so fun.
Thank you so much for the prompt review. You spoil me so much. I've missed you. *cuddles*
I love how Shindo who is so open is harder to read than someone so still. I still feel for Shindo though shes jsut so lost really.
You forgot an end italics tag at the end...
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