Title: Apocalypse Fandom: Hikaru no Go Genre: Survival, one-shot Characters: Shindou Hikaru, Touya Akira Pairings: HikaAki, Shounen-ai Summary: Disaster strikes. Akira and Hikaru struggle to find their way back
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This was awesome in so many ways it's hard to even talk about it. You had the boys reacting in character to such a horrible situation--wonderful story-telling!!
Glad you're writing again. Hope this story is followed by many more! ^_^
While a chapter fic would certainly be nice, I felt that this would probably take a lot of research. I'm no expert on post-apocalyptic survival after all ^^;;;;;
Haha! You're probably right. Not to mention chapter fics are so time-consuming. Nevertheless, your oneshot really sets up for one. It's so good, I wish there were more!
I did enough research to know that I didn't want to think about it. The last time a supervolcano erupted 98% of the world's plants died out. Humans went from several million to about 500...we were an endangered species.
It makes me wonder how possible it would be for Akira and Hikaru to survive. They're both naturally skinny boys, so they have no fat reserves, and well... I don't want them to die. T_T
Comments 35
Is that an actual fic genre? O_O |||| *mind is blown*
( ... )
Glad you're writing again. Hope this story is followed by many more! ^_^
Thank you for commenting. ♥
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Thank you for the review. ♥
It makes me wonder how possible it would be for Akira and Hikaru to survive. They're both naturally skinny boys, so they have no fat reserves, and well... I don't want them to die. T_T
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