AIM: shadhahvar
eMail: ashenpaw@gmail(.com)
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CritiqueConcerns and pointers on how I'm playing Sakura are openly invited and welcomed; I want to improve, and keep things fun for everyone involved. Comments are screened; Anonymous
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Comments 8
And I know that site also has a version someone went through and colored. May you laugh as much at the premise as I did! \o/
Thank you! And no worries, you don't sound creepy at all. I'm glad to be able to make her feel like a character with personality (and presumably depth) instead of a plot device, or a flip-flopping creature, or whatever she is based on what she's needed to be at that moment in series. She's a lot of fun to play for me, and I'm glad when people tell me they're enjoying her portrayal.
Ahahsad Koro sob Koro -- thank you for the heart, and goodness, never read her source material.
Everyone dies. 8|
It's time to reclaim your own time for yourself, Anon! Now is the place, and the time for the time and place, to do what you want to do and not always and only that which you do not want to do for the sake of the whole.
Be free!
It's the time of the season for roleplaying!
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