Application for Mayfield

Nov 12, 2010 00:12

Name: Floogy
Personal LJ: floogster
Contact Info: flooged (aim)
Other Characters Played: None at this time.
Preferred Housing:
450 Stone Street. I have gotten Gilgamesh's permission, who told me that the Asch hasn't even posted once since his acceptance two months ago.
Character Name: Nanashi the Shrouded (if she ever ends up as the only person in the household, Shrouded can work as the family name)
Character Age: Unknown (very old). However, for housing purposes, she physically resembles a teenager.
Background: ((Note that the first part of this profile is copy/pasted from a previous character I had app'd earlier that came from the same 'canon'))
Nanashi comes from a civilization known as Arcadia. The method of its establishment has long since been lost to the passage of time, but there was one thing that was certain: It was the most powerful body in the multi-verse. Its technology and magic outweighed absolutely everything, and they knew it. But with this power, there was no more progress to be had. They had no competitors to keep them evolving, as their government structure was based on such an Order that it wasn’t necessary. They had everything they needed. Arcadians had even gone to the point where they simply could not die… at least, not permanently. Their bodies could be destroyed, but they would soon be restored.

Yet they were afraid that, at some point, another world would soon reach their level of ‘enlightenment’. They carefully watched each world, and soon discovered an important fact. Each of them was supported by what they dubbed a ‘pillar’, or somebody that the world just about literally revolved around. Causing this ‘pillar’ to die prematurely would cause the world to simply cease to exist, and reset into the next cycle. And, so, Arcadia took advantage of this fact by singling out the pillar of each world; destroying the pillar before the world could become a threat.

Eventually, this began to have repercussions of sorts. Worlds would prematurely reset, long before Arcadia would even begin to view them as a threat. And then there were the Arcadians that became bored of their orderly lives, so they broke off from the civilization; oftentimes merely going into other worlds to cause havoc. They soon became dubbed ‘Chaos Lords’. Without any way to truly kill them, the Arcadians had to capture and imprison them to ensure they didn’t cause any more trouble.

Nanashi was one of these so called Chaos Lords, though it wasn't quite in her nature to merely wreck havoc as most of those branded as such were want to do. Before she had broken off from Arcadia, she had lived a relatively simple life involved with maintaining computer mainframes and vehicles. She graduated at the top of her class in mechanics and computer science, though it was rare when she had any actual work to do.

Having a practically unlimited lifespan, Nanashi began to grow bored with her life. Her personality began to 'suffer', becoming rather jaded. After some time, she merely left Arcadia to another world... and she found a place where her skill was actually needed. The computer systems would never stay completely stable, not to mention the viruses and other problems. Cars and airplanes needed constant checkups... she found a place where she truly belonged. She even picked up how to pilot numerous vehicles.

But then, the world she had discovered evolved to a point where Arcadia began to view it as a threat. As so many others before it, the pillar was singled out and killed. Nanashi barely managed to escape before the world collapsed, fleeing to another world... that was when she began to finally realize that, even hiding her identity as an Arcadian, she could never truly escape her home universe. The worlds she settled on would always eventually come to a point where Arcadia would take notice.

But what could she do about it? She didn't have the leadership qualities to band together the other Chaos Lords, assuming that they even wanted to do anything about it. However, after some time, she heard of one that was gathering others to combat Arcadia. She was quick to answer the call, though to her dismay had found that there were little others that would band together. There was only a mere four of them... but Shina, the leader, had a plan.

They would scout out special worlds, doing what they could to shape them so that could rival Arcadia. Nanashi took on all sorts of roles in these worlds, anything from cryptic seer to even seizing the throne of a kingdom. However, it was difficult to make much progress without drawing attention from their home universe; resulting in another destroyed world. Despite these problems, they would work tirelessly to fulfill their objective. They would cause wars, egg on influential figures and do whatever it took to force a world to harden and evolve faster. The four would become responsible for countless deaths in their pursuit of overthrowing Arcadia.

At some point, it became revealed to them what would happen if they achieved their objective and destroyed Arcadia: It was so integrated into the fabric of the multiverse, that its destruction would cause everything to reset. They would remember nothing when they were reborn.

But they stayed their course. Letting Arcadia continue its path of freely destroying other universes was just as bad. Even if they didn't remember, perhaps the next universe that rises to power would be more benign and accepting of others.

And after so long, they finally did find that world that they could shape to their purposes... and unusual, as well. Where most worlds only had one person designated as a pillar at any one time, this one had multiple. It was definitely a sign, and Shina was eager to make the most of the odd universe. The small group of four began their work, with Nanashi infiltrating the ranks of one country to ensure that they would be prepared to help in the upcoming war with Arcadia...
On the outside, to most people, Nanashi would appear to be largely unconcerned with... just about anything. Whether it be sports, violence, nudity, or merely chatting idly over a cup of tea, Nanashi almost always speaks in the same manner of tone. It doesn't matter if she's getting punched in the face or being thrown off a cliff (she wouldn't even have the decency to scream on the way down). It might be safe to say that she can come off as 'stoned'. She even seems like she's downright slow at times.

Just about no matter the danger, she'll always put on the same face and voice. The fact that she has no real fear of death plays a big role in this. The one exception would be that if she ever angers Shina, the only Arcadian proven to be capable of permanently killing their kind, she wouldn't be long for this world multiverse. Not that she would ever oppose her, however.

However, this is more or less just the face that she shows to... just about everybody. Even with her own comrades, she'll put on this behavior. At the least, she has the courtesy to do what she's supposed to do and not waste time when involved in something with her team. Around people she has no reason to follow, she might even subtly troll them with her strange behavior if she has the time to kill.

In spite of this, Nanashi is an intelligent person. When the situation is important enough, she'll do everything she is capable of to ensure their success. She's capable of evaluating a situation and determining (with some margin of error, of course) whether victory can be achieved or not. However, leadership isn't among her capabilities, because she's sorely lacking in charisma and general people skills.

Her intelligence is mostly evident when she's working with electronics or mechanical devices. In her time in the numerous universes, she was quick to pick up the workings of many types of devices. If presented with something she's never seen before, she's eager to do whatever it takes to learn its inner workings; including taking it apart if necessary and assembling it back together (which, usually, she can handle). She'll even want to give it a test run once she's done, whether it's a weapon of mass destruction or merely a vehicle. In regards to computers, she might feel inclined to manually optimize its systems. She is truly a techno-geek.

She does possess other hobbies besides tinkering with devices. During her travels in the multiverse, she's come to have some appreciation for music. Though she is a bit shy about actually singing herself, she is capable of it. Also, often having to live on her own while visiting other universes, she's picked up quite a number of recipes. Because of her focus on support skills, she often doesn't participate in direct combat like most of her comrades.

Speaking of her comrades, she is very close to all three of them; even the obnoxious Satera. She will trust any of them with her life in even the most dire of situations. On the flip side, however, she is not very likely to give her trust to anybody outside of this group. Anybody else she more or less views as a tool that will either be of use to her or as an obstacle that needs to be removed. If the person in mind fits neither of these, then they're either somebody that she might possibly use to amuse herself or just somebody to be ignored.

Like most Arcadians, Nanashi has a wide array of magical capabilities, from shields, massive blasts, weapon summoning, healing, etc. which will take quite some time to even get close to regaining them all.

Arcadians are also physically superior to humans in most aspects, though they can be killed in the normal matter. Not that it will apply in Mayfield, but the average Arcadian that is killed will 'respawn' at a predetermined point set by the Arcadian in the multiverse.

Another feature of Arcadians is the development of a signature power of sorts. Nanashi herself has developed the ability to directly interface into machinery and computers, allowing her to control vehicles, turrets, etc. In regards to computers, she's capable of quickly hacking into their systems and accessing available data or taking advantage of whatever function it may have. Though she can generally handle viruses and protection protocols with ease, they can harm her if they can catch her off guard.

Sample Entry 1:
Sample Entry 2:
*Nanashi stared out the window, into the streets where people, drones and those who were trapped here alike, would sometimes would pass by. Her expression was blank, not betraying her thoughts in the slightest*

*how long would she be trapped here? For once, she was out of her element. These people already knew what their goal was, to escape this place. Causing strife to attempt to strengthen them would only draw the attention of officer Grady*

… how bothersome...

*without her leader around, she had no direction. Little that she could do except play along with the game this world had set before her, as the daughter of a man and woman who she was most likely much older than.*

*the tools were out there, but they didn't need herself to urge them in any particular direction. Until a weakness in the system could be found and exploited, all Nanashi could do was wait and bide her time. She had more than enough of that. Whether it be a year or a century, it would only be a small drop in the bucket for the Arcadian*
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