1. I'd kinda like to do a post soon. The theme escapes me, outside of something like "blah blah sorry I disappeared for a month." BUT post, soon be awesome y/n/cookies? give me ur ideaaaaaaaaaaaas can be backdated or whichever. o
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1. Oh, like you need my approval for this? :D As for ideas... uh... maybe the house can be looking for Ami (for want of magical-girlness)? Through a wicked party? Murder mystery (minus the murder)? I dunno... I'm not the best idea person right now. ^^;
2. Etna's fine with more roommates if they can stand Etna -- plus I think she tops everyone now that Usa's gone, but we'll try not to have her realize that |D;. Ooh and how about the moon-roof causes temporary werewolfism on a full moon?
3. Since you are a terrible person, it should be said that Etna's taken over your room and for lulz its in terrible shape again. Enjoy. Maybe that'll teach you to leave the room alone for weeks on end. ...fufufu
Comments 45
2. Etna's fine with more roommates if they can stand Etna -- plus I think she tops everyone now that Usa's gone, but we'll try not to have her realize that |D;. Ooh and how about the moon-roof causes temporary werewolfism on a full moon?
3. Since you are a terrible person, it should be said that Etna's taken over your room and for lulz its in terrible shape again. Enjoy. Maybe that'll teach you to leave the room alone for weeks on end.
2. Wolfism...I should go hunt pics. Wolfos pics. Fufufufu~
3. Oh obviously >3
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