Yesterday was quite the package-ful day. Two whole packages and a $5.20 tax refund. That's right, I'm rolling in it. It is quite exciting to get packages in the mail, but especially when they contain:
Eastern Youth - 365-step Blues
and Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
This game is crazy. They put so much detail into the entire production of the game, its amazing. I mean, hell, they even made real life replicas of the currency used in-game (which I am the proud dork-owner of)
as well as a 120 page history book about the world I'm playing around in.
As for Eastern Youth, I haven't been this stoked about getting music in a long while. The fact that I didn't have to import it makes it the more sweet(er?). It's just a shame they are not coming to Seattle. Boo.