application post!

Aug 27, 2010 03:13

Your name: Juli/Anna/Hey You
Your LJ: wire_birdcage
Your email:
Your AIM, MSN, or Yahoo handle: wirebirdcage on AIM, on MSN

Character's name: Toothless
Character's LJ: hasnoteefs
Character's canon: How to Train Your Dragon
Brief (around 300 words) personality outline of your character:
First and foremost, Toothless is a dragon. This results in him having no specific speech patterns, as he doesn't actually speak. He does, however, verymuch make up for his lack of ability to speak human languages in expression. One can assume that Toothless is a somewhat young dragon, in the scheme of things, as he behaves roughly like an overgrown, reptilian teenage boy crossed with a spoiled house cat and some kind of wild dog (as such, it was mentioned by the movie's production crew that Toothless is meant to be based off a cat/dog mix). He is very playful, and very energetic, and shares the same sort of dry sense of humor as Hiccup, his trainer and best friend. He is also very intelligent for a beast with no opposable thumbs or ability to vocalize in human tongues, and doesn't take kindly to being treated as anything different.

Despite being playful and overall relatively friendly, Toothless is still a wild animal (though as the movie progresses, it gets less and less noticeable). When his character is first introduced, he has been shot down by a homemade ballista of Hiccup's, and initially seems resigned to his fate of being killed by a Viking. However, when Hiccup chooses instead to cut him free, Toothless wastes no time in springing back to his feet and knocking the boy over to show him who is in control of the situation when he's not downed and tied up. Similarly, once Toothless has become fond of a person (ie, Hiccup) he is overprotective and fiercely loyal. When Hiccup is sent into the ring with a Monstrous Nightmare and things go bad, Toothless claws his way out of the grotto he has been more or less trapped in in order to rush to the young Viking's aid, despite the Nightmare being easily four times his size.

Similarly, as of the final battle in the movie, Hiccup and Toothless took on the Green Death (which is mentioned as the Red Death in most wikipedia entries, but was called the Green Death in both the books the movie was based on and the soundtrack), which is a god-awful freaking enormous dragon that Astrid at one point likens to a Queen Bee-- all the dragons in the movie harvest food from nearby villages (Berk included) and bring the food back to the Green Death to keep it at bay and prevent it from eating them. When Stoick takes the Vikings to siege what he assumes to be the dragon's nest, they essentially do nothing more than piss the Green Death off and send it on a rampage. Thankfully Hiccup has rallied the village teenagers and taught them how to ride and more or less control the group of dragons kept on Berk, and they rescue their closed-minded parents. In the midst of this, Hiccup and Toothless are thwomped by the massive tail of the dragon and Hiccup is thrown from Toothless' back. While Toothless may very well have been able to escape largely unscathed, he instead dives into the raging explosion below to shield Hiccup from the flames.

Brief (around 500 words) history and background of your character OR link to a really good wiki page with their history. In either case, explain where they cut off from the timeline:
An article on Night Furies, the "breed" of dragon Toothless is, and another on just Toothless. Also have a tl;dr summary of the movie! =D;;

A Night Fury is one of the rarest breeds of dragons in both the book series and the movie adaptation of How to Train Your Dragon. This is, purely and simply, because no Viking to date has seen one and lived to tell the tale (which is to say, no Viking to date has seen one at all). They are known to be very fast and very smart, never steal food, and never miss when they fire their white-hot lightning-like fire. This does nothing but add to the Vikings deeply-rooted fear of the mysterious beasts. They are elusive, they are dangerous, and...

The village outcast managed to shoot one down.

Toothless has very little background prior to being shot out of the sky on evening on an unsuspecting raid of a Viking village on Berk. It is assumed that he, like the other dragons shown in the movie, was along on a raid as a "job" of sorts to keep their hides safe from the Green Death to whom they answer. Unfortunately for him, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III escaped out the back door of the blacksmith shop where he works and is essentially babysat, and using one of his more creative inventions knocked the Night Fury right out of the night sky. In the fall, Toothless lost half of what I can only describe as a tailfin or a rudder-- a leathery flap of skin at the end of one half of his tail that cost him the ability to fly. Were Hiccup not Hiccup, the dragon likely would have died due to the injury.

Thankfully, Hiccup didn't have the heart to kill the felled dragon, and instead cut him free, earning the scare of his life. Curiosty then won the young Viking over and much to Toothless' irritable surprise, he was continually stalked by him. After fashioning a sort of prosthetic tailpiece for the dragon, Hiccup took Toothless for a sort of impromptu "test drive", and slowly they began to grow fond of one another. As time goes on, Hiccup's father decides he wants his unusual son to start Dragon Training, and Toothless helps Hiccup discover the secrets to training and taming dragons as opposed to hunting and killing them. This leads him to be a "master" in the ring, against all types of dragons. When Stoick and the other Vikings return from seeking out the dragon's nest to no avail, the Chief of Berk discovers his son had clearly been holding out all his life and was in fact a legendary dragonslayer.

Little did the village know, Hiccup was in fact using things like reflected light, eels and catnip-like grass to fend off the dragons as opposed to any sort of violence.

The day before Hiccup's "final test", where he is to go up against a Monstrous Nightmare before the entire village, Astrid (a pretty young female Viking with anger issues whom Hiccup is quite fond of) discovers Hiccup's little secret. As she heads off to tell the village that Hiccup has been training a Night Fury, Toothless rushes forward and, with Hiccup on his back to steer the prosthetic rudder for his tail that allows him flight, they take Astrid to the top of a tall tree in the forest. Here, Hiccup implores that if she won't listen, Astrid allow him to show her why he's chosen to train and befriend Toothless as opposed to slay him. When she consents on the stipulation that they simply get her down from the tree, Toothless chooses to be an unholy brat of a dragon and fly recklessly and without abandon in order to scare the wits out of the poor girl until she apologizes for being a haughty closed-minded brat about the entire situation. Toothless then calms down and flies calmly, showing Astrid that dragons are actually pretty darn cool.

After a long while of pleasant flying and bonding between the two teenage Vikings, Toothless suddenly becomes on edge and stops outrightly responding to Hiccup. The three soon find themselves in a sort of flock of hundreds of dragons and are lead back to the dragon's "nest", where they witness hundreds of the dragons the Vikings have spent years fighting away from their livestock and homes simply dropping the stolen goods into what looks like nothing more than a giant, horridly deep chasm. Unfortunately, when a Gronkle turns up with only a tiny, measley fish to offer, a much worse horror makes itself apparent-- a gargantuan dragon known as the Green Death rears its ugly head and swallows the entire Gronkle whole. The dragon then appears to smell Hiccup and Astrid's presence, and Hiccup spurs Toothless to get the hell out just as the dragon lunges for their hiding place. With this newfound information that the dragons raiding the villages are only behaving as such to keep the giant at bay, Hiccup decides he has to do something about the Viking's attitude toward them, deciding he will show them that dragons do not have to be feared in the ring with the Nightmare the following day.

So when things go awry in the ring Toothless scrambles his way, flightless, out of the basin he had taken residency in, into the ring to rescue his trainer and best friend (much to the horror of the other Vikings). Toothless is then captured by the Vikings, much to Hiccup (and Toothless' own) dismay, after he nearly attacks Hiccup's father. In a heated argument between father and son, Hiccup lets slip that they had seen the dragon's nest and that only a dragon could find it. Stoick then takes Toothless hostage with a fleet of Viking ships and heads out for the nest despite Hiccup's imploring he listen and think about what he's doing.

Well, lo and behold, the Vikings showing up to destroy the dragon's nest does little more than piss the Green Death off, and all Hell breaks loose. The giant dragon makes child's play of the fleet of Viking ships, and towers hundreds of feet above the helpless Vikings below. While they flounder and flail and attempt to not get killed, Hiccup shows the remaining teenagers left back on Berk how to properly handle dragons, and they set off to save their violent parents. After rescuing Toothless from a ship that was first on fire and then underwater, the pair take on the Final Boss.

And as is to be expected, they win! With some crafty ideas and some fancy flying, the Green Death's own firepower becomes its undoing, as Toothless lights up the gaseous fumes the giant expels to shoot fire with his own and causes a massive explosion. Unfortunately, as they had to lead the dragon straight toward the ground, they then had to fly up alongside it and were thrashed by the beast's giant club of a tail. Toothless dove into the flames after Hiccup who was thrown off his dragon's back and managed to shield the Viking from most of the harm that could have befallen him, but the teenager still lost the lower half of his left leg in the fall (which leads to a tragically adorable match between the two of them-- Hiccup has a gimp foot and Toothless has a gimp tail).

Though Hiccup's loss is hardly for naught; when he opens the door to his house and looks out upon Berk after the fact (after a minor heart attack over the fact that Toothless was in his house), he finds that Vikings and Dragons are living in harmony, and the rest of the village has learned from his example to train and befriend dragons as opposed to hunt and slay them.

Sample post (just a general, everyday, puttering-around-the-ship post; please include a snippet of dialogue):
The floor in the Medbay was cooler than Toothless would have liked, but it was hardly relevant. While he did, in most cases, prefer to sleep on warm ground (preferably still steaming, really), he would make do with what he had if it meant he could be present when Hiccup woke up.

As it stood, he was having a terrible time being patient while waiting for the Viking to do just that, and had nearly nudged the boy off the table he was laying on twice now. He padded around the room for the millionth time in the last hour, snuffed at Hiccup's feet, paced, and eventually nudged at the boy's side again, gentler this time so's not to move him. He was pale and he was breathing funny and he'd been out like this for what seemed like forever, and Toothless was fighting a rapidly losing battle with horrified concern over the teenager. Pacing around the room again, he settled briefly on Hiccup's left side and sniffed at his artificial leg. He'd never get used to it. Craning his neck upward, he set his chin upon the table beside Hiccup's still form and huffed, softly, hoping that maybe his worried irritation might speed the boy's recovery.

Link to continuation; Toothless doesn't speak, so Saphie and I arranged to have a premeditated interaction thread to serve as a sample. :x I hope this suffices.

If the character has magic, mutant, or otherwise metahuman abilities, please explain what they are and outline EXACTLY how they function, as their powers may not work due to the nature of the ship or may need to be limited somehow:
...Well he's a dragon, so he's scaly and fireproof on the outside and shoots lightningfire. He also flies, but this ability is severely hindered without Hiccup; he can sort of leap and glide without the Viking on his back, but for the most part is grounded without the boy to control the prosthetic fin on his tail.

Non-superhuman special abilities of note (Is your character a master ventriloquist? A naturally-occurring super-genius? The best martial artist in the world? Say so here):
The power of inherent adorable that comes with being a Dreamworks character for a children's movie?

[Player name] Juli/Anna/Hey You
[Age] Twenty-two.
[Personal Journal] wire_birdcage
[Other characters currently played] n/a

[Character name] Toothless
[Age] ...Uh. He acts like a spoiled fourteen year old boy?
[Canon] How To Train Your Dragon
[Point in time taken from canon] Post-Movie! So I apologize for any spoilers for you poor unfortunate souls that have yet to see the movie.

[Background] An article on the Night Fury, the "breed" of dragon Toothless is, and another on just Toothless. Also have a tl;dr summary of the movie! =D;;

A Night Fury is one of the rarest breeds of dragons in both the book series and the movie adaptation of How to Train Your Dragon. This is, purely and simply, because no Viking to date has seen one and lived to tell the tale (which is to say, no Viking to date has seen one at all). They are known to be very fast and very smart, never steal food, and never miss when they fire their white-hot lightning-like fire. This does nothing but add to the Vikings deeply-rooted fear of the mysterious beasts. They are elusive, they are dangerous, and...

The village outcast managed to shoot one down.

Toothless has very little background prior to being shot out of the sky on evening on an unsuspecting raid of a Viking village on Berk. It is assumed that he, like the other dragons shown in the movie, was along on a raid as a "job" of sorts to keep their hides safe from the Green Death to whom they answer. Unfortunately for him, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III escaped out the back door of the blacksmith shop where he works and is essentially babysat, and using one of his more creative inventions knocked the Night Fury right out of the night sky. In the fall, Toothless lost half of what I can only describe as a tailfin or a rudder-- a leathery flap of skin at the end of one half of his tail that cost him the ability to fly. Were Hiccup not Hiccup, the dragon likely would have died due to the injury.

Thankfully, Hiccup didn't have the heart to kill the felled dragon, and instead cut him free, earning the scare of his life. Curiosty then won the young Viking over and much to Toothless' irritable surprise, he was continually stalked by him. After fashioning a sort of prosthetic tailpiece for the dragon, Hiccup took Toothless for a sort of impromptu "test drive", and slowly they began to grow fond of one another. As time goes on, Hiccup's father decides he wants his unusual son to start Dragon Training, and Toothless helps Hiccup discover the secrets to training and taming dragons as opposed to hunting and killing them. This leads him to be a "master" in the ring, against all types of dragons. When Stoick and the other Vikings return from seeking out the dragon's nest to no avail, the Chief of Berk discovers his son had clearly been holding out all his life and was in fact a legendary dragonslayer.

Little did the village know, Hiccup was in fact using things like reflected light, eels and catnip-like grass to fend off the dragons as opposed to any sort of violence.

The day before Hiccup's "final test", where he is to go up against a Monstrous Nightmare before the entire village, Astrid (a pretty young female Viking with anger issues whom Hiccup is quite fond of) discovers Hiccup's little secret. As she heads off to tell the village that Hiccup has been training a Night Fury, Toothless rushes forward and, with Hiccup on his back to steer the prosthetic rudder for his tail that allows him flight, they take Astrid to the top of a tall tree in the forest. Here, Hiccup implores that if she won't listen, Astrid allow him to show her why he's chosen to train and befriend Toothless as opposed to slay him. When she consents on the stipulation that they simply get her down from the tree, Toothless chooses to be an unholy brat of a dragon and fly recklessly and without abandon in order to scare the wits out of the poor girl until she apologizes for being a haughty closed-minded brat about the entire situation. Toothless then calms down and flies calmly, showing Astrid that dragons are actually pretty darn cool.

After a long while of pleasant flying and bonding between the two teenage Vikings, Toothless suddenly becomes on edge and stops outrightly responding to Hiccup. The three soon find themselves in a sort of flock of hundreds of dragons and are lead back to the dragon's "nest", where they witness hundreds of the dragons the Vikings have spent years fighting away from their livestock and homes simply dropping the stolen goods into what looks like nothing more than a giant, horridly deep chasm. Unfortunately, when a Gronkle turns up with only a tiny, measley fish to offer, a much worse horror makes itself apparent-- a gargantuan dragon known as the Green Death rears its ugly head and swallows the entire Gronkle whole. The dragon then appears to smell Hiccup and Astrid's presence, and Hiccup spurs Toothless to get the hell out just as the dragon lunges for their hiding place. With this newfound information that the dragons raiding the villages are only behaving as such to keep the giant at bay, Hiccup decides he has to do something about the Viking's attitude toward them, deciding he will show them that dragons do not have to be feared in the ring with the Nightmare the following day.

So when things go awry in the ring Toothless scrambles his way, flightless, out of the basin he had taken residency in, into the ring to rescue his trainer and best friend (much to the horror of the other Vikings). Toothless is then captured by the Vikings, much to Hiccup (and Toothless' own) dismay, after he nearly attacks Hiccup's father. In a heated argument between father and son, Hiccup lets slip that they had seen the dragon's nest and that only a dragon could find it. Stoick then takes Toothless hostage with a fleet of Viking ships and heads out for the nest despite Hiccup's imploring he listen and think about what he's doing.

Well, lo and behold, the Vikings showing up to destroy the dragon's nest does little more than piss the Green Death off, and all Hell breaks loose. The giant dragon makes child's play of the fleet of Viking ships, and towers hundreds of feet above the helpless Vikings below. While they flounder and flail and attempt to not get killed, Hiccup shows the remaining teenagers left back on Berk how to properly handle dragons, and they set off to save their violent parents. After rescuing Toothless from a ship that was first on fire and then underwater, the pair take on the Final Boss.

And as is to be expected, they win! With some crafty ideas and some fancy flying, the Green Death's own firepower becomes its undoing, as Toothless lights up the gaseous fumes the giant expels to shoot fire with his own and causes a massive explosion. Unfortunately, as they had to lead the dragon straight toward the ground, they then had to fly up alongside it and were thrashed by the beast's giant club of a tail. Toothless dove into the flames after Hiccup who was thrown off his dragon's back and managed to shield the Viking from most of the harm that could have befallen him, but the teenager still lost the lower half of his left leg in the fall (which leads to a tragically adorable match between the two of them-- Hiccup has a gimp foot and Toothless has a gimp tail).

Though Hiccup's loss is hardly for naught; when he opens the door to his house and looks out upon Berk after the fact (after a minor heart attack over the fact that Toothless was in his house), he finds that Vikings and Dragons are living in harmony, and the rest of the village has learned from his example to train and befriend dragons as opposed to hunt and slay them.

[Personality] First and foremost, Toothless is a dragon. This results in him having no specific speech patterns, as he doesn't actually speak. He does, however, verymuch make up for his lack of ability to speak human languages in expression. One can assume that Toothless is a somewhat young dragon, in the scheme of things, as he behaves roughly like an overgrown, reptilian teenage boy crossed with a spoiled house cat and some kind of wild dog (as such, it was mentioned by the movie's production crew that Toothless is meant to be based off a cat/dog mix). He is very playful, and very energetic, and shares the same sort of dry sense of humor as Hiccup, his trainer and best friend. He is also very intelligent for a beast with no opposable thumbs or ability to vocalize in human tongues, and doesn't take kindly to being treated as anything different.

Despite being playful and overall relatively friendly, Toothless is still a wild animal (though as the movie progresses, it gets less and less noticeable). When his character is first introduced, he has been shot down by a homemade ballista of Hiccup's, and initially seems resigned to his fate of being killed by a Viking. However, when Hiccup chooses instead to cut him free, Toothless wastes no time in springing back to his feet and knocking the boy over to show him who is in control of the situation when he's not downed and tied up. Similarly, once Toothless has become fond of a person (ie, Hiccup) he is overprotective and fiercely loyal. When Hiccup is sent into the ring with a Monstrous Nightmare and things go bad, Toothless claws his way out of the grotto he has been more or less trapped in in order to rush to the young Viking's aid, despite the Nightmare being easily four times his size.

Similarly, as of the final battle in the movie, Hiccup and Toothless took on the Green Death (which is mentioned as the Red Death in most wikipedia entries, but was called the Green Death in both the books the movie was based on and the soundtrack), which is a god-awful freaking enormous dragon that Astrid at one point likens to a Queen Bee-- all the dragons in the movie harvest food from nearby villages (Berk included) and bring the food back to the Green Death to keep it at bay and prevent it from eating them. When Stoick takes the Vikings to siege what he assumes to be the dragon's nest, they essentially do nothing more than piss the Green Death off and send it on a rampage. Thankfully Hiccup has rallied the village teenagers and taught them how to ride and more or less control the group of dragons kept on Berk, and they rescue their closed-minded parents. In the midst of this, Hiccup and Toothless are thwomped by the massive tail of the dragon and Hiccup is thrown from Toothless' back. While Toothless may very well have been able to escape largely unscathed, he instead dives into the raging explosion below to shield Hiccup from the flames.

[Abilities] Flight! Though this is extremely hindered without Hiccup. Toothless appears to overall be capable of basic flight with Hiccup on his back, regardless of the Viking actually controlling the position of the rudder-like tailpiece he affixed to him (My assumption is that if the tailpiece is in a flat outward position, Toothless has enough control for minor maneuverability without Hiccup shifting the flap's position. He likely cannot climb or make any fancy arobatic moves without Hiccup's direct control, however). The Night Fury is also capable of faster flight than any other breed of dragon, as well as a longer duration of flight, and is capable of vertical takeoff due to its huge wings and small body.

The Night Fury breed is also set apart among dragons due to the nature of its flame; they shoot some crazy combination of lightning and fire. It's blue-white, but explodes like any other ball of fire. They are notorious for their accuracy with it, and Toothless is hardly an exception. They do, however, make a high-pitched sort of shrieking sound prior to expelling one of these horrid balls of lightning-fire, so there is at least a brief moment of warning to get the hell away. Toothless is also less likely to use this ability unless very provoked or unless Hiccup is in danger. ...Astrid too, maybe.

Due to the nature of Toothless being a dragon, he... also obviously is scaly and mostly fireproof on the outside. If you somehow manage to spit/shoot/aim/etc fire into his mouth, he's just as vulnerable as anything else, but outwardly the critter can take one hell of a beating. Cases in point; when he leaps into the ring to protect Hiccup from the Monstrous Nightmare, aforementioned Nightmare knocks Toothless on his back and snaps at him a few times-- the amount of motion in the scene makes it difficult to tell for certain if the larger dragon actually bit Toothless or not, but it appears so and he didn't seem at all bothered or injured. He also fell and skidded along the ground quite a lot before Hiccup re-taught him how to fly with the harness and tailpiece, and didn't seem at all bothered. Finally, at the end of the final boss fight, as it were, he not only flew directly into flames from a giant explosion and came out unharmed, he likely hit the ground pretty hard with Hiccup encircled in his legs and wings, and apart from being groggy and of a general "ow" demeanor, was mostly okay thereafter.

Toothless also likes to partially regurgitate his food. It seems to be a sort of "sharing" technique-- like how mother birds eat and then hork some or all of the food back up for their young. He appears to be the only dragon amongst those introduced in the movie that does this, and in the movie he only ever spat anything back out to offer to Hiccup. However, one can assume that if he were to take a liking to anyone or anything else, he may attempt the same for them as a means to ensure they were fed. He doesn't seem to mind if the offered regurgitated fish bits are not eaten by those they are offered to, but more in a "your loss," sort of fashion.

[Other important stuff] Toothless appears to subside entirely on fish. It seems that a lot of the dragons in this canon have specific and picky diets-- Nadders have diets comprised entirely of poultry. I don't doubt that Toothless would eat other things if there were absolutely no fish available, but he's kind of a spoiled brat and would sulk like nobody's business. He also, like all dragons in this movie, absolutely hates eel. It's never explained if they are poisonous or if the yellow and black stripes on the eels simply put off the dragons or what, but all of them hate and reel away from the things.

While Toothless is relatively domesticated due to Hiccup, he is still a dragon and more or less a wild animal. If he is with Hiccup he'll be much more likely to not be dangerous-- he listens very well to Hiccup, even if it means he winds up getting clobbered by a bunch of angry Vikings. However, if someone comes across him without Hiccup and startles him or causes him to feel threatened, he will react as any wild animal would and not be a very nice creature. ...This is more of a warning to not spook him than anything else; chances are I'll do everything in my power to keep him from being around people he would attack without Hiccup so's not to cause problems.

[Sample post]
[First Person]You have two options: either save your friend who is hanging from a cliff, or chase after the bad guy who put them in a position. If you choose the former, the bad guy will get away and it will be hard to catch him. If you choose the latter, the cliff will crumble and the friend will fall to the spiky rocks below. What do you do and why?

... [That earns a blank "are you kidding me?" stare for a while, before a grunt that resembles a laugh escapes the dragon. Of course he's going to save Hiccup first. Nevermind that he doesn't particularly care what becomes of this "bad guy", if he has to catch him he can do it a lot faster if he's got Hiccup.]

Murder. What is your opinion?

[Guilty eardroop. Do fish count?]

What is more important to you: having friends or living on your own? Why?

[Okay this one requires some thought. And thought results in some pretty hilarious facial expressions. After a moment, the entire dragon goes relatively slack, and then he shrugs. Friends. Because without Hiccup he couldn't fly, he wouldn't have a best friend, and Hiccup himself would still be stuck with those terrible meatheaded Vikings not listening to a word he said. Friends, definitely.]

There is a cake in the rain. What do you do?

... [Curious grunt. I just stepped in something weird and sticky and it's melting all over the place and gross, what the hell is that. Not tasty. It seems like overkill to set it on fire, though.]

You are suddenly told you are the child of an ancient prophecy to save the world. How do you feel? Will you embark on your journey? Or would you rather shove it onto someone else and run away? Explain.

... [The face you are receiving right now is best described as "I'm sorry, what?".]

You're dirt poor and your family is starving. You have a chance to steal bread. Do you: a) ignore it and get a job, b) steal it anyway because you know you won't get caught, c) get caught but break out of prison anyway, d) steal it and then hide from the creepy cop that keeps stalking you, e) don't steal because stealing is wrong :(. Explain why you chose that option.

[How many faces do we have to make at you before you stop asking us weird questions, seriously. How about F.) eat the bread and screw the cops, we're a dragon?]

What do you think of your home world?

[Grunt. Berk is much nicer when you're there because you're allowed to be.]

Someone is trying to rob you! What do you do?

[...what in the world are they trying to take? If it's Hiccup, he'll scorch their sorry butts.]

[Third Person]Toothless wasn't honestly certain how to react to the so-called Dreamberry he had been presented with. It was unlike anything he'd ever seen-- it was shiny and small and made noise if he pressed a certain area of it with his claws, and a lot of times it lit up and displayed faces. It had displayed Hiccup's face, once! And Hiccup's voice had come out of it. It perplexed the dragon-- how on earth had Hiccup managed to become so tiny he could fit inside a shiny box? Not that it truly surprised him-- Hiccup was capable of a million strange Human things. Toothless hardly felt he was the only one confused by something the boy had done.

More importantly, it was likely a very good thing that the Dreamberries were nigh indestructable. It was hardly intentional, but Toothless had nearly demolished the thing on numerous occasions-- either he'd stepped on it or he'd pressed on the screen too hard and it had cracked under the pressure of his claw (though it always seemed to be perfectly fine and not cracked the following day), or the one time he hadn't known exactly where it was and had sent it flying with the end of his tail (it had taken him a while to find it again, and when he did he realized that apparently, tiny shiny boxes that produced faces and voices weren't too keen on water). He had taken to carrying it around in his mouth a time or two, to ensure it was with him in case it decided to show him a voice and talk to him, and on more than one occasion had forgotten that he needed to leave his teeth retracted when it was there or it wouldn't work when he went to use it.

So overall, Toothless had come to the realization that he and this strange little device didn't get along very well. It didn't really matter what he did-- if he left behind, no one would be able to contact him unless they found him, and Hiccup seemed rather concerned with him being known by the masses anyhow (which confused him-- if an entire village of meatheaded Vikings had eventually been okay with him, why not a ship full of people with strange shiny talking boxes?), and if he brought it with him he invariably managed to break it in some way. It was a terrible little thing, and were it not for the fact that it would periodically spark at him if he smashed it wrong, he may have considered eating it just to see what it would do.

[Why do you want to play this character in Somarium?] Honestly? I just freaking love writing Toothless. I also appear to have Must Write Toothless to Hiccups Without Toothless Syndrome, in that every time I come across a Hiccup that has no Toothless I feel the need to apply to the game. ...It helps that kawree, who is apping Astrid, is my older sister.
[Which rule was your favorite and why?] The first one, about staying in-character. I really appreciate the lengths the moderation in this game seem to go to to not only keep characters in-character, but to respect those being accused of being out-of-character by requiring more than one complaint. It also impresses me greatly to know that the moderation themselves then go to the lenghth of reviewing the canon in question to determine whether or not the characters are behaving as they should. :3
[Where did you hear about Somarium?] From atoli, originally. :o
[Any questions?] What color underwear are you wearing? --No I'm kidding. XD

NAME: Juli/Anna/Hey You
PERSONAL LJ: wire_birdcage

NAME(S): Toothless
FANDOM: How To Train Your Draon
[Link #1: How To Train Your Dragon Wikia; Night Fury]
[Link #2: How To Train Your Dragon Wikia again; Toothless], repeat as necessary. I think those are the exact same two links the previous Toothless used. Derp.
Also, [Link #3: Summary of the movie, written by myself for another application.]

TIMELINE SUMMARY: Endgame! The Green Death brought down, Berk brought to their senses, dragons everywhere! Hiccup is missing a foot so he and his dragon match, Toothless has a fancy new prosthetic courtesy of Gobber, and all appears well.

PERSONALITY: First and foremost, Toothless is a dragon. This results in him having no specific speech patterns, as he doesn't actually speak. He does, however, verymuch make up for his lack of ability to speak human languages in expression. One can assume that Toothless is a somewhat young dragon, in the scheme of things, as he behaves roughly like an overgrown, reptilian teenage boy crossed with a spoiled house cat and some kind of wild dog (as such, it was mentioned by the movie's production crew that Toothless is meant to be based off a cat/dog mix). He is very playful, and very energetic, and shares the same sort of dry sense of humor as Hiccup, his trainer and best friend. He is also very intelligent for a beast with no opposable thumbs or ability to vocalize in human tongues, and doesn't take kindly to being treated as anything different.

Despite being playful and overall relatively friendly, Toothless is still a wild animal (though as the movie progresses, it gets less and less noticeable). When his character is first introduced, he has been shot down by a homemade ballista of Hiccup's, and initially seems resigned to his fate of being killed by a Viking. However, when Hiccup chooses instead to cut him free, Toothless wastes no time in springing back to his feet and knocking the boy over to show him who is in control of the situation when he's not downed and tied up. Similarly, once Toothless has become fond of a person (ie, Hiccup) he is overprotective and fiercely loyal. When Hiccup is sent into the ring with a Monstrous Nightmare and things go bad, Toothless claws his way out of the grotto he has been more or less trapped in in order to rush to the young Viking's aid, despite the Nightmare being easily four times his size.

Similarly, as of the final battle in the movie, Hiccup and Toothless took on the Green Death (which is mentioned as the Red Death in most wikipedia entries, but was called the Green Death in both the books the movie was based on and the soundtrack), which is a god-awful freaking enormous dragon that Astrid at one point likens to a Queen Bee-- all the dragons in the movie harvest food from nearby villages (Berk included) and bring the food back to the Green Death to keep it at bay and prevent it from eating them. When Stoick takes the Vikings to seige what he assumes to be the dragon's nest, they essentially do nothing more than piss the Green Death off and send it on a rampage. Thankfully Hiccup has rallied the village teenagers and taught them how to ride and more or less control the group of dragons kept on Berk, and they rescue their closed-minded parents. In the midst of this, Hiccup and Toothless are thwomped by the massive tail of the dragon and Hiccup is thrown from Toothless' back. While Toothless may very well have been able to escape largely unscathed, he instead dives into the raging explosion below to shield Hiccup from the flames.

SPECIAL ABILITIES: Flight! Though this is extremely hindered without Hiccup. Toothless appears to overall be capable of basic flight with Hiccup on his back, regardless of the Viking actually controlling the position of the rudder-like tailpiece he affixed to him (My assumption is that if the tailpiece is in a flat outward position, Toothless has enough control for minor maneuverability without Hiccup shifting the flap's position. He likely cannot climb or make any fancy arobatic moves without Hiccup's direct control, however). The Night Fury is also capable of faster flight than any other breed of dragon, as well as a longer duration of flight, and is capable of vertical takeoff due to its huge wings and small body.

The Night Fury breed is also set apart among dragons due to the nature of its flame; they shoot some crazy combination of lightning and fire. It's blue-white, but explodes like any other ball of fire. They are notorious for their accuracy with it, and Toothless is hardly an exception. They do, however, make a high-pitched sort of shrieking sound prior to expelling one of these horrid balls of lightning-fire, so there is at least a brief moment of warning to get the hell away. Toothless is also less likely to use this ability unless very provoked or unless Hiccup is in danger. ...Astrid too, maybe.

Due to the nature of Toothless being a dragon, he... also obviously is scaly and mostly fireproof on the outside. If you somehow manage to spit/shoot/aim/etc fire into his mouth, he's just as vulnerable as anything else, but outwardly the critter can take one hell of a beating. Cases in point; when he leaps into the ring to protect Hiccup from the Monstrous Nightmare, aforementioned Nightmare knocks Toothless on his back and snaps at him a few times-- the amount of motion in the scene makes it difficult to tell for certain if the larger dragon actually bit Toothless or not, but it appears so and he didn't seem at all bothered or injured. He also fell and skidded along the ground quite a lot before Hiccup re-taught him how to fly with the harness and tailpiece, and didn't seem at all bothered. Finally, at the end of the final boss fight, as it were, he not only flew directly into flames from a giant explosion and came out unharmed, he likely hit the ground pretty hard with Hiccup encircled in his legs and wings, and apart from being groggy and of a general "ow" demeanor, was mostly okay thereafter.

Toothless also likes to partially regurgitate his food. It seems to be a sort of "sharing" technique-- like how mother birds eat and then hork some or all of the food back up for their young. He appears to be the only dragon amongst those introduced in the movie that does this, and in the movie he only ever spat anything back out to offer to Hiccup. However, one can assume that if he were to take a liking to anyone or anything else, he may attempt the same for them as a means to ensure they were fed. He doesn't seem to mind if the offered regurgitated fish bits are not eaten by those they are offered to, but more in a "your loss," sort of fashion.

THIRD PERSON: Toothless was really quite ill-suited to a magical city, he was discovering. Despite being a dragon-- a mythical creature, to most, that didn't tend to exist beyond storybooks --he was finding living in a place like Rivelata to be quite challenging. Obviously the lack of modern conveniences didn't bother him any, and while the garnet-driven electricity confused him, he didn't overall mind it much. It was just the general atmosphere-- and more importantly, the generalized means of communication. Being a creature with no thumbs, he had deemed his journal and the pen that came with it nothing short of completely useless.

Though he had, on more than one occasion, dallied with the instruments long enough to hold the pen between his gums, teeth retracted, and scribble to his heart's content all over the pages of the journal. It was art! Hiccup did things like that, too, but he didn't have to hold the pen in his gums or his teeth to use it, so his turned out much nicer.

Unfortunately for Toothless, very few people had understood the meaning of his scribbles. So he tended to grunt and complain at the book to no avail, and usually wound up nudging the thing off the edge of something so it would flop closed and leaving it there to wander off and sulk until he forgot that he was angry with it. Really, why couldn't people just communicate face-to-face? Books were hard.

Optional: In addition to your sample, you may also provide links to third person samples from other games, museboxes, etc.

[Pseudo-log in theendisblip.]
[Interaction Thread used as a Sample for trans_9.


Optional: In addition to your sample, you may also provide links to first person samples from other games, museboxes, etc.

[Dear Mun; old post, but has a lot of substance.]

As brought up by the previous Toothless player, Toothless... can't talk. He can't write, and he really can't draw very well, either, but he does understand speech very well. Now, while understanding and actually listening to are two very different things, Toothless does, generally make an effort to behave if he's asked to. Nicely. By Hiccup. Point being, anything in his journal will probably resemble that ridiculous little scribblething I did in Photoshop for the lols (and because Toothless... wouldn't really know what to do with it, but since it looks like the little journalthing Hiccup carries in the movie which he draws in, he'll draw, too!), and he'll mostly stick to face-to-face action threading. Provided this is okay. :x

!application, oh god too many applications, transmigration 9, somarium, rivelata

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