Feb 10, 2011 03:03

Player Information:
Name: Saki
Journal: radiocandy
Method of Contact: AIM // stopstopsakikun
Previous characters: Dahlia Hawthorne

Character Information:
Full Name: Zelos Wilder
Series: Tales of Symphonia
Canon point: Post TOS, pre-TOS2
Age: 22
Species: Human/Angel [half & half]
Appearance/PB: 1 2 3
Appearance upon arrival: Same as pictured. After the final battle, Zelos would have returned home to attend to his business reforming the church (and saving his sister from that godforsaken abbey.)

Previous RP memories: N/A
Bringing someone along?: Nope.
Character History: Zelos' Wiki

Zelos' outer personality can be summed up by a few words: Gigolo. Narcissist. Casanova. Comic relief. Annoying.

Zelos is a very talkative, flirtatious guy who will never hesitate to say exactly what he's thinking in any situation. He's very loud and definitely stands out within a crowd; he seemingly possesses endless confidence and nothing can ever bring him down, no matter how sad. Because of this, Zelos often serves as comic relief, and goes out of his way to make a heavy moment lighter. Zelos is definitely not stupid, but at first glance he does not appear to be the brightest lamp in the store, either. He is also extremely perceptive, though he doesn't act it. He can easily pick up on the feelings of others and often reacts how he sees fit, however harsh it may be.

Despite all this, Zelos is a completely different person on the inside. His outer personality is nothing but a mask created to protect him. In reality, Zelos is insecure and self-loathing. He thinks very little of himself and his status as the chosen. His view of the world is very pessimistic; he sees things in the darkest way. This is partially due to the fact that he grew up neglected and feeling unloved, but other factors came into play as well.

The defining moment of Zelos' inner personality was when his mother was struck down by someone who was aiming to kill him. They had been playing out in the snow when his father's mistress unleashed a barrage of magic aimed for Zelos, but instead hit and killed his mother, Mylene. When she uttered the words "you never should have been born," Zelos began to resent who he was, and who he had been born as. He began to think that he was worthless-- someone who couldn't do anything right; someone who could never save the world. It was this lack of self-worth that led Zelos to bottle up his emotions and put on the mask he wears today.

Thus, it can be argued that Zelos' status as the chosen is what led him to possess the personality he does today. As a child, Zelos was a normal, playful kid, always wanting to go outside and have a good time. As he grew older, he quickly realized that his status made people want to be near him-- made them want to know him. It took a few years until he realized that they were only using him for social gain. This, combined with the death of his mother, made his personality take a dark turn.

That does not mean, however, that Zelos will show his inner self. In Splendor, he'll most likely often appear jolly. If you're a female, he'll most definitely hit on you. If male, he'll most likely ignore you outright. He'll never give the slightest hint as to how he feels on the inside. It takes a triggering event to make Zelos react; snow will most definitely be a trigger in almost every case. Besides these triggers, however, he'll stay the same Zelos he's known and loved to be.

Character Abilities: Given the title of "Magic Swordsman" by the game itself, Zelos has mainly three purposes in (and out) battle. He's quite skilled as a striker, often taking to the front lines to help out his comrades. He's quick, though lacking in large amounts of strength. He wields short, simplistic swords or daggers. If not up front, however, he's also skilled at long range offensive magic and will not hesitate to step back and cast a spell or two. His third main purpose is healing. Zelos is one of three possible healers in the game, and thus often comes in handy. His healing ranges from single person healing to multiple people at one time. He cannot, however, resurrect people in any way, shape, or form.
Possessions: His sword, shield, and cruxis crystal.
Anything else: Not that I can think of!

Action/Communication thread/post sample:

[In the golden room where all the new arrivals show up, Zelos can be found standing around, examining his seal quite intently. He looks deep in thought, as though he's quickly piecing together his situation and surroundings. It might not be best to disturb him-- oh, wait, he's nodding his head now as if he understands something. In a quick motion he brings the seal to his lips, and--]


[Even he winces at how loudly his voice comes out, but Zelos is, as always, quick to regain his footing. He shakes his head once more and a wide grin passes over his face. Tossing his hair back, he relaxes a bit and speaks once more into the seal, undoubtably harassing anyone nearby with his annoying beautiful voice.]

Lloyd? Colette? Sheena? Come on, guys. Yeah, yeah, this is a really funny joke. Now seriously, cut it out and get me out of here!

Log/Prose sample:

N/A, second character. (the first being Dahlia.)

splendorocity, !application

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