1) Is there room for a sort of Ministry of Morale in the city government? It hooks into the civil servants aspect, and given the way the setting is shapping up, "Soviet-style political officer" makes more sense as a background for the character I'm thinking of than "failed marketing exec
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Comments 9
2. Color photographs only. It will make the art style distinctive from the monster tokens. However, the whole thing is going to be reduced down to a token that's displayed at 128x128 pixels maximum, so fine details like furry ears are going to go largely unnoticed.
3. A headset definitely makes things easier.
4. The indenture kicks in as soon as the government notices the existence of a new life. I'll make some notes about this on the wiki.
2. Check.
3. Headset acquired!
4. Also check.
Bards in general are awesome.
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