Title: Flashcards Genre: Romance Rating: G Length: Chaptered Pairing: Jaeho Summary: Yunho’s been acting cold towards Jaejoong…and Jaejoong just couldn’t figure out why…
What happened? Why is Yunho being such a jerk to Jae???
May i suspect that The video filming that Yunho did is mostly on Jae (with himself realising it of course)..and Yunho is actually in love with Jae but trying very hard to avoid Jae and his own feelings?
Wow first place. Hi i was wondering can you add me to your friendlist because i really love your story eventhough its a little bit sad but i hope you update soon beccause i rreally want to know what happen next and why is Yunho so distant and meean to Jaejoong. I cant wait for your next update and i can wait to get a reply from you. Bye and keep up he good work.
No problem...I'm really glad you like it...hehe!!! Don't worry I'll try to update it as soon as I finish the next chapter...hahahaha!!! :) Thnks for reading...hehehe!!! :)
Comments 24
but anyway, i'm waitin for the next update. ^_^ looks interesting!
thnx for reading...i'll update as soon as possible...:)
May i suspect that The video filming that Yunho did is mostly on Jae (with himself realising it of course)..and Yunho is actually in love with Jae but trying very hard to avoid Jae and his own feelings?
thnx for reading...:)
Hi i was wondering can you add me to your friendlist because i really love your story eventhough its a little bit sad but i hope you update soon beccause i rreally want to know what happen next and why is Yunho so distant and meean to Jaejoong. I cant wait for your next update and i can wait to get a reply from you. Bye and keep up he good work.
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I wanna kill yunho
he's so mean!
;O; *kickshim*
wahHH! bad guy!
he made Joongie cry!
what happened?! ;O;
aish! silly boy!
if he keeps that way, he'll lose jaejae :(
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