1) Height: 5'11" (180cm)
2) Weight: Canon weight is quite literally "??". A wikia claims it's 117 lbs, but ... well, with even the official sources saying "??", it's hard to believe that.
... oh, right. Let's just say he's at a fairly healthy weight, likely closer to the "probably should eat a cake and some tacos" side.
3) Eye color/Hair Color: Eye color is grey. Hair color is purple, but as his wanted poster says his hair is black, it's likely to be viewed as such where he's from. It can be perceived as either or.
4) Age: 21-going-on-22 in canon, 24 in Luceti.
5) Voice:
In which Yuri is a terrible person to little kids. 6) Who does the housework in their house/apartment?: Most likely Estelle, possibly Flynn, Nan, and Karol as well. Raven is too lazy and Yuri is ... also lazy, at least in that sense. In fact, Yuri probably gives his housemates more work than they need -- he's a fairly messy person, after all. Thankfully, though, his messiness doesn't often creep out from his own room.
7) Their favorite (and least favorite, if you want) foods and who does the cooking in their house/apartment?: Yuri will eat just about anything as long as it's dead and cooked properly. Growing up in the lower quarter, where you don't know whether you're going to eat that day or not, doesn't lead to someone being picky -- unless the food tastes absolutely terrible, anyway. He does seem to prefer sweets and/or fruits, though.
As far as the cooking goes, almost everyone in the house cooks, except for Flynn (and possibly not Nan, either). Yuri likely does a lot of it though, since he's now the best cook the house has.
8) What they do during an average day in Luceti: Generally, it depends on whether it's his turn to make breakfast or not. If it is, he'll wake up early, sometime around 8AM or so, to get that started. If not, he won't be seen out of bed until 9AM, going on 10 -- anyone who attempts to wake him up earlier than that will be bitched at if it isn't an emergency. Regardless, after that, he will either head to the barracks or the battle dome, depending on what kind of training he wants to do, and spend a few hours there. Afterward, he tends to go for a jog around the village perimeter (... the whole thing), then go back to the house in the afternoon to rest a little (he'll skip the jog if it's his turn to make lunch, though). After that, he looks through the journal or heads around town to check up on people until dinnertime.
Unless he's particularly restless that day, he tends to just stay inside after dinner, either getting some extra sleep if he's tired, bugging housemates, or listening to the journal/talking to people through it.
9) Their general sense of fashion: Normally, what you see in icons is what you see from Yuri. However, he does wear a few other things -- normally
dark clothes, and neutral colors. And the occasional
odd outfit, but it's thankfully rare. Generally, though, he wears his normal canon outfit, or something similar to it.
10) Do they have any hobbies? Did they come up with these hobbies in Luceti, or was it something they always did?: Yuri does what he's almost always done -- fight, cook, and not much else. He did start to collect little odds and ends that he found interesting out of slight boredom ... at least until Estelle cleaned his room and threw them away, thinking they were garbage.
11) Has the situation in Luceti changed their view on certain topics/the way they react to different things?: Yuri is a bit more lenient when it comes to nobility now. He'll still stiffen up a bit and be much harsher on his judgments when it comes to their actions and thought processes, but he's found that some people he's become close with in the past (and present) were actually nobility. Therefore, he's more willing to give them a chance before being excessively cold around them.
He also has a rather jaded view on love, due to his past with Judith and the child they had together (and them both being gone now). He's pretty much shut the door on ever falling for someone again while in Luceti, due to how painful it was for him when they were both taken away at the same time. Once bitten, twice shy and all that. It helps that he's a bit dumb in the relationship section to start with. It's still possible for him to maybe fall for someone while stuck in Luceti, though -- but at the moment, it's highly unlikely.
Finally, due to the two years he's spent in Luceti, he's a little more open and friendly with others, unless he doesn't get a good impression of them from the start (or isn't in the mood to deal with people for extended periods of time at the moment). He's generally of the opinion that not everyone will stay in Luceti as long as he and a handful of others have, so he might as well get to know some people while they're around -- it passes the time, if nothing else, and can be rather interesting at times.
12) Do they have a weapon? If so, do they carry it at all times or just under certain circumstances?: Yuri has a fairly standard sword that he carries with him at all times on a bit of rope. There were two times he went out without his sword -- the first ended with a giant alien squid appeared and started wandering through town, and the second ended with him finding out someone could wield magic in one of the worst ways. Never again will he be seen without it.
He also wears a leather, fingerless glove on his right hand at all times as well -- unless he's at the battle dome. During those days, he has a fingerless gauntlet with two spikes on it, fashioned to look like fangs.
13) Who are their neighbors?: House 13 (Arche) is right next to them, Community Building #1 is across the street from them, and House 9 (Fate/Stay Night cast) is diagonal from them. The clinic is also behind them, across the river, as is House 35 (07-Ghost cast).
14) How long have they been in Luceti? Has that length of time impacted them in any way?: Yuri has been in Luceti since September of 2008, so it's been well over 2 years by now. Aside from what I listed in question 11, the length of time Yuri's spent in Luceti has worried him somewhat. After all, he's seen damn near hundreds of people come and go while he's stayed, and he's honestly beginning to think he's one of the "lucky ones" who'll be around until the Malnosso are done with their research -- however long THAT will take. He knows there are others who've been around much longer (Albert, Raine, and Sheena, for example), but it still bothers him.
15) Their favorite areas/stores/hang-out locations?: Generally, Yuri can be found in the battle dome or barracks. If he's not there, he'll either be found near Ammy's old cherry tree, one of the two lakes, or ... well, at home.
16) Wing color and how do they deal with their wings?: His wings are black. As for how he deals with them ... well, if it's cold or he's about to do some heavy duty training/sparring, he'll cover them with his clothes. If not, he leaves them out in the open.
17) Did they change or grow in any way physically since coming to Luceti?: His hair is a good three or so inches longer, nearly waist-level compared to his original mid-back length. The only thing he's bothered to trim back is his bangs -- he doesn't care much about how long his hair is now.
18) What do they miss the most from home?: Home itself, of course. But specifically the lower quarter, more than anything. He'd do almost anything just to spend a day there and know that everything is going all right.
19) What does their handwriting look like? Do they write the way they talk, or is there a clear difference between the two? His handwriting is fairly lazy looking, and it most likely is clear that he doesn't write very often, to any character that would notice something like that.
20) Is the way they act in person different from the way they act over the journal system?: In some cases! Yuri is more likely to be suspicious of someone in person, rather than over the journal -- especially if he's with someone he feels protective of at the time, and he's never met the person before/doesn't know a thing about them. During times like that, he'll talk less, give shorter, ruder responses, and be more apt to walk off right after doing so. He's also more likely to troll or be a tad more open over the journal than in person (but he still trolls/sarcasms it up in person pretty often).
21) Did they gain/lose any personal goals during their stay in Luceti?: With the appearance of the Adephagos right before he "fell", he did lose the goal building in his mind of doing something about it, since ... well. Kinda hard to get rid of it when you're no longer on the same planet anymore, isn't it? His goal of equality for all, no matter how rich or poor someone is, was also severely damped due to Luceti's environment (but it would immediately return to normal if he were to return home). However, because of that, it upped how fiercely he may respond to someone who could possibly threaten that state. Sort of a "I like how this system is don't you dare try and change it" thing.
He also gained the standard "I need to get out of here" goal that a large amount of Luceti's residents share -- along with an added "I need to find my son and get him out too". The "shift signature" thing Bil told him about worries him, however, so that's a goal he's keeping on the back burner until he knows more.
22) Is Luceti a technological upgrade, or downgrade for them? Have they adapted to these changes well?: It's ... both in a way? There are things that electricity can do that blastia can't, and things blastia can do that electricity can't. It's a sort of trade-off that kind of evens itself out, yet ... doesn't. It's odd.
He has adapted to the changes, though -- mostly by watching his housemates mess around with the new appliances and figuring out how they work that way. Anything overly complicated, though? He leaves it alone.
23) FOR STUDENTS: What is their favorite class? What is their least favorite class? What about their general behavior in school?: N/A
24) Do they have any special talents? If so, what are they?: Fighting -- definitely fighting. This is a guy who learned how to do a fatal strike (sort of a one-hit-kill when a perceived opening shows itself) just by hearing a vague definition of it and watching someone else do it from afar, after all. Not to mention in one sidequest, he learns a strike arte just from skimming a book on it. You gotta be talented in order to use a sword with either hand (... and occasionally switch which hand you're using it in during battle) or do little flips and tricks with your sword in the middle of a combo/arte, too.
There's cooking too, but ... that was less of a talent and more of a survival tactic. Flynn's food was apparently that bad that he felt the need to learn it himself -- he just ended up being very good at it.
25) Anything else you want to note?: With all the wandering he's done, he has probably seen everyone in Luceti at least once. Yes, even you.
Body and Appearance
1. Describe the character's height and build. Is he heavyset, thin, short, rangy? Yuri is tall, standing at 5'11", with a thin, fairly feminine build. He's also fairly light-weight, if the fact that Judith was able to punch him across the room is a hint of any sort.
2. How old is he? At the moment of my typing this, he's 24.
3. Describe his posture. Does he carry himself well or does he slouch? He carries himself well. He also has a tendency to put his hand on his hip or shrug while talking.
4. How is his health? Is he fit or out of shape? Any illnesses or conditions? Any physical disabilities? He's healthy, and very much in shape. He has no illnesses, conditions, or disabilities that would hinder him in any way.
5. How does he move? Is he clumsy, graceful, tense, fluid? Yuri fights very often, and has a tendency to charge into situations that'd require him to move quickly and carefully, so his movements are more on the fluid side than anything else.
6. How attractive is this character physically? How does he perceive himself in the mirror? According to the NPCs in the game, Yuri's fairly attractive -- at least enough that some female NPCs say things like "Oh I got to see a handsome boy while shopping today ♥". He's also been mistaken for a girl by a guy in the lower quarter's bar, so it may be safe to say he's pretty much "a pretty boy". He himself makes no commentary on his appearance, but considering he casually flirts with Judith (and Rita, once or twice), he's most likely confident in himself in that regard.
7. Describe his complexion. Dark, light, clear, scarred? He's light-skinned (not overly light, but he appears to be the lightest in skin tone, compared to the rest of the party) with a nice, clear complexion. In short, your average anime-style pretty boy.
8. Describe his hair: color, texture, style. His hair looks to be purple, but his wanted poster describes it as black. His in-game graphics make it look fairly thick, but his skit artwork makes it look thin, so it's difficult to choose which it may be -- therefore, I'm going for a medium thickness on that end. It appears to be smooth and silky -- he likely takes good care of it. It isn't really styled either, aside from the M (or W, depending on how you look at it) shape it falls in.
9. What color are his eyes? Grey.
10. Does the character have any other noteworthy features? He has a scar on the lower left side of his abdomen, due to Sodia's actions on Zaude and the Malnosso reopening the wound and allowing it to get agitated before treating it. The scar would've likely been difficult to see if it weren't for that, but now it stands out more.
11. What are his chief tension centers? I don't even know what this means :(
12. What is the character's wardrobe like? Casual, dressy, utilitarian? Bright colors, pastels, neutrals? Is it varied, or does he have six of the same suit? His sense of style is very casual. As long as it's comfortable, easy to move in, and doesn't "look like ass", he'll wear it. He can be rather stubborn about what he wears too, if he feels comfortable with what he's got on. Even if he's wearing a white bandanna, a white graphic tanktop, and bright yellow sweatpants, he won't back down and change what he's wearing just because everyone else doesn't like it. For the most part, though, he tends to wear darker, more neutral colors, ignoring the occasional "yuri why" outfit/color choices. Most of his stuff is plain or only has very simple edging or patterns on it, but he does have the occasional Hawaiian-style shirt, too.
As I said, he doesn't give a crap -- as long as it's comfortable and isn't ugly (to him), he'll wear whatever and there isn't a damn thing anyone can say about it.
13. Do his clothes fit well? Does he seem comfortable in them? He won't wear things he's not comfortable in, so yes.
14. Does he dress the same on the job as he does in his free time? If not, what are the differences? Yes, yes he does.
15. You knew it was coming: Boxers, briefs or commando? Boxers.
1. What does this character's voice sound like? High-pitched, deep, hoarse? It's on the deep side, and sounds almost constantly sarcastic.
2. How does he normally speak? Loud, soft, fast, evenly? Does he talk easily, or does he hesitate? He speaks at a medium tone (unless he's mad, in which case he'll get louder), and at an even pace. He talks very easily as well, unless it's a moment where he doesn't have a retort/explanation, or is one that he doesn't know how to properly handle. During moments he doesn't know how to handle, he may say cheesy things in an awkward-sounding tone.
3. Does the character have a distinct accent or dialect? Any individual quirks of pronunciation? Any, like, you know, verbal tics? He has a rough, rude tone, making it clear he's not from "the upper class" of society. Aside from that, no.
4. What language/s does he speak, and with how much fluency? English, with complete fluency. Look carefully at the Vesperia lettering, and you'll see that it's actually curvy, sideways English. Everything written in the Vesperia language follows English spelling and grammar, as well. Except when it randomly flies off into Italian.
5. Does he switch languages or dialects in certain situations? During more serious situations, he'll cut back a bit on his rude tone and speak more seriously, but not by an awful lot.
6. Is he a good impromptu speaker, or does he have to think about his words? He's an excellent impromptu speaker, except when he's in awkward situations. ... Well, considering some of the incredibly cheesy things he says in situations like that, it's possible he doesn't have a brain-to-mouth filter at all.
7. Is he eloquent or inarticulate? Under what circumstances might this change? Somewhere in the middle. He'll move a little closer to eloquent during a more serious situation, but his way of speaking is normally rough and "uncultured".
Mental and Emotional
1. How intelligent is this character? Is he book-smart or street-smart? He's very clever, but by no means a genius. There are a lot of things he doesn't know about (for example, he never heard of coral until he actually saw it, even though there are books on the subject -- he doesn't read anything that isn't about strengthening himself or his fighting techniques, though), mostly due to the fact that he barely had an education while growing up. This is due to his status in society -- being a commoner of the lowest rank of the social ladder. However, as stated before, he's very clever and quick-thinking, so he's heavily street-smart.
2. Does he think on his feet, or does he need time to deliberate? He definitely thinks on his feet, even in situations where he really SHOULD stop and think about things. This was a guy who decided that the best solution to the Adephagos problem was to get rid of all the world's blastia, and if anyone had a problem with that,
well ... 3. Describe the character's thought process. Is he more logical, or more intuitive? Idealistic or practical? Very practical, but also fairly intuitive. He ranges from following a normal brand of logic, like "If I do something the magistrate doesn't like, it'll put me on the wrong side of the law, so I should make sure the rest of the group is okay with going along with it", to having his own special brand of Yuri Logic, like "I need to do something about Estelle, so even though everyone else I'm traveling with wants to help and has perfect reason to, I think I'll just run off and do it on my own. WHAT COULD GO WRONG." See also things-going-over-his-head-sometimes.
4. What kind of education has the character had? Next to none -- he was an orphan in the poorest section of town, so he likely wasn't taught much aside from "this is numbers, this is letters, this is how to read and write them", along with the basics needed to survive in the world.
5. What are his areas of expertise? What, if anything, is he interested in learning more about? Fighting and cooking, mostly. He seems to enjoy learning and cultivating both skills, as well, even though he says that he "doesn't enjoy fighting" (which is a lie, as in later skits it's clearly shown that he has a passion for it and Estelle claims he has a light in his eyes that only appears when he's fighting) and that he doesn't enjoy cooking either (he just happens to be good at it and continues to learn new things about it, due to possible cooking-related trauma doled out by Flynn).
6. Is he an introvert or an extrovert? Definitely an extrovert. However, he doesn't really seek people out, and doesn't talk too much about himself or anything like that. He is, however, fairly chatty and speaks easily to others. He also has enough clear confidence and extroversion if he can casually flirt with females on occasion as well.
7. Describe the character's temperament. Is he even-tempered or does he have mood swings? Cheerful or melancholy? Laid-back or driven? He tends to be fairly even-tempered and laid-back, but if he doesn't like something, you'll know it right away. Depending on the person, he'll either be cold or friendly -- or even a combination of the two.
8. How does he respond to new people or situations? Is he suspicious, relaxed, timid, enthusiastic? SUSPICIOUS oh god does he get suspicious. HE THOUGHT KAROL WAS SUSPICIOUS. KAROL IS A 12 YEAR OLD DERP-FACE. Don't get me started on Rita -- even after it was clear she wasn't behind the blastia theft, he was still acting as if she was suspicious, up until his "totally sincere" apology. For the most part, though, he'll be fairly relaxed -- closer to indifferent -- about new things, if he has no reason to be suspicious.
9. Is he more likely to act, or to react? Depending on whether he feels he can do something about the situation, he'll do either or. 9 times out of 10, he'll act.
10. Which is his default: fight or flight? Fight, unless he has a reason to switch to the latter.
11. Describe the character's sense of humor. Does he appreciate jokes? Puns? Gallows humor? Bathroom humor? Pranks? TROLL THROTTLE ON.
... no seriously. The guy loves teasing and even scaring people, from teasing someone about what a certain food is (lol potato soup) to purposely going out of his way to scare someone (kicking a rock in some fragile looking ruins, making the rest of the group think the roof was about to cave in or something). He'll make sarcastic quips about situations too, unless it's something he feels strongly about.
12. Does the character have any diagnosable mental disorders? If yes, how does he deal with them? kleptomania masochism None.
13. What moments in this character's life have defined him as a person? His time as a knight, most definitely. He used to be much more impulsive and much ruder/childish about things (he thought he could get by in life at the time because he's physically strong), rarely taking anything too seriously until the deaths of both Lambert and Niren. He has grown and learned a lot due to those events, and it shows in his attitude at the end of the movie (and especially the game itself).
14. What does he fear? Losing loved ones and being helpless to save them, mostly. This means anyone he's come to see as family (or in the case of Luceti, anyone's grown to actually love). This is less "they went away" and more "they died and I was completely useless/couldn't do anything to help". Being unable to help someone he cares about is both painful and difficult for him to accept (as shown when Lambert and Niren died), and thus he does his damnedest to save people he views in that way.
15. What are his hopes or aspirations? Luceti-wise, it's getting the hell OUT of Luceti. In canon, he wants to help change the way the common folk are treated, and has found his own path when it comes to doing that -- working as a member of Brave Vesperia.
16. What is something he doesn't want anyone to find out about him? He's very closed about his past, so that'd be one thing. The murders he committed would be another.
1. Describe this character's relationship with his parents. HA HA WHAT PARENTS. No seriously, what parents. According to the game, he doesn't even remember what they look like (I think it outright states that they're dead, I need to check that). So, they're either dead or they went "well shit, I didn't want a son D| /leaves" or something, I have no damn clue.
2. Does the character have any siblings? What is/was their relationship like? If he does, he certainly doesn't know about them. But as far as canon goes, he's an only child.
3. Are there other blood relatives to whom he is close? Are there ones he can't stand? No family, yo.
4. Are there other, unrelated people whom he considers part of his family? What are his relationships with them? All of the lower quarter, really, as well as the others in his party, in his own weird way. Yes, even the old man. Well, maybe only Estelle, Karol, and Flynn are the party members he's really come to see as family (well, sort of unsure on the Flynn side -- he may just see him strictly as his closest friend). He bonds with Rita late in the game but doesn't seem to see her as a sister, he flirts with Judith too much for me to say "YEAH TOTALLY FAMILY THERE", and Raven requires no explanation, so he's probably more or less just very attached to the rest of the cast.
5. Who is/was the character's best friend? How did they meet? Flynn Scifo, most definitely. They met sometime as children.
6. Does he have other close friends? The rest of the party, and the lower quarter.
7. Does he make friends easily, or does he have trouble getting along with people? ... Both, really. If he wants to be friends with someone, he'll usually get along with them fairly easily. If he doesn't, he won't.
8. Which does he consider more important: family or friends? Considering he HAS no family (Luceti-born family aside), most definitely friends.
9. Is the character single, married, divorced, widowed? Has he been married more than once? In canon, he's completely single. In Luceti, he was in a serious relationship but never married, so still single in that area as well.
10. Is he currently in a romantic relationship with someone other than a spouse? Canon-wise, no. Luceti-wise, he used to be but isn't anymore.
11. Who was his first crush? Who is his latest? Canon-wise, it was apparently a girl 14 years his senior (which my headcanon says was Casey, but I'm not going to chase that farther than need be) when he was a child, as the woman saved him from drowning in the river. He doesn't seem to have any crushes in canon, unless you count his casual flirting with Judith (and the fact that all males in the party seem to have some form of a crush on her). Luceti-wise, honestly? He just slightly has a thing for Stella and Raine. He'll never act on it though, mostly due to the whole bye-bye-family thing and the fact that ... well, he's just not in the mood to go for anyone else, so he'll just stick to casually joke!flirting with Stella and being friends with Raine. That and he has a feeling both are being courted by someone else, so yeah, deeeeefinitely steering clear. Besides, being friends with them instead is much, much, muuuuch easier for him to deal with. Also he sucks with reading women properly so pff.
12. What does he look for in a romantic partner? A sense of humor, attractiveness, and personal strength. If they enjoy fighting, that's another plus -- just as long as he can still protect them and feel like A Man without them flipping a cow.
13. Does the character have children? Grandchildren? If yes, how does he relate to them? If no, does he want any? Canon-wise, no. In Luceti, he had a son named Jonah, which he was very close to, but he's since been taken away by Malnosso Social Services because Yuri is too much of a doofus to be a parent due to Judith's "shift signature" being gone and thus endangering the child's life. He doesn't want any more kids while he's in Luceti, either.
14. Does he have any rivals or enemies? Canon-wise, from his point, it's just Zagi (as Alexei is dead). In Luceti, there ... really isn't anyone I can readily think of.
15. What is the character's sexual orientation? Where does he fall on the
Kinsey scale?He canonly makes comments about Judith being eyecandy and about her outfit, and also flirts with her occasionally, so it's safe to say he likes the wimminz.
16. How does he feel about sex? How important is it to him? He enjoyed it while he was able to, as far as Luceti goes. For him, it's a fun activity to do with someone you feel strongly about and have great trust in. He won't go sleeping around, though -- the drama that could come from that would just serve to be annoying for him.
17. What are his turn-ons? Turn-offs? Weird bedroom habits? ... Cat-ears. Also, being over-powered in bed (but not every time, he likes being the one to wear the pants in bed sometimes too). Turn offs ... maybe being rushed, I guess. Idk about any weird bedroom habits, though. I don't think these things through THAT much.
1. Do you know your character's astrological (
zodiac of
choice) sign? How well does he fit type? He seems to fit best with Virgo, if I'm remembering right.
2. Is this character religious, spiritual, both, or neither? How important are these elements in his life? He is neither religious or spiritual, so it has no importance in his life.
3. Does this character have a personal code of morals or ethics? If so, how did that begin? What would it take to compromise it? "Do justice for others, and punish the unjust". It's likely been his "moral code" for as long as he can remember. Almost nothing can compromise that code -- even if an innocent person is committing injustices, he will still try to find a way to save them without having to "bring them to justice". However, if there's no other way, he will.
4. How does he regard beliefs that differ from his? Is he tolerant, intolerant, curious, indifferent? He's indifferent. People can believe whatever the hell they want, as long as their beliefs aren't hurting anyone else. If they are, then he's pretty damn intolerant of it.
5. What prejudices does he hold? Are they irrational or does he have a good reason for them? NOBLESSSSSSS but really, he does have a prejudice against nobles. All they tend to do is look out for their own interests, wave their money around, dress nice, and look down on the common people from their mansions -- at least where he's from. So, his prejudice is pretty much justified.
Daily Life
1. What is the character's financial situation? Is he rich, poor, comfortable, in debt? Technically, he's homeless in canon. The lady at the Comet Inn is just nice enough to let him stay, since he has nowhere else to go. So, yes -- he's poor.
2. What is his social status? Has this changed over time, and if so, how has the change affected him? Commoner, and it hasn't changed. It doesn't seem to bother him much, either.
3. Where does he live? House, apartment, trailer? Is his home his castle or just a place to crash? What condition is it in? Does he share it with others? A little room at an inn in the lower quarter. It seems to be just a place to crash, as he doesn't really take very much care of it (there are beer bottles left in the corner, books all toss in another corner, and a picture that could be hung up is instead left partially hidden behind his bed -- seriously, there's a picture hook about two feet away from it, diagonally). He lives with his dog, Repede, in it.
4. Besides the basic necessities, what does he spend his money on? Swords, beer, books on strike artes/battle techniques, and whatever Repede might need.
5. What does he do for a living? Is he good at it? Does he enjoy it, or would he rather be doing something else? professional hobo complete with "way too attached to the local strays" He's a member of Brave Vesperia, and he's good at what he does in that guild. He seems to enjoy it, as well.
6. What are his interests or hobbies? How does he spend his free time? Fighting and cooking seem to be his canon hobbies, as well as spending way too much time analyzing the social structure of Zaphias' stray cats and dogs. Exercising seems to be another hobby of his, as he does an excessive amount of it almost daily. His free time is usually spent lazing around, or hanging around/talking to people he knows.
7. What are his eating habits? Does he skip meals, eat out, drink alcohol, avoid certain foods? He'll eat the usual 3-meals-a-day on a normal day, but if there isn't enough food around to do that/he's otherwise preoccupied, he'll skip meals. According to a skit, he's "used to it". He'll eat absolutely anything that's cooked properly, and seems to have no dislikes. He's not a big drinker, but a beer or two a day isn't some big shock for him. If there aren't any around at the time, he'll just do without -- he doesn't really care.
As for food he avoids ... well. Anything made by Flynn, pretty much. ... Or anything made by Rita when she doesn't want to cook.
Which of the following do you associate with the character, or which is his favorite:
1. Color? Black
2. Smell? Curry
3. Time of day? Dusk
4. Season? Fall
5. Book? lolwhatisreading
6. Music? idk
7. Place? some place that is ... nice. And made of chocolate.
8. Substance? SWORDS
9. Plant? ... SWORDS
10. Animal? Dogs.
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