this is the best icon i ever had and there ever was im at school i am missing kates show thats is dumb i wish i could get this paper done i heard bad news the other day at lest it wasnt my own i need to start jerking off in funny places again i did that the otehr day it was good
2008 2007 was 365 day i have a funny feeling 2008 will be a little longer i learn to sake hands and work work work wokr wokrowkrokwokroworkworkworkworkworkworkwrwkworwrowrwkrwkr drink less mybe most likley not i need a place to live i still feel like a child maybe thats ok
xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx x xx x x x i coming home very soon im glad lets kill ourselfs when i get home i want some one to give me a pearl necklace
this is an old picture of my before i gre a face im in ireland it is fine every where is the same as everywhere eles i dont know what to draw pictres of today i have no ciggerates ill shall buy some Western societies.