I found a list of drabbles here a while ago. I finally got to finishing the last five yesterday, so I decided to post them.
1. Trust
With the chimeras attacking Roy really didn’t worry, Hawkeye was in the tower after all.
2. Home
Roy couldn’t help but let out a deep breath of relief when he saw Edward and Alphonse step into the office, safe and sound.
3. Kindness
The blanket was something he brought for a picnic date that was cancelled by Hawkeye and he never bothered to bring it home…it was put to good use the days Edward fell asleep at his desk.
4. Family
The honor was supposed to go to the father and mother, but Roy didn’t mind standing next to Alphonse before handing Edward the degree.
5. Assignment
Roy couldn’t help but smirk as Fullmetal scribbled down his report, that’s what he deserved for waiting till at the last minute.
6. Hate
Seeing Edward in the hospital bed right as his automail was reattached…the thought that Hohenheim wasn’t there for his family brought forth the most disturbing feelings in Roy.
7. Alphonse
Roy would wake up from nightmares about having no body….he couldn’t bring himself to talk to Hawkeye about them when Alphonse was in the office.
8. Smug Bastard
Roy couldn’t help it when Ed walked in acting like such an adult when he didn’t even have facial hair, he couldn’t help but comment. Watching the kid act like a kid made him feel superior.
9. Protect
As his blood slipped out of his body he couldn’t help but feel he failed as he stared at Havoc’s unmoving body.
10. Studying
“Will you pay attention” the young man shouted.
“32-24-34, not bad,” the other man replied.
“What?” Ed asked.
“You need to be a master of what you study, Fullmetal,” Roy replied and Ed looked at the curvy woman in confusion.
11. Responsibility
“It won’t happen again,” Ed whispered and Roy nodded before he prepared to speak to the Fuhrer about how this wasn’t going to happen again.
12. Love
He dated blonds, red heads, brunettes, girls with green eyes, blue eyes, and brown eyes, he just couldn’t date a woman with blonde hair and brown eyes, he wasn’t sure why.
13. Rain
He liked the rain, because he could pretend that he was crying with the boy instead of condemning him to the hellish truth of the military.
14. Guilt
When he hears a little kid cry out in fear or pain his heart clenches and he feels the need to wash his hands.
15. Automail
Sometimes he forgets, since the kid is always covered completely, and every now and then he grabs a shoulder only to get his finger pinched in the metal joint when Ed tries to fling his hand off.
16. Garden
His master had a magnificent garden outside his house, but no matter how hard he studied, Roy couldn’t grow anything but weeds.
17. Traveling
Contrary to popular belief, he enjoyed traveling with Fullmetal….who else could he travel with and get so much leg room.
18. Kitties
He couldn’t help but laugh when he heard how the cat had given birth to kittens on Ed’s bed….with Ed in it….on his pillow….it was no surprised Fullmetal freaked out the next time Al found a stray.
19. Guidance
“And always use protection,” he stated.
“I wasn’t asking about THAT!” Ed shouted in his formal outfit, his bow tie still hanging useless.
“Oh, easy mistake, after all, you are taking that Rockbell girl out tonight,” Roy smirked.
20. Izumi Curtis
When he first met the boy after he came to Central, he found the kid rather violent and prone to anger…when he met the teacher….everything seemed to fall into place.
21. Thank You
“Here’s the report,” Ed stated shoving the paper at him. Roy took it and looked it over, it was typed, neat, organized, and a week early.
“I’m shocked, Fullmetal,” Roy admitted and Ed huffed as he scratched his bandages absently.
“Yeah well, you know,” Ed stated, limping slightly and Roy was glad he had arrived in time to help the boy.
“You’re welcome, Fullmetal,” Roy stated and the boy paused but didn’t look back before making his way home to finish recovering.
22. Stars
Roy looked at the sky through the window.
“You should be working,” Ed said.
“I’m star gazing,” he replied.
“It’s two in the afternoon,” Ed stated and Roy smirked as he watched the lovely general walk by with her high ranking friends.
23. Teasing
“You know what they say, Fullmetal, children will hit someone they have a crush on,” Roy commented. Winry wondered why Ed began to blush every time she hit him with her wrench.
24. Fire
He would never tell anyone but he liked fire a lot, it kept him warm on cold nights and he believed that fire was purifying, that’s why he burned the house down, to purify it from their sin. That’s why he didn’t ask to transfer as soon as possible after being assigned to Mustang.
25. Good Night
He didn’t expect a handshake really, the slap of his head was actually a lot more then he was anticipating from the boy. The kid smirked at him and he felt proud.
“Good night, Edward,” he stated and Ed turned.
“Bye, you Bastard,” was his reply.