A Mostly Harmless Application

May 06, 2010 22:04


Name: Aki
Are you over 16?: Philosophers are still stuck firmly in debate.
Personal LJ: jaki_ryuujin 
Email: akkiko_tenshi[at]hotmail.com
Timezone: Mountain (-0700)
Other contact: 
  • GinryuKnight [AIM]
  • Jaki_Ryuujin [Plurk]
Characters already in the game:
  1. GinUingu | wingsofsilver 
  2. Shiba Kaien | surgingwave  


Character name: Fran
Fandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Timeline: At the end of the TYL arc.
Age: Never stated, estimated to be in his early twenties.

~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths: Fran is an illusionist of the Varia, a top notch assassin squad.  This means basically two things: one, that he employs the use of the mist version dying will flame (DWF) and two, despite all appearances he's very good at what he does.

To start, a DWF is described as being an overly dense aura exuded by the human body.  However, this aura can be seen by the naked eye and actually lives and acts like a flame in that it consumes oxygen and has physical presence.  In multiple scenes the flame has actually been shown to warp metal.  There are seven types of DWFs in total, each representing an aspect of the open sky.

Fran's flame, mist, is the flame of construction and the flame of all illusionists.  It allows him to generate images from his will into the real world.  In certain cases, if the illusionist is very powerful, the mist DWF has been known to actually solidify the illusion into reality.  It should also be noted that Fran is apparently one of only three known illusionists who can trick the Vendicare* with his skills.

The other half of his abilities, the physical side, are almost completely negligible.  For all that he's "Varia Quality," a qualification promising only the best, Fran is one of the only illusionists in REBORN! who doesn't use an actual weapon.  He's agile enough, keeping speed with Belphegor, one of the swiftest assassins, and can withstand seemingly extreme amounts of pain without twitching, but he has never once actually been called upon to physically exert himself.

His box weapon*, also, is rather silly.  It appears to be a jack-in-the-box version of a Belphegor puppet.  The puppet is wreathed in mist flames and has been seen blocking a DWF sucking beam of light but its properties are otherwise unknown.

* The Vendicare is a high class prison located in Europe and known to hold the most dangerous criminals of the world.  It is said that escape is impossible and that anyone admitted to the facility is a danger to be reckoned with, even in the mafia world.

* A box weapon is exactly what it sounds like. It is a small box that, when unsealed, releases a weapon crafted to the flame that unseals it. There are boxes in accordance to all seven flames and they can be opened by feeding a concentrated source of flame into the opening. The flame is usually concentrated into the gem of a ring and expelled that way.

How would they use their abilities?: Fran is a prankster and a troll.  It is expected he will use his skills mostly for his own entertainment and very little else.  In regards to nefarious misdeeds, there is little to fear.  He has no goals to become an evil villain.

Appearance:  Fran is tiny in almost every aspect of the body.  His height, his muscles, his general frame... he's the type who looks like if you gave him one good solid punch, he'd go flying across the room.  (And this actually sort of happens in the anime, Bel gives him one good kick and off he goes.)

His hair holds a sort of aqua green/cyan coloration and is somewhat long, reaching down to brush his shoulders.  His eyes are of a similar shade of coloring.  With narrow shoulders, thin and gangly limbs and an incredibly slender build it's obvious he's not someone who can hold his own in a punch-up.  And, like almost every other illusionist in REBORN!, he is ridiculously androgynous.

Background: Before Fran became a member of the Varia, he was originally a member of the Kokuyo gang, a small band of criminals that had escaped from the Vendicare prison center some years back. How he specifically came into the group is unknown but it can be assumed he joined because of his master and teacher of the art of illusions, Rokudo Mukuro.  Mukuro is the leader of the Kokuyo gang and had been incarcerated inside the Vendicare for the last ten years. Assumedly, either he or his tie to the outside world, Chrome Dokuro, found something of similarity within Fran which made them bring him into the folds of their group.

However, in the rest of Italy a powerful storm was brewing in the mafia world. The Vongola family, long standing powerhouse of the underworld was on the verge of war with the newly formed Millefiore family. As the Vongola entered battle with the Millefiore, among the first casualties were all of the Arcobaleno, a select group of the seven most powerful people in the world, many of which had ties to the Vongola. One of those to fall was Viper, also known as Mammon of the Varia.

The Varia are an independent assassination squad previously affiliated with the Vongola. Mammon, their mist user, was an incredibly powerful illusionist, always seen carrying a small frog on his head. With his death, the Varia found themselves not only short one member but also suddenly vulnerable to illusion attacks from their enemies. Seeking to fix this, they sought a member who was not only an illusionist but could also fulfill the qualifications of "Varia Quality." A standard the Varia had upheld since their formation, the promise of "nothing but the best."

Such a person was found in, surprisingly, Fran of the Kokuyo. Not only was Fran one of the most powerful illusionists around but his skill had been refined by one of the very best of the criminal world. Added to that, he was currently unaffiliated to a "real" mafia family and therefore considered easily claimable. While there is a theory that it was Squalo and Bel who were sent in to retrieve him, how exactly he joined the Varia is uncertain, much like his institution into Kokuyo. There he received what could only be called as one of the most frigid of welcomes ever. This was due to several things: the first being the nature of the Varia assassins themselves. Their personalities left a great deal of want when it came to things like socialization so it was unlikely that Fran's joining them would be viewed as anymore than added paperwork and more trouble. The second problem was Fran's personality. Clearly unwilling in every aspect of the word, he treated the Varia in a very antagonistic manner, mocking and baiting them at every opportunity. The third difficulty, and this is the largest, was Belphegor.

For some reason, Bel seemed to go out of his way to make Fran's new job a complete and utter misery. Exactly why he did this is unknown but it could be guessed that it had something to do with Mammon. This is supported by the fact that, to remind Fran he would always be nothing more than a replacement, he forced Fran to wear a ridiculously large and bulky frog-hat.  An item that constantly obstructs Fran whenever he has to work. There were also several instances where Bel's murderous intent towards Fran was so strong that it actually "hurt" Fran. And when they weren't trading witty banter, Bel seemed to have developed a new found hobby of turning the newly made assassin's back into a pin-cushion with his knives.

Fran, while hating the hat, didn't seem to particularly care.

Being both the rookie and the new guy, it was up to Bel to show Fran the ropes of being a part of the Varia, a duty most likely given to him by Squalo and one he took up with a great deal of disgust and whining. This earned Bel the nickname of "Bel-senpai" from Fran.

As the war with the Millefiore family escalated, Fran joined in on several important operations. The first being the defense of the Vongola base in Italy where they encountered Bel's long lost (and thought to be dead) twin brother, Rasiel. During the battle it was thought they were defeated but it was revealed later Fran had illusioned their defeat merely for the sake of wanting to see their boss, Xanxus, fight. Something that was hinted to be incredibly rare as Xanxus rarely ever deigned to remove his butt from his chair. As soon as Xanxus entered the fray however, the battle was immediately won as the man is like a nuclear battery compacted into a flashlight.

After that fight, he left to go visit a friend who was apparently named "Daburyu." This actually stood for W, which in turn stood for M.  In short, M.M. who was a member of the Kokuyo gang. Using his skills as an illusionist, Fran impersonated a member of the Millefiore to free his master, Mukuro, from the Vendicare prison. Later it is revealed that the Vendicare never even noticed they had been tricked and claimed it was impossible for there were only three illusionists in existence who could fool their eyes.

After freeing Mukuro, they immediately left for Japan to join in the final battle against Byakuran where Fran finally revealed his box weapon which was... seemingly, a rather useless puppet that could only be used as a shield. Beyond that, his involvement in the fight was rather negligible and after they won, he was never shown again. Assumedly, he went back to working with the Varia until Tsuna and his friends returned to their original time, rewriting the future.

Personality: Fran is like that little tick on the back of your head. You know its there and it annoys the hell out of you but it never dies.  While he's prone to display an almost apathetic and extremely bored personality, it's really up for debate on whether or not said apathy extends all the way through into his true self. His irritation and joy seems entirely muted and he is never once seen expressing a real emotion that he seems to truly feel. That being said, it's hard to imagine he has any goals or ambitions in life, but he does.  Those simple goals are as follows: to apparently be a hero and to irritate the hell out of everyone around him.

His antagonistic nature is almost purely directed at members of the Varia, the Kokuyo gang and his own master, Mukuro.  He'll bait and mock them and invite violence upon himself and never seems to mind when he gets stabbed, knifed or cut. Its as if he's completely immune to their physical assault, yet because that's all anyone seems to reply with, it can be assumed he has never gotten mad or reacted to verbal barbs. This can also lead to the conclusion that he has an amazing composure that is never shaken.

His desire to  be a hero often paints him as a comical character leading to amusement of the audience and not so much his castmates. He's had several scenes where a single sentence from him can utterly ruin a serious mood despite life-threatening situations.

So if I really had to choose a single word to describe him, it would definitely be "troll."

Have you read up on how the game works?:

1. Flaming Ferret

2. A) Lightning Post/Mission
B) Selling your skills. ... such as if you're a mechanic. :|
C) Mooch off other PCs.
 1st person sample:
[The scene opens with Fran who is crouched in a corner and staying safely out of the way of some sort of disturbance going on off-screen. Briefly, the logo "Pets' PJs!" is viewable on his brightly colored work shirt as he shifts and seemingly stifles the urge to yawn.]

Sir, I apologize but our cashier is not for sale. We sell pet pajamas, not pets!

Ridiculous! This is obviously a store for pets and your sign there says all items on display are available for purchase!

He's an employee! He's not on display! [This argument goes on for several minutes as Fran continues to observe quietly. Finally, as it seems to be getting out of hand with some distinct thuds and crashes, Fran glances directly at the guide, like he knew it was on all along, and gives a tiny shrug.]

It's hard being popular.

3rd person sample:
Fran stared unblinkingly at the person before him.

As his eyes took in every feature of his slumbering master (pale skin, creepily flawless complexion and dark locks brushed with painstaking care by M.M.) he felt his fingers twitch with the urge to apply some much needed permanent marker to the man's visage. If only to lower that creepiness factor he was exuding, even in sleep. If it weren't for Chikusa standing nearby and drinking a soda, he would have done it already.

As it was, with a plethora of rain coated needles already embedded deep into his arm, he'd given up that venture for now. (At least until he could feel anything past his shoulder again.) Instead, he set about examining the face of a man he'd never really seen till now. Oh he'd witnessed illusions, certainly, and learned what his master was like through the various people he'd possessed, but today was the first time he had ever met him in person. And, being perfectly honest, he could say he wasn't particularly impressed.

"You look sort of pathetic, Master." He murmured as he slowly and meticulously worked the needles out of his skin, sighing when his fingers slipped in blood. "How long are you going to sleep anyway? Maybe I should pinch your nose..."

The sound of Chikusa's yo-yo unwinding canceled that plan. "Cheh... it was just a joke. You have a worse sense of humor than Prince Mop..."

He really wished M.M. would hurry up with her supply run. Guard duty was boring.

gargleblasted, application, ooc

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