
Nov 23, 2012 00:59

Yeah, Status: flopping

I’m going in funny(good) directions.

I’m pulling out of TWA, emotionally.  I don’t mean to, but I think it’s for the best.  I’m not talking about with the girls I talk to pretty much every day-that’s not what I’m saying-but, rather, the comm itself.  I’m pulling out emotionally simply because I’m taking myself seriously again.  I want to publish.  And with the help I’m receiving from people all around me, I will.  I’d fucking better ;)

This doesn’t mean I’m pulling my works from TWA or not posting anymore.  It just means I’m less focussed on TWA.  It just means my updates won’t have any particular order or obligation (not that I was very orderly in the first place, hohoho), but they will eventually be done, anyhow.  Normally, I’d feel fairly bad about this, but I don’t have much of an audience in TWA now, so it’s a bit hard to be like, “shit!  people are expecting more!” when they, in fact, aren’t.

I ended up becoming close with the mods and encouraged to post to get feedback on TC, because I was in such a horrid rut with it.  I got phenomenal feedback.  What kept me there were those who had truly given me advice and wanted to see me improve.  Thank-you, thank-you for that.  Everyone who comments / has commented.  What I really take away from TWA is the responses I received, and right now, especially from TC.  It is helping to shape this new version drastically.  The 83424365 year rut I was in with it is finally, finally gone, and a huge, huge part of that is because of those who helped me at TWA.

The FP version and the TWA version are polar opposites, in my mind.  I need to meet in the middle.

However, I’m not the little girl who wrote TC all those years ago.  My interests are not heart-stopping sexy psychopaths (as much as it may seem ;) ) My interests are character struggles and the inability (or ability despite all odds) to find hope.  My interests are muddled friendships and defying what is supposed to be set and breaking things to see them remade in other ways.

Right now it has turned into fantastical horror, and it is heavily focussed on Kat, Lure, and Racer.  Right now, for the second time in TC-history, I am in love with it.  I hope that never fades, because this is the only version I’ve ever had real faith in.  The last version I was in love with, I deemed too odd and only ended up writing 10 or so chapters.

The current one is, ironically, probably one of the more difficult versions to get published.  It is not mainstream at all.

With that being said, I’ll likely update LJ again with my progress like I did years ago.  I’ll also eventually be making my LJ public (after over ten years of it being private, holy snap) because . . . well, it isn’t like I post my actual writing here or even snippets anymore.  I also don’t post a lot of very personal things here.  This is a very . . . factual place, haha.

Hokay, TC (which has again been named His Cataclysm due to it gaining more attention from agents under that name-I’ve tested hahaha), is at 24 chapters, or 73, 000 words.  I expect it to have 100, 000 words tops.  This is all unedited, aside from chapter 1, which has been calmly edited by Koo (oddityunnamed) and ripped-to-shreds edited by Boo (dongindetonic).  I plan to finish this rough draft in two weeks (key word: plaaaan), and then start second draft immediately after.  Cannot wait for second draft :)
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