Mini Synopsis: Ash shows up at Canalave Gym for his battle against Byron. However the return of an old acquaintance delays the battle as a family rivalry heats up.
I have just one question for you: Don't you love your family?
I love mine and I love this episode for all the family goodness that comes with it. Really that's all I have to say, but I'll throw in some pictures because pictures are awesome.
Whoever designed Canalave City is a genius! Each bridge is unique which is totally awesome and cool and tells me that if I lived in the Pokemon world, this is where I would make my home. YES!
Obligatory Ash-is-ready-to-battle pic. Hey! It's that guy again! It makes me wonder how busy League gyms actually are that each gym has one leader and one official. I also kind of wish each official had a name. At least we know the Oreburgh guy's name is Ian.
Hey Dad, meet my friends. This is Ash, the guy who whooped my ass.
Byron does not approve of these kinds of friends, Roarky.
Nothing says a manly family feud like having shouting matches with CROTCH SHOTS!!! And you wonder why these two characters are so popular. ^_^
See, they both love fossils. It really is endearing to see Roark and Byron calm down to marvel at the giant Anorith fossil. The family that enjoys pre-history together, stays together.
Or not.
I loved the whole "who loves fossils more" fight. Like there is an objective way to solve that problem... Oh wait, lets use our fossil Pokemon and make them battle each other. Whoever wins obviously loves fossils more based on how his Pokemon was raised. LOL, at least it makes for entertaining TV!
Awww... flashbacks always get me. I don't know how I would've felt in Roark's position. In fact, I wonder how Byron's wife felt about this, especially since apparently they're still together or at least enough that Roark wanted them to be together for their anniversary. Hmmm...
Oh well, back to the showdown!
I LOVE BASTIODON!!! That is my favorite call out so far in this show. It's better than "Standby for battle." and "Spotlight!" and anything else. That is real confidence when you just pull out your most trustworthy partner and shout that you love him. Also, Bastiodon is so cute! I love it too!
Rampardos! Your skull is a skull that will pierce the heavens!!!!
Obligatory TR pic. Professional dancers.
I'm pretty sure everyone loves this bit. Byron LOVES THIS HOLE! The fine craftmanship, the gently sloping sides of the hole. Every detail, he loves it. Byron isn't the type of man who goes for any run-of-the-mill machine-dug hole. No. He loves real artisans. That is why I love Byron! YEAH!
Ash, wrong hole.
One of my favorite pics from the "hole" episode.
*See what I did there?
This part was my favorite for the entire episode. It was so sweet. There is nothing more touching than a parent holding onto something from their children. Such a small fossil says so much for Byron and Roark's relationship. And seeing child!Roark was definitely a bonus, D'AWWW! So cute!
Until next time...