So last week was the week of death. Two ridiculous papers that required one all-nighter a piece (even though I didn't wait until the last minute to work on them) plus... (this is the really depressing part) MY LAPTOP DIED!!!!!! D: D: D: It was so tragic!!!! It kept saying I needed to restart until I finally started it in safe mode (and backed-up all my files, thank goodness), and then I went to restart it again.... and it didn't recognize it's own harddrive. My baby!!!!! *cries* A good portion of my life is on that thing! School files and such are no big deal, but it's the very idea of my computer not working that puts me in a funk! That thing is like an extension of myself....
My uncle was kind enough to send me one of his old laptops, so at least I don't have to keep borrowing my roommates, but it's just not the same. Going from a Mac to a PC is NO FUN, guys... For starters, the thing keeps slowing down for no reason. Two programs should NOT cause a computer to freeze up! There are no shortcuts, so I feel like an idiot trying to get through all of my windows and files. This is not user friendly!!! I also keep getting notifications about the virus protection being out of date. I've never had to deal with that crap! And then on top of all that, the wireless doesn't work and, despite it being selected in the control panel, there is no battery update for me to see the current charge.
Ugh, I MISS MY MAC!!!!!!! *cries*
I suppose there is some good news in all of this and that is that my dad was able to get everything running properly. But I won't get my computer back until I go home for Spring Break... in three weeks :(