NEWS Members' comments on the withdrawl of Yamapi and Nishikido

Oct 08, 2011 16:17

I know someone has translated their comments before, but I wanted to put up my version of their comments as well, just because there were some things that I took differently, and some things that might have been left out by accident.  And I want to be able to explain every little aspect of their comments so that all the international fans can understand what they're saying just as much as any other Japanese fan.

I hope that these translations make the members' feelings even a little bit clearer and perhaps it'll give us all a little more understanding into this whole situation.

(I'm going to use their NEWS colors as a way to keep this as something that the members of NEWS, all six of them, have decided, and commented on together).

Yamashita Tomohisa:
Being able to work in the group called 「NEWS」, as well as all the fans who have supported us until now, is to me, a huge fortune[1].  From now on it will be a one person challenge for me.  I know that there will be inconveniences and difficulties that I have never experienced or felt before, but I will take the irreplaceable experiences that I have gained from NEWS, and commit myself to each and every job in front of me.  In order to continue to be good (worthy) rivals [2] with the other 5 members, I will not go easy on myself and do my best.

[1] - Yamapi uses the word 「財産」 which does mean "asset" but more in the terms of possession, like "I have property assets," so I used the word "fortune" so as to not make it seem like Yamapi is trying to say that he was "using" NEWS and it's now a trick up his sleeve or something.  It basically means that all his experiences with NEWS and his fans are like his treasures/wealth.
[2] - The word 「ライバル」 "rival" in Japanese has a less offensive tone than it does in English. It's used more as a "Because we're on the same level (aka we both have about the same skills), we are rivals in that we should both strive to be better than we are right now." Being called someone's rival is almost like a complement in Japanese, where they acknowledge your skill level and wish to be able to compete with you.

Nishikido Ryo:
Being given the opportunity to work in the two groups called 「NEWS」 and 「Kanjani8」 was a very precious experience, and to all the fans that have supported the Nishikido of NEWS, I truly thank you all.  Due to me being in both groups, there were schedule problems that, no matter how hard I tried, could not be settled; the CD releases and live tours of both groups turned into a situation that became very difficult to arrange [1], and feeling bad (apologetic) about all of this, I made the decision that is before us now.  Please continue to support the new NEWS that Koyama, Kato, Masuda, and Tegoshi will bring to you, for forever [2].

[1] - Ryo uses the phrase 「組みたて」 which literally means to "put together," or "to assemble" but I think he means that they were hard to arrange for both him and the fans. Like Kanjani CD dates being close to NEWS release dates, or tours overlapping with TV appearances or what not, and he says that he felt bad for the fans about it which compelled him to make this decision.
[2] - I'm sure you all know what 「宜しくお願いします」 (Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu) is, but just in case... In this sense, Ryo kind of says it with the feeling of "I leave the new NEWS in your hands"/ "Take care of them (in my stead)..." or something like that.

Koyama Keiichiro:
We discussed this issue many many times before reaching this conclusion.  Even though our activities will be separated after this, the time span of more than 8 years that we walked together will be taken on by the 4 member NEWS from now on.  We will work even harder than we did before and progress forward.  We're counting on your support [1].

[1] - Again, the 「宜しくお願いします」 pops up, so same idea, "I'm leaving the cheering (応援 - ouen)in your hands" which is why I translated it like I did.

Kato Shigeaki:
I've decided to accept the shape that this conclusion has turned out to be with sincerity, and from now on, do my best to make a new 「NEWS」. Please continue to support the two of them and the four of us with the unchanging support that you have until now.

Masuda Takahisa:
The members that made the NEWS that I love will still continue to be precious friends [1].  And all the fans that are supporting the NEWS that I love are also precious friends [1].  The two of them will be in separate activities from now on, but in order to keep your unchanging support, I will do my best with all my might.

[1] - Massu uses the word 「仲間」 which is kind of hard to explain in English, but it can mean a friend, a partner, a collegue, etc, but it's basically someone who is on your side.  So for the NEWS members, they will continue to be precious friends and collegues, and for the fans, we're precious "friends" in the sense that we're on his side/ we're his supporters.

Tegoshi Yuya:
For all of the fans that were waiting for a long time for NEWS' activities, I would like to say "I'm sorry."  But also for the sake of all of you whom I love, who have been continuously cheering for us, I will treat this with a positive outlook [1], and work hard to bring wonderful performances to you from now on.  The shape (of NEWS) has changed, but I hope we can mutually continue on with love.  Please continue to support us from now on.

[1] - Tegoshi says 「前向き」 - which is literally "to face forward," but it means to look forward (at the positive) and not backward (at the negative), and I think he's trying to say this not only for himself, but for us fans as well.

I know I will continue to support the 4 person NEWS.  It may be different, but NEWS has gone through tough times before and I'm sure that they can get through this one too.  (This may just mean that I have to break my rule of only buying Limited Editions and buying Limited and Regular Editions from now on... haha...).  But I hope all NEWS fans will not change their support for NEWS just because Yamapi and Ryo are no longer there - even if they were your favorite.  And if you do continue to support NEWS, I hope that, just like the members said, we can support them with the same fervor and love that we did when they were a 9 8 7 6 person group.

I hope these translations have helped ease some of the pain that we are all feeling right now.  NEWS fandom, GANBAROU!

I leave you with these lines from "Share..."

「たとえ離れたって 心は一つに繋がってるよ ずっと傍に Oh I promise you」
Tatoe hanaretatte kokoro wa hitotsu ni tsunagatteru yo Zutto soba ni Oh I promise you
Even if we were to be apart, our hearts are connected as one, always beside you... Oh I promise you.

Zutto zutto arukitsuzukete ikou...
Let's always, always continue to walk together

news, [translation]

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