The Emo Monster Hunter and Rebel Angel - cause you know it's hot.
And yes, I realise most of these are NC-17 - sue me for being a giant pervert...
Ready to Fall - [M] - by Cerulea
Castiel falls from Grace for Dean.
So I read this and bawled like a tiny, pathetic baby. There is no hope for me.
300 Things - [NC-17] - by
cautionzombiesDean's life at twenty-four makes him feel like he's forty--he works two jobs to help pay bills for his house and put his genius little brother through private school, and has spent six years (on and off, let's be honest) working on his mechanical engineering degree at KU. With so much of his life devoted to his family, Dean has little time in his schedule for class and no time for social interaction. Then, while getting his classes together for the fall, he finds himself in a do-or-die situation: He must take his last literature class now, his spring already filled with those left for his major...except that none of the English classes will fit his schedule. This is how Dean grovels and begs Dr. Castiel Milton to make a special arrangement for him, and Dr. Milton does.
I just… I can’t even… It’s now 1:30am and I have to be up for work in four hours but DEAR GOD IN HEAVEN this was worth it. It’s epic, a WIP and it will tear your heart out and stomp all over it - but y’know what? You’ll be BEGGING for more.
Whole Lotta Love - [NC-17] - by
cautionzombiesCastiel loves Friday mornings with Dean. He would like to show him just how much.
A beautiful little College-based AU. After the season finale and the barrage of angsty-dubcon that’s followed it’s little gems like this one that keep me shippin’.
Bring It On Home - [NC-17] - by
obstinatrixCas is beginning to display emotions. This wouldn’t be so bad, were it not for the fact that the emotions seem to be centring themselves on Dean. Dean is oblivious, of course; Sam, on the other hand, is not. Sam’s never tried his hand at matchmaking before, but it can’t be so hard, right?
This. THIS man! Best thing in the entire WORLD!
Close To Your Skin - [NC-17] - by
coffeebuddhaCas has a mouth made for sin and Dean's never exactly been good at that whole 'resisting temptation' thing.
Okay. I've read a lot of Dean/Cas smut. A LOT. So when I say this here hit me upside the head with awesome - you can bet I know what I'm talking about. PWP at it's best.
Ain't Much Holy 'Bout This - [NC-17] - by
oceansex"I don’t mean to presume, preacher, but I been watchin’ you since my brother and me came to this town, and I think you and me got a little somethin’ in common." Western AU. NOT 6.18 related.
So I'm out at my mums for the holidays which means no decent internet which means I haven't seen Frontierland yet and it's KILLING ME. Then I found this. Cowboy kink not related to 6.18. I may have to marry this author.
Punch Drunk Love and
Knock Me Out - [PG-15 - NC-17] - by
highermagicA teenage human AU in which Castiel asks his best friend to teach him how to kiss. Well, he didn't actually ask - Dean offered. Which is weird 'cause Castiel is pretty sure he's very definitely straight.
Boykissing! I love it when authors can turn a simple kiss...well, not so simple ;P This here is a perfect example.
“Dinner at Katz’s” - [NC-17] - by
nanoochkaDean might have to teach Cas how to properly have a When Harry Met Sally-esque orgasm, but he certainly doesn't have to fake it.
It's been a long week dudes, I needed a smut fix. This did the job AWESOMELY.
Something Stupid - [NC-17] - by
zatnikatelCastiel loses his faith, his mojo and his Dean, and then finds them all again, with a little help from the movies...
Possibly the BEST Cas I have EVER read. The pacing, angst and humour are just awesome and the sex...whooo... Justreaditalready. - [NC-17] - by CloudyJenn (WIP)
When Castiel loses his job, he resorts to making wing fetish videos to make cash. Dean really likes them.
I tell ya what, I have never dreaded the scroll bar reaching the bottom of the page so much in my LIFE. Wing kink at it's FINEST man.
Dean Doesn't Listen to Eurythmics - [NC-17] - by scaramouche
Dean and Castiel share a bed. It starts out platonic, and then becomes something else.
Yes, I'm on a Scaramouche bender. Sue me :P
Holding Hands With God - [NC-17] - by scaramouche
Dean is a superhero. Castiel is a mild-mannered reporter trying to get an interview.
A nicely thought out AU with some hella sexual tension to boot - go read!
Short Skirts 'Verse - [PG - NC-17] - by twentysomething
Castiel wishes he wasn't this excited, but it's the best part of his night when Dean Winchester gets home from baseball practice.
This is a shamelessly smutty, gloriously fun AU 'verse. Featuring Dean the star baseball-player and Cas the unashamed dirty-talker. Shockingly enough, some of my favourite stories are the ones without the smut (hell is experiencing a blizzard as we speak)
Pretty Much ANYTHING - [G - NC-17] - by
annundrielMaster list of fic.
I'm still working my way through these stories but there were just so many awesome faves I couldn't list them coherently. I don't think I've ever been Over-Smutted before but these make me come damn close.
The Voice Of The Turtledove - [NC-17] - by
obstinatrixCastiel was eleven years old when he first felt there was something wrong with him. He's twenty-nine, a Roman Catholic priest in a small New England village, before Dean Winchester shows him that there isn't. AU.
I AGONISED over reading this one because it hits on a few of my slight squicks (age difference being a massive one and I'm not really into the whole priest thing...) but, it was a dry season fic-wise and boredom did it's job. And I just... I can't even. This story is so painfully, beautifully written that I literally find myself disappointed that it's going to stay in the realm of fanfiction. I find myself lacking when trying to describe it - just freaking READ the thing already.
Imago Dei - [NC-17] - by
electricskepticCastiel is built for worship, and Dean Winchester is not God.
Shameless, shameless Wing!Porn. I've mentioned I'm a perve right?
Paradise Circus and
We’re Gonna Groove - [NC-17] - by
nanoochkaDean tries to help Sam get laid with the help of a pretty unusual prop; he inadvertently turns Cas on to the magic of Massive Attack and Apple products.
Song Porn. EPIC song porn. I just...I have no words...
A chance to hold on - [NC-17] - by
wolfrider89Dean didn't expect the lack of a scar to hurt. But then, he didn't expect to ever see his brother again, or the angel that had left him behind.
Season 6 is making me cry big fat girly tears for my inner Dean/Cas fan. They're just so MEAN to eachother *is stricken*. It's fic like this that helps soothe the pain.
Blood is Freedom's Stain - [NC-17] - by
littlehollyleafSet after 5.20 'The Devil You Know.' It turns out Gabriel has more and better friends than he realised. Friends willing to do what ever it takes to bring him back - including manipulating a well-meaning, if somewhat naïve, Castiel. But perhaps the consequences, painful as they are and all the worse for playing out as the apocalypse nears its climax, are just the catalyst Dean and Cas need to admit their growing feelings for each other (and maybe even teach Gabriel a thing or two as well).
It has been a very, very long time since a fic has affected me as much as this one did. I grinned, I freaked, I agonised. And surprisingly I did not all of it over the Dean/Cas. Don't get me wrong - the author's handling of the two of them was beautiful but no, the real star of the show here was Gabriel. I can't even begin to describe - just go read!
Senseless - [NC-17] - by tiptoesmut
Castiel’s new, fully human body isn’t behaving the way he thought it would.
I've read a fair few "Dean helps Cas see the upside of humanity with smexiness" fics but this one just takes the absolute cake plus crumbs.
TickTock - [PG] - by Secret Angels author
They were nothing but metal and gears; perfect, fluid, precise and meticulous in design. They did not care, they did not love, they did not need assistance. Not like they used to.
Beautifully written and very haunting.
Profane - [NC-17] - by
thegrrrl2002Castiel enjoys taking Dean apart. (Porny porn. With some porn added in.)
I'm not usually one for PWP but this was just really, really hot.
Play it all night long - [NC-17] - by
janie_tangerineThe rom-com-ish one where Dean hosts a late night radio show, Castiel is a regular listener of his who starts calling one day and ends up calling more often than not and Dean finds himself liking it. This, until one day Castiel calls for not exactly petty reasons (just before Dean's brother Sam is visiting with his girlfriend for spring break) and things get very, very crowdy at his place. He also doesn't know it's just the beginning of it. Also features Gabriel, Chuck, Andy, the Roadhouse crew and a huge amount of music quoted. Especially Bob Dylan.
It's sweet and nicely escapist. Plus there's this part in the smut where its romantic and heart-tuggy and just brilliant. Go read!
Excerpts From Carver Edlund's Magnum Opus - [NC-17] - by twentysomething
"C'mon, Cas, it's like we're Mulder and Scully, this is totally X-Files," he says expansively, waving a hand around. It makes his tie flap and momentarily obscure the new and distracting belt buckle that just says "LUCKY" in huge, embarrassing reflective script in the early morning light. Castiel just stares blankly at him.
Yeah, it's a weird AU Bones semi crossover but hell if it doesn't work. I especially love Gabriel in the role of Hodgins. Classic :)
Peanut Butter-Pumpkin Wedding Cake - [NC-17] - by
sparseparsleyThe good ones are sometimes assholes and always taken.
Yeah fine, I'm a sucker for a romantic comedy and this has that PLUS awesome smut. It was destined to be :P
The Soul Piece - [PG-15] - by
cloudy_ficWhen a human child is born, their soul is shattered into bright gleaming pieces that scatter to the winds. Eventual Dean/Castiel slash.
I cannot even begin to describe how brilliant this fic is. The scope of the plot itself is ingenious but they way the author has weaved this little bit of AU entirely believably with the Cannon is just amazing.
The Request - [PG-15] - by
cloudy_ficWhen Sam Winchester prays for his brother, Castiel is finally sent on his very first assignment. But what should be a simple love match turns into much more and Castiel finds himself risking everything to ensure the happiness of his frustrating charge.
A beautifully thought out AU setting and Awesome!Sam.
Damn Straight and
Wait Wait Wait - [PG-15] - by thecouchcarrot
Sam sat in the Impala in the motel parking lot, praying that three and a half hours at the library had been long enough.
These two stories are just endless rounds of hilarity. The Cas/Dean moments are priceless enough but when you add Sam and his horror at the situation to the mix I just nearly died. Also - believable slash - it DOES exist O_o
Troubled Water - [PG-15] - by thecouchcarrot
Set right after the finale. Cas visits Dean one last time, and Dean is angry. Things quickly spiral out of control, and neither knows where this is headed anymore.
This is one of the first Dean/Cas fics I ever read and I'm glad of it. Unlike most authors out there thecouchcarrot actually tries to make her slash believable and she does a very good job of it.