Now I'm thinking of other interesting, improbable ways of counting them. Immersing and measuring the volume. Pouring them out in a stream past a high-speed camera.
about ten years ago I realized my purse was awfully heavy and that might be why my shoulder was hurting. I looked in my purse and realized I had an awful lot of change floating around the bottom. so I took it to coin star and ended up with about $70. I did the math on the weight and it was just shy of 7lbs.
my current coin program funds my purchases on iTunes. I dump any coin change I get into the "ashtray" in my car. when it is full, I take it to coinstar and use the money to get an iTunes gift code. I did this two days ago and got about $16.50. takes two to three months to fill up the "ashtray" which I now dub "cointray".
Thank you, I was wondering! Sorry to have missed the 50-yen pieces, since I think I have all the other Japanese money (and will take it to get changed RSN, wish the money-changers at the airports had been open), but I'm glad you have the 20+-years-obsolete wonderful Australian 2p!
Comments 14
You should drill a tiny hole in the fire lizard one and wear it as a pendant!
Oh, you said interesting.
my current coin program funds my purchases on iTunes. I dump any coin change I get into the "ashtray" in my car. when it is full, I take it to coinstar and use the money to get an iTunes gift code. I did this two days ago and got about $16.50. takes two to three months to fill up the "ashtray" which I now dub "cointray".
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