Player Information
Name: Lavvy
Timezone: EST
Personal Journal:
socntonrersPlayers Contact/AIM/MSN/YAHOO: AIM: blueflewqueen
Email Address:
Former/Other Characters in the RP: None!
How did you hear about us?: It was all over my plurk :|a
Character Information
Name: Jack Noir
Canon Origin/Series: Homestuck
Teaching Position and why it suits them: Probably none, since he's kind of psychotic, though I can imagine him popping into History class every now and then to correct "mistakes" and by that I mean add more unnecessary gore in an attempt to traumatize students. Maybe a TA? ...on the other hand he's still the least responsible person ever, so maybe just "that guy who keeps barging in on classes like a huge ghosty douchebag." I'm fine with both :|
Gender: Male
Age: 598 in total, 23 when alive.
Out of school living location: Do ghosts have summer homes? Not really.
Blood status: Incorporeal Halfblood, not that anyone would even know this
Personality: When he was alive, Jack was a very self-serving person. He disliked being told what to do, especially when it clashed with his own goals (and fashion sense). He was an opportunist who would take what he could, when he could, but knew enough to shut up when the cards weren't in his favour. He utterly loathed his (former) rulers, insulting them behind their backs and neglecting his more tedious duties. He was sarcastic and hostile, definitely not someone you'd want to spend extended periods of time with, especially since he had some murderous tendencies. He wasn't incapable of his own form of respect, however--he's not one to state his intentions aloud, but if you did him a favour or performed some action he approved of, you might find him more agreeable. Or at least less likely to kill you. Of course, if you're already on his hit list you'd have to suck up pretty hard to not get a knife to your throat. He had only a handful of truly loyal allies, but those who keep their loyalties to him were often rewarded. Or at least promised rewards, and then he kind of died and fucked that up.
But most of all, Jack lived to fulfill his own goals, and anyone benefiting at all from his actions was just lucky. He cared only about himself, and he'd kill anyone who tried to stand in his way, whether they were his nemesis, a total stranger, or a close ally. He killed his own rulers without hesitation, and even when one of his closest friends was slain Jack didn't let it slow him down. When you look past all the murderousness, though, Jack was really kind of immature. He was petty and bitter, he loved terrible puns, and he spent a lot of his time drawing hideous doodles to work out his rage issues. He had an extremely short temper and tended to throw fits when things didn't go his way. He was a very angry, very short man.
Dying and becoming a ghost affected his personality and his views on the world, obviously. Mostly, Jack stayed the same: he's still very angry, temperamental, distrusting, and eager to get people killed. Unfortunately, he can't really kill people anymore, lacking corporeal hands to use for stabbing. At first this just frustrated Jack to no end, but over the centuries he learned other ways to get rid of his anger. Scaring the shit out of people is one of his favourites. His sense of humour is, of course, extremely morbid. His reaction to death is either excitement (fuck yeah blood and death check this shit out) or disappointment (they could have died in a WAY more interesting way).
His ego has exploded. When he was alive he was bottom rung, but as a magic werewolf ghost he doesn't have anyone to boss him around, no one can threaten him, and even if he can't kill anyone in return he can sure as hell still make them miserable. He's made more than enough people deathly-terrified of him, some of them even driven to suicide by his relentless hauntings, which he deems just good enough to satisfy his bloodlust. Overall, he's happier. He thinks he's better this way, even if he's still dead and stuck wandering the living world forever. He's pretty okay with that as long as everyone else has to deal with him, too.
Jack is much, much more social compared to how he was when he was alive, if you count tormenting people as being social. Not to say he doesn't like a good conversation every now and then as well, it's not like he has anything better to do most of the time. Since he wasn't born in the modern world he's fascinated by advancements in both technology and magic. I mean jeez, who wouldn't be? He likes to keep up with those kinds of things. It doesn't mean he really gets it, but he at least pretends he does. The Internet is way beyond him, for example, but if you asked him about it he'd still act like he knew what it was and probably make up some bullshit based on something he vaguely remembered hearing in passing maybe. It's kind of like a series of tubes! That's totally how Internets work.
Jack can still hold a mean grudge, and likewise, he still has his honour system that he abides by. If you respect him or just suck up to him, it'll be much easier to get anything back from him (or get better grades, even if you suck). People who piss him off will get relentlessly haunted until he gets bored, which could take anywhere from days to decades depending on how amusing their reactions are! So if you get on Jack's bad side I hope you like waking up to swords in your face and obnoxious howling all night long.
IN CONCLUSION: Jack is a malicious prankster-y ghost who is amused by fear and death. Tell him he's awesome if you want good grades!
Also he claims to still be able to smell delicious dog treats and meats, which apparently annoys him to no end. He still can't taste anything. Since, y'know, he's dead and has no body.
Canon Background: Jack Noir was an archagent of Derse, the Dark Kingdom and opposition to Prospit, orbiting between the Veil (of meteors) and the Furthest Ring (full of Eldritch horrorterrors) in the miniature universe known as the Incipisphere. In the overly elaborate game of Sburb, Derse existed to destroy Skaia, the "sun" and source of light and creativity at the centre of the Incipisphere, which was guarded by Prospit, located right next to Skaia. Between the Veil and Prospit also existed four planets of varying elements and themes which Derse invaded for the hell of it. You now have an extremely vague idea of what the Incipisphere looks like.
Skimming over how ridiculous and complicated the Homestuck universe is, Jack basically did paperwork all day. Yeah. Third most powerful Dersite on his planet and all he actually did was mountains of paperwork and shit. Anyway, he hated his Queen since she seemed to very much enjoy putting him in obnoxious uniforms. He hated her a lot. Then one day a Prospitian Parcel Mistress shows up, desperate to retrieve a package which ended up in Jack's office. After sending her off on a joke assassination mission, he checks out the package himself and holy shit it's a bunny covered in deadly weapons. One of which is specifically for the purposes of removing a Queen's Ring, the source of her prototypings and incredible power. Of course, Jack uses this to kill her. He takes her by surprise and murders the fuck out of that Queen, taking the ring from her dismembered corpse. He then flies off to murder the King, both Derse and Prospit's armies on Skaia, and everyone ever on Prospit. He also throws the fucking moon of Prospit at Skaia, crushing a little girl with it. Awesome.
Anyway, Jack declares himself King and proceeds to go around kicking ass because he can. He briefly duels with Bro Strider atop the Beat Mesa, though Bro manages to escape. Jack finds Bro to be a worthy opponent and tracks him down, leading to another incredibly epic duel with Davesprite joining the mix. This duel is also cut short, but for a different reason-- Jade enters the session, prototyping her ridiculously powerful "dog"/First Guardian Becquerel, which allows Jack to inherit all of Bec's power. He kills both Bro and Davesprite and becomes omnipotent. He then wanders around some more, killing a Dave timeclone, John, John's Dad, Rose's Mom, and John again. There's a gap in canon but sometime after this he ends up in the troll's session and murders the fuck out of a million Aradiabots, then blows up all their session's planets, including their versions of Prospit and Derse. When he hits Derse, though, he accidentally wakes up Aradia's dreamself, allowing her to ascend to God Tier, and she freezes him in time long enough for her to escape into his magic spacechest.
Aaaaaaand that's all we know right now!
Background (AU!Canon; HP): (dog) Jacques Noir was born in the lovely year of 1413 in a french town ruled by a french noble, somewhere in France (it should be noted I know jack shit about 15th century France, so please bear with me here). Because French spelling is silly he will hereby be known as Jack.
As an illegitimate child, it's rather unfortunate that he never knew his father was actually a bonafide wizard, which he probably would have thought was pretty fucking awesome. Jack grew up thinking he was a totally normal, average kid. At least until all that weird magical puberty started happening. This being the 15th century, that sort of shit was kind of a big deal with nonmagical folk, but luckily Jack wasn't the only wizard in the area. Before any of that accidental magic could get out of hand he was taken aside by a more experienced witch, who will be identified as BQ, who agreed to take him as her pupil to make sure he didn't get himself killed. BQ turned out to be wife of a rich noble who lived in a lovely castle, so Jack became a servant while he learned the ways of magic.
Jack realized very quickly that he completely and utterly loathed his new tutor, who seemed to do nothing but try to aggravate him. Apparently, she picked him because she found his fits of anger amusing. She was constantly teasing him, mocking his shitty spellwork, swapping his clothes for dresses, humiliating him in front of his peers-- anything to get a rise out of him. No amount of progress seemed to satisfy her, even when he put his all into it. Really, it was an excellent teaching technique, even if it was a little harsh and emotionally scarring. By age 23 Jack had become a skilled and precise wizard. On the other hand, he had also become ridiculously bitter towards BQ, who still seemed dissatisfied and continued to mock him forever.
SOMEWHERE IN THE MIDDLE HERE, he had a close call with a wolf, which was totally a normal wolf and not a werewolf, no sir.
Less than a month after that CLEARLY irrelevant incident, Jack had had enough. After arguing for the last time that no, wearing a dress will NOT make him better at magic, he challenged his mentor to a duel. And by "challenged" I mean he got lucky and snagged her wand when she wasn't paying attention. Jack then proceeded to shoa her his WANDS murder the fuck out of her with magic and sharp objects. He then killed her husband, several unlucky bystanders and any guards that tried to stop him before declaring himself the new lord of the castle.
Jack's reign of terror lasted, oh, a day. Being a pretty persuasive guy, he did manage to convince a decent-sized mob of people to join him in defending his newly claimed territory, promising rewards for those who stood by him. Walking around still covered in everyone's blood might have helped a little. He was pretty damn ambitious and had all the plots, all of them. Unfortunately, the full moon happened to be that very night. When nightfall struck he turned into a werewolf (surprise surprise) and slaughtered everyone in the castle. Before sunrise, some crazy knightly guy managed to kill Jack by stabbing him through the heart with a sword, probably after some incredibly epic battle wherein he also lopped off one of Jack's arms and fucked up his eye. Not that it really mattered because Jack was now dead.
...okay, no, not really, because Jack is a clingy little bitch when it comes to his continued existence. So instead of passing on he ended up as a spooky, incorporeal werewolf ghost with a blood-soaked hand and a sword through his chest. A ghostly sword.
Sadly, ghosts can't really murder anyone, so his plots of ruling France as an undead magic werewolf were ruined. His friends were also executed pretty damn fast, I'd guess. Helping with the whole taking-over-the-castle thing might've been a bad idea in the long run. Short on any better plans, he did the only other thing he could think of: he haunted the ever loving fuck out of that castle. He became known as Jack the Slayer, terrifying servants and tormenting his former mentor's remaining family, as they inherited the manor. He made it his personal goal to make them all as miserable as possible, in retaliation for how he was humiliated before.
Well, it turned out Jack was more persistent than the rest of them. Jack was irritating as fuck, and after just under a century of dealing with him everyone decided to bail. To keep him from following them he was frozen to the spot with a simple petrification spell, which ended up lasting a couple years while the family moved out and far away. When he finally regained movement, Jack was alone in the abandoned castle. A few other lords came and went, but Jack quickly became bored. No amount of tormenting random people seemed to satisfy him as much as that first family had. So after a decade of mulling around he ditched his stupid old castle to track down them down.
And thus is Jack's story for the next five centuries: hopping from place to place, scaring and irritating people along the way as he searched. He'd stop in one place for a decade or two every now and then, if something or someone caught his interest there. After awhile he more or less gave up on finding his mentor's family-- the trail had long gone cold, and the journey itself was interesting enough to satisfy him. He ended up in England during the late 17th century, somehow learning English along the way, and I guess he started using the English spelling for his name as well because Jacques is kind of silly looking. He probably had wacky adventures and shit, meeting new people and wizards and ghosts and finding out how the world is and all that. He also picked up lots of new words and speech patterns as he wandered, which is why he's so extremely vulgar despite being almost 600 years old. He doesn't remember exactly who he picked his most recent speech patterns from, but it stuck pretty well. Yeah, he's vulgar as fuck, but it's better than watching me try and fail to write like a medieval Frenchman ghost. Fuck old habits, Jack likes shiny new things, okay?
Sometime in the last century Jack found his way to Hogwarts, which he decided was pretty damn nice for a) being a sweetass castle and b) being very much inhabited, with new people arriving every year. It was basically the coolest place ever. So he decided to stay for awhile! He's stayed entirely too long compared to his previous track record. Now he's comfy. Good luck getting rid of him.
He may or may not be some extremely distant, unknown ancestor of the Vantas family, considering his human appearance bears a striking resemblance to Spades Slick. Not that anyone could even know this since he doesn't have a human appearance anymore, having died in wolf form, and he never knew his father. Also because this is stupid who even cares. (days)
Sample Journal Entry:
[Little red blots dot the page as he writes. Gotta hate that messy ectoblood, but I guess it makes his writing look slightly creepier?]
so this is that journal thing you kids are always screwing around with huh
its convenient i guess
still dont see what all the damn fuss is about
anyway i dont really care
ive only got a few more weeks before you all start running off on me
so i gotta make the best of whats left
especially all you seventh years who think youve seen the last of me
cause if you think i dont keep track of who i have and havent haunted this year then youre dead wrong
consider this your only warning kids
Sample Interaction Post in Third Person:
Ahh, September. What had once been a completely ordinary, dull month had now become Jacques' favourite time of the year. So many new and familiar faces, eager to learn or teach or fuck around while their grades plummeted and their homework piled up-- it almost warmed his impaled little heart, if he actually had one corporeal enough to feel warm.
Yeah, okay, not really. Jack wasn't interested in any of the educational shit Hogwarts had to offer. After all, he'd seen it all after sticking around for almost a century. What he was really interested in was all those new students, particularly the ones who hadn't learned the basics of ghosts (and/or werewolves) yet. What better way to learn about ghosts than from one? It was his own, unofficial crash course: Hauntings and You, or How Many Times Can I Stab You Before You Stop Screaming? His teachings included lurking in the dorms at night to loom over unsuspecting students, trailing ghostly blood everywhere, and, of course, shoving his incorporeal sword through various organs and appendages.
Today, he was working on a new record-- some other dead asshole said he once got over 100 fainters in under an hour. Fuck that guy, he was probably a liar anyway, but Jack could so top that. Soon, the great hall would be filling up with kids. Would Jack the Slayer be ready?
His canine jaws spread into a devilish grin, barely a glint of pale white from his hiding place beneath the Hufflepuff table.
Yes, he fucking would be.