As if I wasn't on edge enough already... How the hell did Karofsky get my number?!
And I can't tell anyone else what he did. I...doubt he'd actually kill me. But that's not a risk I want to take. I have no interest in becoming Lima's very own Matthew Sheppard. No thank you. But it does kill me a little bit on the inside seeing him be decent to my friends. I'm glad it's not one of them, but why does it have to be me?
And Blaine didn't show up to school today. He didn't even call or text me to let me know. I probably shouldn't have stuffed my face with that muffin, but it's not like I could just save it for him.
I've gained three pounds since this all went down. Karofsky may not kill me, but Coach probably will.
You know, I'd really appreciate it if people wouldn't just give out my number. I'm not asking for much. A little common courtesy is all.