so aaron closed at work tonight, he left at 1am (i was talking with him on aim while he was there) and then at 1:50something he texts me.....
aaron: i left a present at your front door step, seriously, check it out
me: what is it a bag of dog poop on fire? i didn't hear you or your truck either..
aaron: i was quiet, check it out
so i looked...... AND THIS IS WHAT IT WAS
yeah, that's a baby doll head with a knife (from work! we use it for the pizza, good thing we have two pizza knives, haha) stuck through it and a note that says "YOU!"....
more texting:
me: OH MY GOD HAHAHAHA WHAT where did you find that
aaron: in the trash. the knife needs to be returned to work
extra i was talking to mindy via aim during the texting before/after, here are some select quotes:
"you guys have a strange relationship"