If the photos are real, it's a genuine product. However, i also noticed that the seller is based in China. Personally i wouldn't dare trust any non reputable company in China, even if you make payment, enticed by their good prices, they might not send you anything.
All our stocks are from the USA and an authorized distributor for Monster (though for business reasons i will not state my exact source)
hey man. im really interested in the iBeats. but im really concerned that its not an authentic product. No, im not dissing you or complaining but, the fakes made in China are now made with good workmanship ): at $120,i would really love to get them from you! is there anyway you can clarify this issue to me? thanks man (:
Hi, I would like to say that I am not familiar at all and far from knowledgeable about the replica market for Beats! I try to deliver some sense of credibility from the sheer length that I have been in this business for, during which I have collected nearly a hundred testimonials from customers (only about 10% of customers actually leave testimonials). Furthermore, all my products are from an authorized distributor in the USA and thus there's no issue with fakes.
Brilliant earphones, great seller!
August 26 2011, 19:12:53 UTC
Just got my iBeats today and I must say I'm impressed with the service! Definitely highly recommended for anyone looking to purchase any Beats! Impressive sounds from the iBeats and it's definitely comparable with the Tours and Solo HD's especially at this price. Bass isn't too overpowering without compromising the crystal clear definition.
Comments 14
elmer :)
But they certainly look nicer, that's for sure
All our stocks are from the USA and an authorized distributor for Monster (though for business reasons i will not state my exact source)
Impressive sounds from the iBeats and it's definitely comparable with the Tours and Solo HD's especially at this price. Bass isn't too overpowering without compromising the crystal clear definition.
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