In case you guys don't already know this is not Ashlie. This is her baby you guys already know me. Well.... today was a pretty upsetting day. To start off i to went 1st period which was so boring that i almost killed myself. But on the upside i got a 46 out 36 on my english quiz, but then it went downhill from there. At lunch coach came and the team got in trouble for playing bad yesterday. I thought he was going to make us do push ups outside in front of everyone.But we didnt, we just ran over some plays.
Before 7th period an accident happened that made me want to beat somebody's ass, but my baby doesn't want me to. People who u think are cool turn out to be snake ass punks.
Anyway to get off that subject i sang Sisqo- Incomplete to her like two nights ago and she loved it. Thats my baby 4 ever.
Anyway this journal stuff is too long so im going to cut it short now and say that's it for now aight......peace
LMFA0! HOW DARE YOU LAUGH AT D-NICE, AND Y0U HAVE THE SAME PR0BLEM! you`re lucky im your friend bcuz u know i`d put all your crap out there. lmao yeaa but you`ll get most of that tomorrow.
T0DAY WAS A G00D DAY! Im SOOOOOOOOO in love with my baby kenneth. WHEW!
you guys i was SERi0USLY horny today. like i would be talking to someone and i would just stop talking cuz sex would pop into my mind. its getting reeeally bad now. im like a sexual predator or something! lmao the second i see kenneth i first think "oh gosh its my baby!" and then i think "daaammmn i wanna have sex" lmao. im such a loser i know
has christian ever done that thing where he mouths the words "when you gunna let me beat" to anyone? lmao its hilarious. im gunna start doing that 2 people cuz they never know what you`re saying!
B0RIS K0DJ0E IS G0ING TO BE ON ANTM T0NIGHT! DAMN HE IS SO FUCKING FINE! I CAN`T WAIT! AHHHH! not finer than my love kenneth, but u know...he`s close lol