FANDOM: Freakangels
CHRONOLOGY: Episode 117
CLASS: Hero, mostly.
ALTER EGO: N/A, Arkady’s not really job material.
The wiki's really thin, so here's some more detail: Twenty-three years ago, Arkady was born at the same time as eleven other children. They were all pale-skinned with violet eyes and psychic gifts. They grew up and became close, although they all had their own defined personalities. Arkady liked an altered existence, expanding her mind, usually with the assistance of drugs. When the kids were fifteen, she overdosed and almost died. (Although with recent canon events it seems likely that she actually did die and simply came back, but that's neither here nor there - Arkady doesn't care, why should we?)
Sometime after this, the government took charge of the kids. Based on some of the dialogue, it seems their own parents might have turned them them in, or at least that's what they believed. They eventually escaped and were pursued. Angry, scared and seeing no other option, the kids fought back. At the urging of Mark, they decided to make their own Hiroshima, punch a hole in England so large that the government would be afraid of them, not the other way round. But the idea, the idea that they could do something so large...
It was Arkady that first wondered aloud what would happen if they linked up and pushed. Really, really pushed.
They overshot the mark and according to them, they broke the world. London's flooded, millions died, thousands more are starving, resorting to cannibalism, and reverting to anarchy and chaos and it's all their fault. Arkady and the others fled, taking refuge in Whitechapel. While there, they began to gather refugees, helping them out of a collective sense of guilt. They have food, freshwater and are ruthless towards anyone who tries to hurt those they protect.
It's the least they can do.
And they'll protect the people from each other, too. At some point before the series opens, Mark takes over the minds of a number of residents, building a private army. After a group decision, he's expelled from the group and from Whitechapel. After the series opens, Arkady herself prevents Luke from controlling his ex. She's not subtle about it. Arkady gives him one second of her overdose experience and it leaves him crying and writhing on the floor. If he does it again, she tells him she'll give him five minutes. It's as much for his own good as it is for his ex because she knows what will happen to Luke if he crosses the line.
These days, Arkady is a little strange. She has apparently ruined parts of her mind trying to explore the limits of her powers, and forgets days, possibly even weeks at a time. She's learned how to see the future and the forgotten how to see the future as well as taught herself to teleport - that one she remembers. Of all of them, she's been the only one other than Mark (and to a lesser extent Luke and Kait) to really delve into the Freakangels "package" as they call it. Most recently, and with Connor’s help she’s realized that dying (which she’d done again recently, drowning to save KK) opened a sort of door in her mind, allowing her to “upgrade” the Freakangels' package of powers. Connor to that to it’s logical conclusion and shot himself in the head.
I bring her in from episode 117, after Connor has woken up and after he’s upgraded everyone else.
Arkady is playful and kind at heart, and that's an important thing to remember considering how dangerous she can be. She has no fear of her gifts and explores them, pushing their limits. But there's a dark reason she pushes, a reason she's willing to pay the price of her sanity and her memory. She feels the guilt for what they've done, moreso than the others, because in her own way, she feels like it was her idea. So she forces the package further and further, maybe hoping that if she goes far enough, wide enough, she can fix it. They can fix it.
It's worth it to her though, the loss of herself, the others look out for her when she's too strange to look out for herself and she's doing important work. And she does love to help, even if that help is telling people when and how they are going to die, because in her mind, it's better to know, right? When she learns to teleport, she dashes about, waking people up, welcoming them to Whitechapel, and playing with kids in a park. She can take some pleasure in her power, even though she knows the harm it can and has done.
She also takes a child-like glee in the normal every-day activities, riding on trucks, playing with chickens (she loves chickens), and dresses in colorful patchwork dresses covered by shawls decorated with Barbie-like dolls. Yes, it's a little creepy, but that's just Arkady. They're alive, for now they're safe, and that's a good thing.
But she's not to be pushed and that peace is not to be tested. She's quite probably the most powerful of the 'Angels, although current canon makes that a little vaguer than it was in the past, what with everyone having an upgrade now. Unlike most of the others, she's not afraid to use that power in the least. She'll act alone and pre-emptively as she did with Luke, or join in an established fight as she eventually does with Mark. She's also one of the first to propose new ideas on how to use their powers such as linking Cas' and KK's mechanical knowledge and the group's powers to rebuild a building they'd just destroyed.
She's innovative, creative, powerful and more than a little off her rocker half the time.
Teleporting, telepathy, automatic regeneration (if she dies, she comes right back - think Jack Harkness from Torchwood)