I'm pretty sure I'm falling in love with my creative process again. I wish my memory was better when I get drunk. I always think of things that are really interesting, to me at least, but I can never remember them.
RCRD LBL is my new favorite site for finding new music. I guess it's like learning to test the waters of myspace music, only you've already got a pretty good chance of finding something good.
I guess what everything is really about is I don't really think I'm as interesting as I want to be. (that's why i only wrote in lowercase with no punctuation except for periods a few years ago. i thought it was 'cool'*) I could be more lo-fi. I could be more well read. I know somethings but that's not what I center my life around. Read more... )
last night I ate maple walnut ice cream and drank okanogan cider and watched part of the hours. when it comes to layers in a film nothing can touch that movie.
I was going to go to a noir film fest today but I decided to get drunk and feel shitty about myself last night instead. but since it's sunny out, ha dI gone, I would've missed the weather anyway.