Siren's Pull app/Character Info

Feb 28, 2010 04:39

Player Information

Name: JG
Age: 20
AIM SN:  shalashashkabob
email:  itoshiki_sensei [@] (take out the spaces, you know the drill)
Have you played in an LJ based game before?  Nope. (Just dressing rooms.)
Bonus: How did you hear about Siren's Pull?  Word of mouth.

Character Information

Canon Source:  Metal Gear series
Canon Format:  Video Game
Character's Name:  Para-Medic, although she'll also answer to Dr. Clark. (Her first name is never specified.)
Character's Age:  38
Conditional: If your character is 13 years of age or under, please clarify how they will be played. n/a

What form will your character's NV take? A modified headset that can be plugged in to a small monitor and keyboard for sending/receiving video and text messages.

Character's Canon Abilities: She is a talented doctor, and has been recognized as an excellent physician everywhere she has worked. She is also quite gifted as a biologist and researcher, and is well-versed in all the newest and most difficult lab techniques, like methods for human cloning. She also has a near-encyclopedic knowledge of movies, especially older horror and science-fiction films.
Conditional: If your character has no superhuman canon abilities, what dormant ability will you give them? Befitting her abilities as a doctor, Para-Medic's dormant ability will be healing powers. She can't bring anybody back from the dead, but once her skills are well-honed, she can restore those who have suffered extremely bad wounds that might prove fatal otherwise.
Weapons:  The only offensive weapon she carries on her person is a single Mk. 22 tranquilizer gun.

Character History:  Para-Medic was born in Boston, Massachusetts on June 22, 1936. After attending college and going on to medical school, she enjoyed success as a physician in the civilian world in the early 1960s and built up a reputation as an excellent doctor (and long-winded talker) before joining the CIA. From there, she joined up with FOX as part of the support team for Naked Snake's attempted rescue of Soviet scientist Nikolai Sokolov during the "Virtuous Mission" in August of 1964. Here, she became acquainted with Major Zero, Sigint, and Snake. Her role in the mission was to act as the official medic of the support team, providing Snake with information over radio on how to keep himself healthy, ranging from healing bullet wounds to locating and capturing edible wildlife (and describing how they taste). She was also the person responsible for recording his mission data.

The Virtuous Mission unfortunately ended in failure, following the defection of The Boss. Snake himself was barely alive at the end of it, having been thrown off a bridge and into a raging river. Para-Medic coached him via radio on how to treat his broken bones and stave off bleeding until he could get airlifted to a hospital. The members of FOX found themselves in trouble after their blunders in rescuing Sokolov; Para-Medic found herself with her medical license on the line, her status as a doctor riding on the fate of Snake's next mission, code-named "Snake Eater". She continued on as a member of the support staff despite the risks because she felt responsible for protecting Snake in a way,  and she continued providing Snake with the same sort of information as before.

Snake was successful in carrying out his second mission, so Para-Medic was able to retain her medical license. The members of FOX gathered at the White House afterwards to congratulte Snake in person and watch him be awarded a medal for his service by the President of the United States. Snake retired from FOX afterwards, Sigint went on to ARPA, and the other team members mostly went off to work on their own projects, with Para-Medic focusing on her dream of starting a unit of parachuting doctors to help save soldiers in dangerous situations on the front lines.

In 1970, she helped form the nation's first paramedic system in Seattle, Washington. Later in the year, she found herself again aiding Naked Snake when she received a radio call from him at San Hieronimo peninsula in Columbia, South America. A month earlier, a CIA unit had stolen a top-secret weapon and fled the country, and the blame was being placed on Zero's head, as well as Snake's. Major Zero had been placed under arrest for suspected treason, and Para-Medic was left to maintain communication over his radio frequency in his stead. She informed Snake about the FOX unit rebellion, although she did not know the full details herself. Because Snake was wanted by the US government, she wasn't able to do anything to rescue him from Columbia until he had cleared his name. She helped out however she could over the radio though, like diagnosing a comrade's drug-resistant strain of malaria.

Snake was able to clear his name after the San Hieronimo incidendent, and Major Zero was released from prison too. Zero had actually been involved in the events surrounding the uprising as a means of getting the remainder of the Philosopher's Legacy--a large sum of money that the United States had previously obtained half of following the events of Operation Snake Eater. Now that Zero has amassed a huge cache of funds, he began organizing a group of people to try and manipulate world events to carry out the will of The Boss and unify the world. Para-Medic was selected to be one of the original members.

Although the point of the Patriots was ostensibly to carry out The Boss's will, it was Big Boss (Naked Snake) who was promoted by Zero as the figurehead of the organization and as the true heir to The Boss. The government had long been interested in Snake's abilities as a soldier, including the possibility of using his genetic material as a basis for producing other super-soldiers, since he was sterile and incapable of leaving a descendant. Para-Medic herself had mentioned to Snake years earlier that his DNA would be a very valuable commodity in the future, but it's doubtful that even she realized just how soon that would be. In 1972, at Zero's behest, she began the process of cloning Snake in something called the "Les Enfants Terribles" project. She used his DNA along with egg cells donated from her Japanese lab assistant to produce clones. Rather than being direct copies, their DNA was slightly modified to express either the dominant or recessive phenotype for the "soldier genes" being targeted by the project. EVA, another member of the Patriots, was selected as the surrogate mother. After many unsuccessful attempts, two healthy twin boys were born later that same year.

Snake was completely unaware of this, and when he found out, he was furious. It was the last straw for him. These irreconcilable differences in opinion between Zero and Snake led to a schism developing between the members of the Patriots. Para-Medic had nothing personal against Snake, however, she remained loyal to Zero, likely due to her interest in continuing her research, and the fact that she was the one who actually carried out the Les Enfants Terribles project in the first place. She continued on as a member of the Patriots, and it is from this point in canon that she is taken for the purposes of this game.

Point in Canon: 1974, after the events of Portable Ops, but just prior to the events of Peace Walker. At this point, the Les Enfants Terribles project has already successfully taken place two years ago, and the Patriots have already  splintered into factions.
Conditional: Brief summary of previous RP history:  n/a

Character Personality: Para-Medic is, in short, a gigantic nerd. She is equally passionate about science and movies, and any conversation with her is likely to wind up revolving around one of those topics. She is naturally a very talkative person, having been nicknamed "Quack" in her early days as a doctor, not in reference to her skill, but in reference to the fact that she never stopped talking. Other people frequently perceive her as being extremely odd; she is somewhat aware of this, but it does not seem to bother her very much. On the other hand, she does seem to sometimes become self-conscious about her behavior, fearing that it isn't how a "normal" woman should act (i.e. talking about how pretty a snake is, rather than screaming and being terrified of it).

As a scientist, she is knowledgable and dedicated to her work, but it is at this point in canon that her crossing of ethical boundaries becomes more apparent. In her earlier conversations with Snake (1964), she remarks that she can't condone human cloning and gene manipulation on moral grounds, but then she goes on at lengths about the fascinating research avenues it offers. By 1972, she has evidently decided that scientific progress outweighs any moral concerns with her involvement in Les Enfants Terribles. From that point onward, her experiments veer more and more from moral gray areas to mad scientist-esque human experimentation, like the cyborgification of Gray Fox circa 1999. She is not at that point as of 1974, but she is still much more willing than most people to do controversial things for science's sake.

In terms of her general personality when interacting with others, she's usually pretty nice/helpful. It's fairly easy to annoy her though, mostly through ignoring her when she's lecturing on some scientific point. Somewhat ironically, she appears to have a short attention span for when other people lecture at length about things she isn't personally interested in. She tends to get exasperated more than she gets angry; she doesn't hold grudges or go out of her way for revenge if slighted. When dealing with particularly dense characters, she can almost come to ignore their behavior after a while. (She might take advantage of the more gullible ones though.)

Conditional: Personality development in previous game: n/a
Character Plans:  Upon hearing about the research opportunities available at SERO, she will try and take advantage of them. She probably will involve herself with projects that provide plenty of fascinating avenues for gaining new knowledge. Since she is not a fighter by nature, her involvement with the Darkness will probably be limited to attempting to heal those who have been injured or affected by it, while trying to seek out an explanation for what causes it and how the monsters function.


Writing Samples

First Person Sample
Hello, hello, testing one-two-three.

Okay, if anyone out there can receive this message, please respond, because whoever drugged me and dragged me here has got some serious explaining to do. I...I really have no idea where I am right now, and I have no idea how I got here. It's dark and I can't see where I'm going. If somebody could come out here and help me get to a building or something, I'd really appreciate it.

Don't get me wrong, it's pretty cool-looking out here and all, but you could've at least asked before you threw me out here. I don't want to wind up like those villagers in Vampyr...Not like I think vampires are real or anything! I'm just saying that if you'd find them anywhere, well, you'd probably find them here.

[The next part is faintly audible, as if she is mumbling to herself.]

I really wish I had a flashlight or a lantern or something. I'd even settle for one of those bioluminescent mushrooms.

Third Person Sample

Para-Medic glanced nervously over her shoulder at the last fading remnants of the setting sun. She didn't know why, but the encroaching darkness just felt different than normal.

There was something otherworldly about this place.

It was the sort of thing that would've made an excellent movie, if it had been a movie. She could see it now-- cinemascope, 3D glasses, stereo sound, the works. Something you went to see in a theater with your best friend and a bag of popcorn, where if it got too scary you could just scream and then laugh about it afterwards. Ha.

Her hands brushed through the contents of her shoulder bag, frantically searching until they came across the handle of her Mk. 22. She clutched it, trembling, palms already sweaty. Who knew what was out here, or if the gun would even help? She had bought it on a whim a couple years back, figuring it would be of use in an emergency, but up until now she had never had any reason to use it. It was beginning to look more and more as if the gun might see its first practical application though...

She had no idea where she was, and the writing on the walls all around her didn't exactly paint a very welcoming picture of her new locale. There was a light off in the distance, but all she saw surrounding her was pure, empty black. Even after her eyes adjusted, her field of vision was still limited to a few feet around her in each direction. She hadn't moved an inch since she had arrived, despite a foreboding feeling that it wasn't safe to be out in the open.

It wasn't good to stay still out here.

She took one step forward, then another. The world lurched forward at her, her head still woozy from being suddenly yanked from her own dimension. Steady, steady, she thought to herself, inwardly cursing her decision to wear dress shoes and a skirt to work today. She began walking a little faster, still progressing towards the distant light.


Her foot met with something soft and furry. She froze, not wanting to ponder what it could possibly be. Most likely a dead animal of some kind, but with this place, who knew? She was about to continue walking when a low gurgling rumbled from somewhere behind her. She tightened her grip on the gun and spun around to face what had made the noise, but what she saw almost made her sick.

Standing there before her in the dark was some sort of great bloated animal. The gurgling sound had been replaced by a feverish sort of panting. Only Para-Medic wasn't quite sure how it was panting, because it appeared to have no head. Things didn't need to have heads to have mouths though...Whatever it was, it seemed to have sensed her presence and began lumbering closer, and she saw the gaping toothed hole in the middle of its body. A giant tongue writhed about, oozing saliva over a circle of ragged teeth. She clasped a hand over her mouth, half to keep from gagging at the foul stench emanating from the beast, half to keep from screaming at what she saw.

Para-Medic didn't dare scream.

She ran.

app, siren's pull

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