Text 001

Jul 19, 2010 10:23

If anyone wants any information on any of the spacecraft in the world I'm from, let me know. I'm putting together a packet for someone on Colonial ships - the Vipers, Raptors, Battlestars - so if anyone else wants some information about them, let me know while I'm working on it and I'll pass that along to you.

And if anyone's needing a mechanic...I ( Read more... )

fffff needs a job, !text, viper jock, getting a little stir crazy

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[voice] smokesinspace July 19 2010, 23:29:42 UTC
[well he started writing a text...but then he was just "Screw this shit" and decided to just call]

Spacecraft, huh?


[voice] havemyflaws July 20 2010, 13:22:06 UTC
I'm a pilot, fighter pilot, where I'm from. But I can fly pretty much anything.


[voice] smokesinspace July 23 2010, 19:37:43 UTC
Not bad. Place needs more fliers around here.

So what does yer machine run off of?


[voice] havemyflaws July 23 2010, 19:42:58 UTC
You fly too?

Fuel wise our ships run on Tylium. For propulsion we've got sublight engines and then the FTL or faster-than-light drives.


[voice] smokesinspace July 23 2010, 19:45:29 UTC
Yep. Workin' on buildin' on a plane right now. Ain't no airship, but it'll do.

Tylium? Must be somethin' from yer world. But what's this "faster-than-light" *&^% yer talkin' about?


[voice] havemyflaws July 23 2010, 19:58:41 UTC
What kind of plane we talking about here?

It's an ore that we refine. You get enough of it and a Fleet can keep going for years. FTL drives enable a ship to travel interstellar distances almost instantaneously. Frakking handy in strategic and tactical manoeuvres.


[voice] smokesinspace July 24 2010, 07:19:01 UTC
Nothin' too fancy. Was originally gonna be a prop plane, but looks like it'll be more like a mini-airship with an outdoors deck like my old Highwind.

Back up. Interstellar? Ya mean through space? [low whistle] Damn if we could get our hands on somethin' like that.


[voice] havemyflaws July 24 2010, 08:15:17 UTC
As long as it gets in the sky and stays there right? Is the outdoor deck to make it more like a pleasure ship?

[A short pause while she remembers the Cloud 9. Gods that had been the best place to relax.]

Space travel is the norm where I come from. I've been living in space for a chunk of my adult life since I joined the Colonial Fleet and the last four or so years have been spent pretty much entirely in space.

[She really frakking misses flying and talking about this...she's not sure if it makes things better or worse.]

When I first arrived here I thought I'd be in my Viper but I wasn't. But I do know a lot about repairing craft and helping to build a stealth vessel.


[voice] smokesinspace July 24 2010, 21:59:05 UTC
Nah, just easier for me ta kick people off if they're bein' stupid. [he probably wasn't joking about that either]

Only managed ta get one rocket out ta space, and haven't been able ta touch it since. But we'll get back out there one day.

[small pause, as if considering]

So yer good at workin' with aircraft, eh?


[voice] havemyflaws July 25 2010, 06:01:45 UTC
Frak I could really have gone for that with some of the Nuggets.

Space is something else. I mean yeah, you're out there long enough and you want some time with something solid under you but pretty soon you want back out there.

[She isn't even bragging at the next part. Well, maybe a little but it's more than justified.]

Good enough to figure out an enemy vessel I'd shot down and get it back in the air and back to Galactica when I was running out of oxygen with a busted knee.


[voice] smokesinspace July 26 2010, 00:32:21 UTC
Nuggets? [he's thinking like, you know, the rock kind. must be another colloquial term from her world or something]

I hear ya. Ya'd think in a place like this they'd have at least somethin' for planes or somethin'. Got jack *&$#.

I got a small crew, most of 'em brainless idiots but they follow orders. Things are still goin' slow, though. Want in?


[voice] havemyflaws July 26 2010, 09:17:59 UTC
Trainee pilots. Frakking pains in the ass.

Guess they either don't want us exploring or don't want us trying to get out of here when we actually want to.

[Which is a thought that sort of hurts her brain when she's sober.]

Frak yes. Gotta do something before I go insane from boredom.


[voice] smokesinspace July 26 2010, 21:30:59 UTC
[small snort and short laugh] Yeah I'd wanna throw 'em over, too.

Guess not, bu tit ain't stoppin' me from tryin'. So consider yerself part of the crew. Name's Cid Highwind. Been workin' on a settin' up a base over on that floatin' mountain. Bigger space ta work with.


[voice] havemyflaws July 26 2010, 21:35:54 UTC
Kara Thrace. Or Starbuck. Take your pick. Floating mountain?

[This place just gets better and better doesn't it?]


[voice] smokesinspace July 26 2010, 22:18:47 UTC
Never noticed it? It's above the lake, over by the residential district.


[voice] havemyflaws July 26 2010, 22:24:46 UTC
I've never been to the lake yet; I'm in the industrial district.


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